2024 October Release

Administration Help: DAM ConfigurationPermanent link for this heading

In the DAM configuration, you can specify download formats, categories, user-defined custom forms, BPMN processes, tags, thesauri, available optional fields, general settings, and app users.

DAM configurations can be created in the organization by the organization owner, organization administrator or payment user. The defined DAM administrators can edit the corresponding DAM configurations.

Note: As app administrator, you can use the digital asset management dashboard to gain access to the corresponding configuration.

AreasPermanent link for this heading

The DAM configuration is divided in following areas:

  • Download Formats
    Displays the available download formats. You can modify the download formats (“Properties” context menu command) or delete them (“Delete” context menu command).
    Note: The “Original Format” cannot be deleted.
  • Asset Shelf Structure
    Displays the top-level asset shelves that are used to manage the assets.
  • All Asset Shelves
    Displays all asset shelves independent of the level.
  • External Content Sources
    Displays the configured external data sources that can be used to import assets. The “Connect Adobe Stock” action allows you to store the connection data of an Adobe Stock service account. In addition, enter a destination shelf for the assets, the maximum number of assets to be imported per import process, the interval at which an automatic import is to be performed and the media types to be imported.
    In the external data source the following actions are provided:
    • Execute Import Now
      Starts the import interactively.
    • Deactivate Connection
      If you no longer want to import assets, you can disable the connection.
    • Show Profile Data
      Displays your Adobe Stock profile data. Click the “Buy Credits” button to purchase additional credits from Adobe Stock.
    • Show Purchase History
      Displays your Adobe Stock purchase history.
  • Status
    Displays the generated (editing) status.
  • Insight Apps
    Displays the generated Insight Apps.
  • Forms and Categories
    Displays the available forms and categories.
    Note: To be able to store forms and categories in a different context, you must adjust the Restrict Shortcuts Within Teamroom field in the configuration settings accordingly.
  • Processes
    Enables the creation of BPMN processes for processing digital assets within a workflow.
  • Templates
    In the create dialog (e.g. “New” context menu command in a Teamroom) the templates are displayed according to the grouping by the template categories.
  • Text Modules
    Defined text modules can be inserted into Word documents.
  • Tags
    Displays the available tags for indexing your assets.
  • Thesauri
    Displays the thesauri in which terms can be managed for indexing your assets.
  • Presettings
    Displays the presettings provided by the configuration (display settings, search forms, time intervals).
  • Failed Background Tasks
    Displays failed background tasks (only visible, if at least one failed background task is available). You can execute the following manual actions: “Define Next Execution”, “Send Link” and “Delete”.

ActionsPermanent link for this heading

You can execute the following actions:

  • Create Download Format
    With the “Create Download Format” action you can create download formats for images, audios, videos and documents (generic content). Depending on the type, you can specify different parameters. In addition, you can define who is entitled to use the download format.
  • Create Asset Shelf
    With the “Create Asset Shelf” action you can create new asset shelves.
  • Translations
    The “Translations” action can be used to export or import a CSV file containing the multilingual names of the customizing objects. This enables an external translation.
  • Show New Events
    This action allows app administrators to display changes and events in the current context - in this case, the DAM configuration.
  • Open Wastebasket
    With the action "Open Wastebasket" you can display objects moved to the wastebasket.
  • Settings
    With the “Settings” action you can define further configuration settings.
  • Team
    With the “Team” action you can define app administrators who are allowed to edit the configuration. App members are entitled to use the digital asset management. The respective access rights are defined in the DAM shelves.
    Note: Based on the defined users, the consumed licenses are calculated.

SettingsPermanent link for this heading

To define DAM configuration settings, navigate to your DAM dashboard, switch to configuration, and select the “Settings” action in the tool area. You can define the following settings there in the various tabs:

Tab General Settings

  • Name
    The name of the configuration.
  • Subject
    Defines an additional description of the configuration.
  • Holiday table
    Defines the holiday table for this context.
  • Restrict Shortcuts Within Teamroom
    Defines which kind of shortcuts may be stored in the configuration.
  • Restrict the Downloading or Opening of Content on the Device
    Allows to restrict team members who can open or download content on the device.
  • All Team Members May Add Members
    Defines whether all team members can add users to the team or only team members with full control.
  • Restrict Team Members
    Defines the organizations, organizational units, teams and external organizations whose members may be added to the configuration.
  • Main Administrator
    Defines the user who will receive the automatically generated e-mail messages concerning the configuration. Otherwise, all app administrators receive the e-mail messages. The user is also listed as contact in case of missing permissions.
  • Support Team
    The support team handles the organization-internal management of support requests in the respective context.
  • Activate Advanced Mode
    Advanced mode includes, for example, working with multiple shelves, as well as managing templates and presets.
  • Activate Trace Output
    For example, as a form designer, when you use expressions for calculation or validation, it can sometimes be difficult to identify errors in the expressions. To simplify analysis, you can write trace output to the web browser console (cooobj.Trace("string"); or cooobj.Trace("string", value);).

TabDAM Configuration

  • Fields for Digital Assets
    Defines which optional fields are to be displayed for assets.
  • Mandatory Fields for Digital Assets
    Defines digital asset fields that must contain a value.
  • Minimum Number of Terms to Be Assigned
    Defines the minimum number of terms that must be defined for an asset.
  • Registering New Digital Assets
    Defines whether the registration dialog is opened when new assets are stored in an asset shelf.
  • Automatically Generate Terms When Registering Digital Assets
    Defines whether index words are automatically generated as terms if they do not already exist.
    Note: Registering New Digital Assets has to be enabled.
  • Subordinate Generated Terms to This Term
    The generated terms are subordinated to the specified term.
  • Use Licensing
    Defines whether the fields for licensing are displayed. Assets without a valid license can only be downloaded by app administrators.
  • Fields for Licensing
    Defines which fields are displayed for licensing.
  • Mandatory Fields for Licensing
    Defines licensing fields that must contain a value.
  • License Types (License Text Changeable)
    Defines license types for which the license text can be manually adjusted per asset.
    As Scope Note of the license type, you can define the license text. This text is taken over as License Text when choosing a license type for the asset. In the Related Terms, you can define usage types, which will be prefilled when selecting a license for an asset.
  • License Types (License Text Not Changeable)
    Defines license types for which the license text cannot be adjusted manually.
    As Scope Note of the license type, you can define the license text. This text is taken over as License Text when choosing a license type for the asset. In the Related Terms, you can define usage types, which will be prefilled when selecting a license for an asset.
  • Usage Types
    The defined usage types can be assigned to assets.
  • Allow Editing of Image Properties (Exif, IPTC, XMP)
    Defines whether image properties of JPG and PNG images can be modified.
  • Editable General Properties
    Defines general image properties that are editable.
  • Editable Exif Properties
    Defines Exif image properties that are editable.

Tab Logos

The defined logos and background image are used for DAM configuration and personal dashboards.

Tab Default Values”

  • Default Thesaurus for New Terms
    If a default thesaurus is specified, new terms can be created directly during indexing.
  • Default Categories
    When an object is created, the specified category is assigned according to the defined object class. In the Apply to field, you can specify whether the setting applies to instances, templates, or both.
  • Default Processes
    When an object is created, the specified process is assigned according to the defined object class or category. In the Apply to field, you can specify whether the setting applies to instances, templates, or both.
  • Default Background Tasks
    When an object is created, the specified background tasks are assigned.
  • Approval process for templates and presets
    In order to use templates, text modules, forms and categories, processes and presettings, they must be released. If a process is to be used for the release, a BPMN process diagram can be assigned here. Release processes must contain the activity "Release for Usage".

Tab Content Settings

  • Allow Comments
    Specifies whether PDF annotations can be applied to documents.
  • Note: If enabled, you can specify additional settings for the allowed and preferred type (public/private) of comments and define whether users with read-only rights can also comment publicly.
  • Allow Public Links
    Defines whether public links may be published.
    Note: If enabled, you can make additional settings: you can block content downloading and set default values for access protection (validity period and password protection).
  • Generate Cover Sheet for PDF Overviews of Documents
    Defines whether a cover sheet is generated for PDF overviews of documents.
  • Use Watermarks
    Defines whether documents are automatically converted into protected PDF documents with a definable watermark.
  • Remove PDF document restrictions on upload.
    You can specify whether PDF document restrictions are removed during upload. This does not remove user passwords.

Note: Settings defined in the DAM configuration apply to all asset shelves. To define settings for individual asset shelves, users with "All Rights" can define them in the settings of the asset shelf.

Registering AssetsPermanent link for this heading

You can define whether the registration dialog is opened when new assets are stored in an asset shelf. To enable registration of new assets, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the DAM configuration.
  2. Select the "Settings" action in the tool area.
  3. Navigate to the “DAM Configuration” tab.
  4. Set the checkbox in the Register New Digital Assets field.
  5. Configure the Register dialog by specifying which metadata fields are displayed to users within “Fields for Digital Assets” and specify mandatory fields for successful registration within “Mandatory fields for Digital Assets”.
  6. Note: You can further configure the registration process in this context by defining how terms and license information is handled. Given the functionalities are enabled.

LicensingPermanent link for this heading

You can define whether the fields for licensing are displayed. Assets without a valid license can only be downloaded by administrators. To enable licensing, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the DAM configuration.
  2. Select the "Settings" action in the tool area.
  3. Navigate to the “DAM Configuration” tab.
  4. Set the checkbox in the Use licensing field.
  5. Further configure licensing by selecting the fields within “Fields for Licensing”, “Mandatory fields for Licensing”, and generating the license and usage types for your users to select.

Note: When licensing is enabled, digital assets without a valid license are marked accordingly and can only be downloaded by administrators.

Download FormatsPermanent link for this heading

You can define the following download formats. When downloading, the content is converted according to the selected download format.

Download Format for Audio

  • Output Format
    Output formats MP3, OGG and “Original Format” are available.

Download Format for Images

  • Conversion mode
    • Simple conversion
      Provides standard options for simple image conversions.
    • Advanced conversion
      Provides additional options for more complex image conversions
  • Adjust Image
    • Do Not Adjust
      The image is not changed.
    • Adjust Aspect Ratio and Size
      Aspect Ratio: The image is cut corresponding to the defined aspect ratio. If a maximum size is additionally defined, this is taken into account.
      Maximum Size: Defines the maximum height and width of the image. The image is not distorted but scaled to the desired size.
    • Adjustable at Download
      Image adjustments can be set by the user when downloading.
  • Output Format
    Output formats JPEG, JPG, PDF, PNG, TIFF, TIF and “Original Format” are available.
  • Width
    Specifies the width of the converted image in pixels.
  • Height
    Specifies the height of the converted image in pixels.
  • DPI
    Specifies the resolution of the converted image (in "dots per inch").  
  • Color space
    The values RGB, sRGB, CMYK and Grey are available as the target color space.
  • Color profile
    Allows the upload of an ICC color profile file.
  • Type
    Allows you to choose between proportional image scaling and proportional cropping.
  • Remove metadata
    Removes the embedded image metadata during conversion.
  • Background color
    Color value for the definition of a background color in rrggbb format.

Download Format for Documents (general content)

  • Output Format
    Output formats PDF and “Original Format” are available.

Download Format for Videos

  • Resolution
    Defines the resolution to which the video should be converted. Only if the resolution of the video is higher than the specified one, it will be converted.
  • Output Format
    Output formats MP4, OGV, WEBM and “Original Format” are available.


  • In addition, the download format “Original Format” is available by default (contents are downloaded unchanged).
  • You can use the Permissions field to specify the users who are offered the download format.
  • Sample download formats are provided, which you can customize or delete as required.

StatusPermanent link for this heading

Assets can be marked with (processing) status. Status cannot be set manually by users, but are always linked to the completion of specific tasks of predefined default processes. Only administrators have the ability to create status and specify when they are set automatically.

To do this, you must first create at least one status. Since status cannot be set manually by users, but only automatically by the completion of tasks as part of assigned processes, you must secondly link the generated status to the task of your process.

Create Status

To create a status, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the DAM configuration.
  2. Go to the "Status" area.
  3. Select the "Create Status" action in the tool area.
  4. Assign a (multilingual) name, choose a status icon and optionally a background color.
  5. Confirm with "Next".

Note: Repeat these steps if you want to create multiple status.

Automated Status-Setting

In order for your created status to be set automatically, you must link it to the completion of a task. To do so, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the DAM configuration.
  2. Go to the "Status" area.
  3. Click "Properties" in the context menu of the status.
  4. Copy or make a note of the "Fabasoft Cloud ID" of the status. You will find this in the "General" tab.
    Note: The Fabasoft Cloud ID always starts with "COO....".
  5. Close the properties of the status and navigate to the "Processes" section of your DAM configuration.
  6. Select and open an existing process or create a new BPMN process diagram.
  7. Select the task whose completion you want to link to the status change by double-clicking on it.
  8. Navigate to the “Extended” tab of the task.
  9. Store the following expression in the field Expression When Completing the Activity, including the "Fabasoft Cloud ID" noted in step or from your clipboard:
    cooobj.FSCFOLIO@1.1001:bostate =
  10. Confirm with "Apply" and "Next".
  11. Release the process for usage by selecting the "Release for Usage" or "Re-release" action in the processes tool area.

Note: More detailed information on process modeling using the BPMN 2.0 standard can be found in the Fabasoft Cloud User Help in the chapter "Modeling Business Processes with BPMN 2.0: new window".

ThesauriPermanent link for this heading

In the Thesauri area, terms are managed that can be used for indexing. Thesauri are hierarchically nested term-trees. You can create them manually or import existing thesauri. To do so, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the DAM configuration.
  2. Go to the "Thesauri" section.
  3. Select the "New" action in the tool area.
  4. Chose a (multilingual) name for your thesaurus and confirm with "Next".
  5. Select the action "Create top concept" in the tool area of your created thesaurus to create a top-level concept. Repeat the step until you have generated all your top-level terms.
  6. Navigate to a term on the top level in order to create further terms in it via the action "Create sub-term" analogous to step 5. Repeat the previous steps until you have created the desired term structure.


  • You can create multiple hierarchy levels by creating more sub-terms at the lowest level.
  • You can move (sub-) terms in your term structure using drag-and-drop or copy-and-paste.
  • Duplicate terms can be merged using the context menu command "Tools" > "Merge Term". The term to be replaced will also be replaced in all usage locations.
  • In addition or instead of creating your terms manually, you can also import an existing term structure. To do so, select the "Import from File" action in the generated thesaurus top-concept and select a file in RDF/XML format from your local file system.
  • To enable your users to create new terms directly during indexing, you have to assign a default thesaurus for new terms in the corresponding area (e.g. settings of the DAM configuration or properties of an asset shelf) in the tab "Default Values".

TagsPermanent link for this heading

In addition to terms, which are managed in the thesauri area, the tagging function is available for indexing. Unlike terms, tags are managed entirely by administrators in the solution's configuration. Users can only use existing tags to index/tag assets and cannot create their own.

To create tags and thus provide tagging functionality to your users, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the DAM configuration.
  2. Go to the "Tags" section.
  3. Select the "Create Tag" action in the tool area.
  4. Choose a (multilingual) name for your tag. Additionally, you have the option to add a remark and to specify for which object classes the created tag can be used.
  5. Confirm with "Next".


  • Repeat steps 3 - 5 if you want to create multiple tags directly.
  • You have the possibility to nest your tags hierarchically and thus create keyword trees. To do this, navigate in an existing tag and select the action "Create tag" again, or move existing tags with "drag-and-drop" or "copy-and-paste".