2024 April Release

Class FSCSCHEDULE@1.1001:GroupDeadlinePool Permanent link for this heading

Defines an object per group that can be used to schedule long running deadlines for the group. The deadlines can be scheduled on this object as on every other object.
Note: If the deadline should be executed on a specific object e.g. an AppConfigurationRoom or an AppRoom the object must be supplied in ndparameterobjs of the deadlines aggregate longtermdeadlines. The parameter object is available in the global scope in the evaluation of the deadline.

Class Hierarchy

Object > BasicObject > GroupDeadlinePool

Properties Permanent link for this heading






Multilingual Name

Properties Permanent link for this heading

Multilingual Name (COOSYSTEM@1.1:mlname) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the multilingual name of the object. It stores one name for each supported language.

This field defines the multilingual name of the object.

unique LanguageStringList[] COOSYSTEM@1.1:mlname