The functionality described in the following chapters is available to end users.
The Fabasoft Cloud provides different log-in methods and access possibilities.
Use Case | Description |
Log in | Users can log in with user name and password, client certificates, ID Austria, SAML 2.0 or Active Directory. For two-factor authentication SMS PIN, e-mail PIN and one-time password with RADIUS server are available. |
Access possibilities | Access is possible with all common web browsers, WebDAV, CMIS and an own iOS or Android app. For more information, see the document “Technical Information”. With data locations you can define the physical data location of your data. The following data locations are available:
Insight Apps | Insight apps provide aggregated access to information in your cloud organization, customized to your needs. |
Integration for OData | With the integration for OData, structured data can be accessed via the standardized OData protocol. Note: This functionality is licensed on a volume basis. |
Accessibility | Accessibility is a basic concept of Fabasoft Products. Operation with assistive technologies such as screen readers and screen magnifiers is nearly generally possible. For more information, see the document “Technical Information”. |
Languages | The user interface is available in 22 languages: Bulgarian, Chinese (simplified), German, English, French, Croatian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Czech, Turkish and Hungarian. |
The web client provides superb ease of use, which you often miss in other web applications.
Use Case | Description |
Responsive design | The layout of the web client adapts to the size of the display. |
Editing documents | Documents can be edited and saved directly in the corresponding third-party application. You will not notice any difference to the work in a file system. |
Drag and drop | Within the web client drag and drop is used to move documents and folders. |
Uploading | Files and complete folder structures can be easily imported via drag and drop, Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V or the “Upload” menu. A comprehensive list of import options depending on the web browser and the chosen method, see the document “Technical information”. |
Downloading | Documents can be saved in the file system via Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V or the “Download” menu. Folder structures or documents are downloaded as a ZIP file. |
Sending links | Hyperlinks to folders and documents can be directly inserted into an e-mail via a menu command. The documents stay in the solution with secure access rights and the recipients have access to the current state of the documents. |
Full keyboard access | The web client can be completely handled with the keyboard. |
Navigation | Complex storage structures are no problem. The tree navigation and breadcrumbs quickly lead to the desired folder. Navigating is even faster with personal favorites. |
Views | The presentation of documents in Teamrooms and folders can be customized. The focus is either on the preview of the contents or the metadata of the documents. |
Column view | The column view can be used to manage many documents in a single list. For adapting the representation following options are available:
Follow-ups | Users can define follow-ups for documents. Upon reaching the follow-up date, an e-mail is sent or a process is started. |
Exchanging documents and collaboration with users is offered via so called Teamrooms.
Within a Teamroom the collaboration of a team is managed – from inviting members to managing individual access rights.
Use Case | Description |
Managing Teamrooms | The collaboration is achieved through Teamrooms and the teams defined therein. Teamrooms can be structured with folders. |
Providing access rights | Team members can be granted access rights on Teamrooms (read access, change access, full control). The restriction of members of a Teamroom to certain organizations is also possible. |
Personalizing Teamrooms | The branding functionality allows defining a logo and description for Teamrooms. |
Encrypting Teamrooms | For Teamrooms it can be defined whether assigned documents are encrypted. If you read, edit or upload documents the encryption and decryption is carried out on the client. Thus, no unencrypted documents are transferred or stored. Note:
Transferring/Publishing Teamrooms | Teamrooms, including folder structures and documents, can be transferred or published from one system to a target system. Teamrooms can also be transferred or published to another data location. Transferred Teamrooms can be further processed in the target system and, if necessary, retrieved with the changes. Published Teamrooms are available for reading in the target system and can be published again if necessary. |
Using the calendar | The team calendar provides a common calendar to coordinate team activities. The CalDAV support allows integrating the calendar into third-party products (e.g. Apple iCal or Apple Calendar app). |
Using the newsfeed | Newsfeeds provide the team the possibility to informally share news and discuss within a Teamroom. |
Showing new events | If there are changes in a Teamroom, they can be viewed and also received by e-mail. |
Wastebasket | The Teamroom wastebasket protects against accidental deletion of documents. Only team members with full control are entitled to empty the wastebasket. |
Inbox | In an inbox, rules can be defined for processing incoming objects. A rule consists of conditions and actions. |
Form Inbox | The form inbox allows to upload files from any website using an HTML form. |
Documents can be directly opened in the corresponding third-party application and saved.
Use Case | Description |
Editing documents | Documents can be edited and resaved directly in the corresponding third-party application. You will not notice any difference to the work in a file system. This functionality is provided by the Fabasoft Cloud Client. A wide support for common office software on all platforms is offered (e.g. Microsoft Office, Apple iWork and LibreOffice). For more information about the supported third-party products, see the document “Technical Information”. |
Commenting documents | PDF documents or documents that can be converted into PDF documents can be commented using an external PDF viewer. The comments are extracted from the PDF document and saved in a public or personal layer. |
Signing documents digitally | Documents can be signed digitally with a certificate. Note: In the course of the "Signing documents digitally" use case, a logged-in user can digitally sign documents using the “Fabasoft Business Process Cloud Digital Signatures” certificate (“Sign Digitally” function). This certificate is not a personal or organizational certificate of the logged-in user. A signature with this certificate merely confirms that the logged-in user has executed the “Sign Digitally” function and that a document with a valid signature of this certificate has not been modified since the signature process. Fabasoft will not be
The “Sign Digitally” function is not a substitute for more extensive legal formal requirements. It is the sole responsibility of the customer or the logged-in user to verify the required legal validity of such a signature. The “Sign Digitally” function is not an electronic signature within the meaning of the Federal Act on Electronic Signatures (Signature Act). |
Classifying documents | In conjunction with Mindbreeze InSpire, documents can be automatically classified and metadata can be extracted. Note: The classification and metadata extraction is provided by Mindbreeze InSpire. This appliance must be purchased separately. |
Editing encrypted documents | When editing documents, the encrypted documents are automatically decrypted locally and opened in the corresponding third-party product. When saving, the documents are encrypted again before transmission. For the end user, this means no loss of convenience. |
Performing text recognition | An inbox rule can be used to perform text recognition (German, English) on documents that can be converted to PDF. Note: This functionality is licensed on a volume basis. |
Importing e-mails | E-mails (Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird) can be imported with drag and drop or Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V. The e-mail content and attachments are viewable directly without a third-party application. |
Playing video and audio files | Depending on the web browser and video format, videos can be directly played in the web client. For more information about the supported formats, see the document “Technical Information”. |
Editing images | A basic editing of images (rotate, zoom, crop) is directly possible in the web client. To use images outside the solution (e.g. for presentations) export possibilities are offered in a variety of formats and sizes. |
Using public links | For each Teamroom can be defined whether public links are allowed. Public links allow people without an account to read and download documents. |
Auditability | The so-called "time travel" allows viewing documents and even whole Teamrooms at certain time in the past. As a result, changes are traceable and older states can be restored if necessary. In addition, the possibility is offered, to compare metadata and content (Microsoft Word) of an older version with the current version. Release versions allow continuing to work on a document while users with read access see the release version. The continuous versioning ensures complete traceability. |
User-defined forms | Starting from a graphical form editor additional metadata can be added to objects. |
Users can be involved in the processing of business objects via a workflow.
Use Case | Description |
Workflow | The workflow enables the digital mapping and running of your business processes. |
Modelling processes with BPMN 2.0 | With a graphical process editor, you can model business processes based on BPMN 2.0 (Business Process Model and Notation). With the workflow engine the modelled business processes can be executed digitally. |
Workflow Substitutions | The substitutes receive all activities of the user they substitute within the defined period of time. Objects to which the substitute has no access are filtered. |
Process statistics | To obtain an overview of the running processes, several process statistics are available that illuminate the individual aspects of process execution. |
Mobile workflow access | The Fabasoft Cloud App for iOS or Android enables convenient processing of work steps on the go. |
Finding instead of searching. Enjoy the benefits of an intuitive full-text search.
Use Case | Description |
Searching | The integrated full-text search allows you to find quickly the desired information. Actions can be performed directly on the search result. When searching the access rights are taken into account. Only hits are displayed that can be accessed by the respective user. |
Get a comprehensive view of your company knowledge.
Use Case | Description |
AI Functionality | The AI functionality (artificial intelligence) is provided via Mindbreeze InSpire. Depending on your solution, this includes 360-degree views, interactive exploded views and generative AI. Note:
The Cloud Folder allows synchronizing contents with your local devices. So, the current state of your data is not only available in the web client but also directly on your local hard disk.
Use Case | Description |
Synchronization | The Cloud Folder allows synchronizing folders and documents automatically to the local file system and vice versa. This functionality is available on Microsoft Windows and Apple macOS (see “Technical Information”). |
Whether with laptop, tablet or smartphone, whether with web browser, iOS App or Android App, you have access to your data and documents.
Web Browser
Access with a web browser is available on all major mobile devices. The web client adapts to the size of your mobile device. Note that when using the web client on tablets and smartphones no documents can be directly edited.
iOS App
With the iOS App “Fabasoft Cloud” you can access your Teamrooms and data on your iPad or iPhone.
Use Case | Description |
Navigating in lists | The app allows easy navigation in lists and offers the following additional options:
Creating Teamrooms and folders | Teamrooms and folders can be created via the app. |
Uploading documents | Documents can be uploaded directly from your smartphone or tablet. |
Reading documents | The documents can be read either directly in the app or via third-party apps like Apple Pages. |
Commenting documents | Documents can be commented via the integrated PDF viewer. |
Accessing encrypted documents | When accessing documents in encrypted Teamrooms, the “Fabasoft Cloud” app will decrypt files with the help of Fabasoft Secomo. |
Using the offline mode | Synchronized documents can also be accessed without an Internet connection. |
Searching | The search for data can be performed on all Teamrooms with access rights. |
Workflow access | The worklist enables mobile processing of work items. |
Android App
With the Android App “Fabasoft Cloud” you can access your Teamrooms and data on your Android tablet or smartphone.
Use Case | Description |
Navigating in lists | The app allows easy navigation in lists and offers the following additional options:
Creating Teamrooms and folders | Teamrooms and folders can be created via the app. |
Uploading documents | Documents can be uploaded directly from your smartphone or tablet. |
Reading documents | The documents can be read either directly in the app or via third-party apps like ThinkFree Office. |
Editing documents | Depending on the functionality of the third-party apps, documents can be edited and resaved. |
Commenting documents | Documents can be commented via the integrated PDF viewer. |
Accessing encrypted documents | When accessing documents in encrypted Teamrooms, the “Fabasoft Cloud” app will decrypt files with the help of Fabasoft Secomo. |
Using the offline mode | Synchronized documents can also be accessed without an Internet connection. |
Searching | The search for data can be performed on all Teamrooms with access rights. |
Workflow access | The worklist enables mobile processing of work items. |
You can adapt the solution to your requirements by means of model-based customizing.
Use Case | Description |
Dashboard | The templates and presettings dashboard is the central access point to the customizing. When a user is added to a customizing configuration, a dashboard is automatically created and placed on “Home”. When a user is removed again, the dashboard is also removed. |
Configuration | In the customizing configuration, app administrators can manage collections, general settings and app users. |
Collections for templates and presettings | Collections are used to manage templates, text modules, insight apps, forms, categories, processes, presettings and to define access rights. |
Defining templates | Almost all object types can serve as templates. In addition, settings can be made in that are particularly relevant when using fields in Word templates. Text module placeholders can also be inserted in Word templates, which are replaced by the content of the text module when the template is instantiated. |
Using templates | In the create dialog the templates with the template category as additional text are displayed in the “Templates” area. For templates without a template category, “Miscellaneous” is used as additional text. During creation, a copy of the template is created, which you can edit independently of the template. |
Defining text modules | Text modules can be used to insert predefined standard texts in Microsoft Word documents. There are two types of text modules:
Using text modules | In Microsoft Word an own ribbon is provided that allows you to insert text modules. |
Defining and using insight apps | Insight apps provide aggregated access to information in your cloud organization, customized to your needs. |
Defining and using forms and categories | User-defined forms can be used to add fields to objects for storing application-specific data. Categories can be assigned to objects and thus influence the behavior of the objects. |
Defining processes | There are two types of process templates:
Using processes | The defined processes are offered for selection when using processes (e.g. “Tools” > “Start New Process”). |
Defining presettings | There are three types of presettings:
Using presettings | You can apply the display settings in lists. Search forms can be selected during a search (e.g. in a search folder). Time intervals can be selected for a follow-up, for example. |
Personal templates, processes and presettings | Each user can define his own templates, processes and presettings in the “Personal Templates", “Personal Processes” and “Personal Presettings” area. |
The contact management allows you to create and manage contacts in contact rooms. Based on user-defined criteria you can specify address lists that can be exported for sending newsletters, for example.
Use Case | Description |
Dashboard | The contact management dashboard is the central access point to the contact management. When a user is added to a contact management configuration, a dashboard is automatically created and placed on “Home”. When a user is removed again, the dashboard is also removed. |
Configuration | In the contacts configuration, contact administrators can define settings for the metadata of contacts and manage app users. |
Contact rooms | Contact rooms are used to manage contacts in a structured way and to define access rights and default categories. |
Creating contact persons | A contact object is used to manage a contact's metadata. |
Creating organizations | An organization object is used to manage an organization's metadata. |
Duplicate check | When creating or changing contacts, the system checks whether a corresponding contact already exists. Duplicate matching is only performed with contacts that are accessible to the user performing the action. If a duplicate has been found, the contacts can be cleaned up or merged in a dialog. |
Changing the assignment of contacts | Contacts can be assigned to another contact room. |
Using address lists | Address lists can be created in a contact room (rights context). However, the contacts in address lists can be collected from different contact rooms. |
Importing and exporting contacts | The import and export of contacts is possible in address lists. Contacts can be imported and updated using a CSV or XLSX file or exported as a CSV file. A serial e-mail can be used to send personalized e-mails to defined recipients from the contact management (an own SMTP server has to bed defined in the organization). |
Deleting contacts | In order to delete a contact (put it in the wastebasket), change rights are required. If property values of the contact are assigned to another contact room, change rights are also required in this room. |
Using address books | Read-only access to contacts is also possible via third-party products such as “Apple Contacts”, which support the CardDAV standard. |
Scrum enables the coordination of agile software projects.
Use Case | Description |
Dashboard | The scrum management dashboard is the central access point to the scrum management. When a user is added to a scrum management configuration, a dashboard is automatically created and placed on “Home”. When a user is removed again, the dashboard is also removed. |
Scrum center | In the scrum center, scrum administrators can manage scrum projects, general settings and app users. |
Scrum projects | Scrum projects are used to manage the scrum artifacts (stories, defects, etc.) and define the scrum team. |
Stories, defects and impediments | Stories, defects and impediments are the items a scrum team works on. The respective status shows the work progress. |
Tasks | Stories and defects can be divided into work units by tasks. The respective status shows the work progress. |
Sprints | A sprint includes stories and defects to be processed and usually takes a few weeks. |
Product versions and releases | Stories can be assigned to product versions and releases. This allows you to monitor the progress of the stories required for a shipment. |
Reports | Defect reports, burn-down and velocity graphics provide a quick status overview. |