2024 April Release

Class COOMSOFFICE@1.1:WinWordObject Permanent link for this heading

Class Hierarchy

Object > ContentObject > WinWordObject

Additional Information

  • Commonly usable

Actions Permanent link for this heading

Return Type



  out retval content wordcontent)




  string[] alternativetexts,
  any[] pictures)


  string alternativetext,
  any[] entries,
  AttributeDefinition[] attributes,
  optional boolean includeheaders)


  optional integer unused1,
  optional integer unused2)

Actions Permanent link for this heading

FSCTEMPLATEMGMT@1.1001:GetResolvedWordContent Permanent link for this heading

Retrieves the word content with resolved text modules. Both, linked text modules and placeholder text modules will be resolved. If the object refers linked text modules (contentlinkedmodules), it is assumed that no placeholder text modules are in the document, since a mixture of both types is not supported.
The content is read from the content.
Placeholder text modules are resolved even if keepplaceholder is set on the text module. For a detailed description of resolving text modules see ResolveTextModules.

content FSCTEMPLATEMGMT@1.1001:GetResolvedWordContent(
  out retval content wordcontent)




the word content with resolved text modules. If the object has no text modules assign, null is returned.

FSCTEMPLATEMGMT@1.1001:ResolveTextModules Permanent link for this heading

Resolves text modules in the current object and updates content.
Both, linked text modules and placeholder text modules will be resolved. If the object refers linked text modules (property contentlinkedmodules contains a value), it is assumed that no placeholder text modules are in the document, since a mixture of both types is not supported.
When using linked text modules or resolving placeholder text modules in a document the document and the text modules have to use the same formatting styles! It is even recommended to use the same Microsoft Word template. Otherwise it could be possible that there are some styles mismatch when resolving or updating text modules.

Notes about linked text modules
The following is currently supported for linked text modules:
  • Resolve linked text modules (including "inline" linked text modules that are located within paragraphs).
  • Resolve linked text modules of the classes StaticTextModuleWord and StaticTextModuleText.
  • Resolve linked text modules containing other linked text modules (inner text modules).
  • Resolve linked text modules containing numbering lists.
The following is currently not supported with linked text modules:
  • Update an "inline" linked text module with "non-inline" (paragraph) linked text module (linked text module which contains multiple paragraphs, tables, etc.).
  • Deal with linked text module which has headers/footers or track changing comments.
  • Adapt linked text module numbering lists based on other linked text module numbering lists.

Note about placeholder text modules
Placeholder text modules are resolved even if keepplaceholder is set on the text module.

void FSCTEMPLATEMGMT@1.1001:ResolveTextModules()

FSCAPPTOOLS@1.1001:UpdatePictures Permanent link for this heading

Updates pictures in a Microsoft Word file.

void FSCAPPTOOLS@1.1001:UpdatePictures(
  string[] alternativetexts,
  any[] pictures)




alternative text identifiers of pictures in the Microsoft Word file


pictures (either objects of class ContentObject or aggregates of type Content)

FSCAPPTOOLS@1.1001:UpdateTable Permanent link for this heading

Updates a table in a Microsoft Word file.
If the value of a cell contains the string "<~null~>" the cell is blanked.
If the value of a cell contains the string "<~leave~>" the cell is not changed.

void FSCAPPTOOLS@1.1001:UpdateTable(
  string alternativetext,
  any[] entries,
  AttributeDefinition[] attributes,
  optional boolean includeheaders)




alternative text identifier of the table in the Microsoft Word file


Lines of the table (either objects or aggregates)


columns of the table


use names of attributes as the first row

FSCAPPTOOLS@1.1001:UpdateTables Permanent link for this heading

Updates any tables in Microsoft Word document.
A table is identified by an object list or an aggregate list of the category of the object or its file.
For an object list, all visible attributes of the default category of the attribute are generated.
For an aggregate list, all visible attributes of the aggregate are generated. All aggregates must have the same type.
No header data is generated.
The short reference of the attribute surrounded by "<" and ">" is used as identifier of a table.
A table in Microsoft Word must be marked with an alternative text that corresponds to the identifier of the attribute. If the value of a cell contains the string "<~null~>" the cell is blanked.
If the value of a cell contains the string "<~leave~>" the cell is not changed.

void FSCAPPTOOLS@1.1001:UpdateTables(
  optional integer unused1,
  optional integer unused2)





Additional Information