2024 April Release

COOWF@1.1:procdefvisibleexpr Permanent link for this heading

Expression for Determining the Visibility

Defines the visible expression for the process definition. This condition is used to hide the process definition to the end users when they are able to start a specified process or insert the process in a subprocess.

If the new process should be initialized as subprocess of an existing process the current process is available in variable process.
The previous process elements are passed into variable prevelements.
If the current process is executed on more than one object all objects of the process are available in variable allprocessobjects.

Defines an app.ducx expression that determines whether the process is offered for selection when a process is started (see also procdefvisibleexpr).

string[] COOWF@1.1:procdefvisibleexpr (
  optional object object,
  optional ProcessInstance process,
  object[] allprocessobjects,
  object[] prevelements)

Local Scope: dictionary
Returns: boolean




the object of the process


the process instance


if there is more than one object of the process the additional objects are supplied with this


the previous instance elements when the process is inserted as a sub process