2024 April Release

Class COOWF@1.1:CaseStartInstance Permanent link for this heading

Objects of this class are used for the start point of a case switch in a process instance. Case switches are represented by two objects, one representing the start point, that contains the condition, and one representing the end point.
The condition of a case switch is always based on an enumeration type. You can specify a property of that type that is used to retrieve the result of the case switch. Or you can specify an action, that is called to determine the result of the case switch.

Class Hierarchy

Object > InstanceElement > CaseStartInstance

Direct Subclasses


Properties Permanent link for this heading






Predecessor Activities






End of Switch



Evaluated on/at



Successor Activities for Specific Property Values






Skipped on/at

Properties Permanent link for this heading

Predecessor Activities (COOWF@1.1:actinstprev) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the list of process instance elements that preceed the instance element in the process instance.

unique InstanceElement[] COOWF@1.1:actinstprev readonly

Title (COOWF@1.1:actinsttitle) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the title of the activity instance. This is a multilingual string.
If the activity instance is created from an activity definition, this property is initialized with the value of actdeftitle.

unique LanguageStringList[] COOWF@1.1:actinsttitle

End of Switch (COOWF@1.1:instcaseend) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the end part of the CASE-element instance in a process instance.

CaseEndInstance COOWF@1.1:instcaseend not null readonly

Evaluated on/at (COOWF@1.1:instcaseevaluated) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the date and time the CASE-element of the process instance was evaluated. This property is set automatically and must not be changed afterwards.

The point in time on which the expression has been evaluated.

date COOWF@1.1:instcaseevaluated local readonly

Successor Activities for Specific Property Values (COOWF@1.1:instcasenext) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the list of start instance elements for the particular paths of the CASE-element. One of these paths has to be completed in order to complete the CASE-element. The value of the CASE-element property or the result of the evaluation action determines which of these path has to be completed.

unique CaseNextInstanceList[] COOWF@1.1:instcasenext not null readonly

Result (COOWF@1.1:instcaseresult) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the result value of the evaluation of the CASE-element in a process instance. This property is set automatically and must not be changed afterwards.

integer COOWF@1.1:instcaseresult readonly

Skipped on/at (COOWF@1.1:instcaseskipped) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the date and time when the case element was canceled cause a differen path of a superior control elemet was activated.

date COOWF@1.1:instcaseskipped local readonly