2024 April Release

Class COOATTREDIT@1.1:FormPage Permanent link for this heading

An object of the class FormPage ("Editor Page") defines a page of an edit form which is used by the Property Editor and the Search. Only the items of the page that belong to the object class the page is used for, and that are visible and readable are displayed on the page. Besides each item is displayed once, even if it is an element of several pages. An object of this class stores information like the title and the small icon of the page, the displayed items, the display items filter, the change notification callback and the help context of the page.

Class Hierarchy

Object > ComponentObject > FormPage

Direct Subclasses


Properties Permanent link for this heading






Multilingual Name

Properties Permanent link for this heading

Multilingual Name (COOSYSTEM@1.1:mlname) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the multilingual name of the object. It stores one name for each supported language.

This field defines the multilingual name of the object.

unique LanguageStringList[] COOSYSTEM@1.1:mlname