2024 April Release

Class COOWF@1.1:WorkList Permanent link for this heading

An object of this class defines the worklist of a user, which contains the activities that are assigned to the user and that he can complete ("To Do List"). New activity instances (with state Startable) are displayed in the worklist with a bold name. If the user completes an activity instance it is removed from the worklist.
The object list worklistitems contains all activity instances the user has to complete. The object list worklistmanitems contains all activity instances a user without a user environment has to complete and for which the user is reponsible to track start and completion. The object list worklistbackitems contains the activities and wait actions that are executed in the background for the user. The object list worklistsuspitems contains the list of suspended activities and of activities that are not yet ready to be submitted to the user.
If the completion of an activity instance is not started or completed in time an appropriate message is displayed when the user opens his worklist. Such activities are displayed in the worklist with italic name.
By default the worklist is checked for new activity instances automatically every 5 minutes. You can change this interval in the User Timer objects of the users.

In the Worklist tasks to be completed are clearly displayed as a "to do" list. The worklist is the central element of the workflow.

Class Hierarchy

Object > CompoundObject > WorkList

Additional Information

  • Commonly usable