2024 October Release

SearchPermanent link for this heading

The Fabasoft Cloud offers a powerful search and research capability.

Search With MindbreezePermanent link for this heading

You can perform a full-text search using the search field in the top bar (Alt + 4) or via the search portal (“Search” widget on Home).

To perform a search, proceed as follows:

  1. Enter the desired search term in the search field and press “Enter”.
    Note: The search is not case-sensitive. If you start directly in the search portal, you can, if necessary, narrow down the search criteria even before you perform the search. The following search criteria are offered as standard, which can be extended depending on the object types found:
    • Where
      The objects found must belong to the specified context (e.g. objects assigned to your organization).
    • Date
      The objects found must have the specified change date.
    • Type
      The objects found must be of the specified type (e.g. text document).  
    • Contained in Teamroom
      The objects found must be assigned to the specified Teamroom.
  2. The search result is displayed in the search portal. Only results on which you have search rights are displayed. You can use the search criteria to further restrict the search (e.g. to Teamrooms or types).


  • In the search result, next to the search field, you can select the type of conjunction of the search terms: AND (all terms), OR (one of the terms), NEAR (all terms close to each other).
  • In the result list, you can sort by specific, correspondingly indexed properties. The sortable properties can be found in the menu of the “Sort” button in the upper right corner (e.g. Name or Created on/at). In the column header, the “Sort” context menu command is only available for sortable columns. Clicking on the column header also only changes the sorting for sortable columns, otherwise nothing happens.
  • The “Save Search Query” action allows you to save the search term and the currently selected search criteria under a freely selectable name.
  • The "Saved Queries” > “<name>” action allows you to execute a saved search query. The last five search queries or the last five favorite search queries are displayed.
  • The “Saved Queries” > “Further Search Queries” action allows you to view a list of all search queries. By clicking on a search query, it will be executed. In addition, you can rename, delete and mark search queries as favorite via the context menu.
  • The “Save Search Result” action can be used to persist the search result in a "saved search result". You can select whether you want to remove entries that are already contained.
    Thus, you can easily perform a research even if there are many hits. To display the saved search result, you can click the “Search” widget on “Home” and switching to the “Saved Search Results” tab.

The Mindbreeze query language offers the following possibilities. The listed options can also be combined.



Search for a term


Objects that contain a text with the term “Contract”


Not included

NOT term

Objects that contain no text with the term “Contract”

NOT contract

Search for a whole word or an exact phrase


"word1 word2 word3"

Objects that contain a text with the phrase “Contract with Fabasoft”

"contract with fabasoft"

AND operator

term1 term2 term3


term1 AND term2 AND term3

Objects that contain a text with the terms “Fabasoft” and “Contract”

fabasoft contract

OR operator

term1 OR term2 OR term3

Objects that contain a text with the term “Fabasoft” or “Contract”

fabasoft OR contract

Precedence of logical operators by brackets

(term1 OPERATOR term2) OPERATOR term3

Objects that contain a text with the term “Fabasoft” or “Mindbreeze” and the term “Contract”

fabasoft OR mindbreeze) AND contract

Term near to another term

term1 NEAR term2

Objects that contain a text with the term “Fabasoft” near the term “Contract”

fabasoft NEAR contract

Ranking in the search result (importance of terms)

term1^number term2

In the search result ranking, the occurrence of the term “Contract” is rated twice as highly as “Fabasoft”

contract^2.0 fabasoft

Search for defined fields


The following metadata is generally available:


  • title (Name)
  • objsubject (Subject)
  • objcreatedby (Created by)
  • objchangedby (Last Changed by)
  • objterms (Terms)
  • objteamroom (Teamroom)
  • objprimaryrelated (Origin)
  • objfile (File)
  • objappconfigurationroom (App Configuration)
  • objroomapp (App)
  • organization (Organization)


  • content (Content)
  • extension (File Extension)
  • mes:size (File Size)
  • mes:date (Change Date)


  • subject (Subject)
  • from (From)
  • to (To)

Objects that contain the term “Contract” in the subject


Content objects with “DOCX” or “MSG” extension that contain the term “faba”

faba (extension:docx OR extension:msg)

Content objects with size between 5 KB and 10 MB

mes:size:[5KB TO 10MB]

Content objects with a 2020 change date

mes:date:[2020-01-01 TO 2020-12-31]

E-mail objects sent from “Jones”


Metadata SearchPermanent link for this heading

You can perform a full-text search using the search field in the header bar. However, in many lists and fields you can also search for objects based on specific metadata (“Search” button or “Add Entry” > “Search”).

In the search dialog you can select either an object class, a category of a user-defined form or an object aspect in the Selection field. When selecting a category or an object aspect, the Detailed Selection field is displayed, which allows you to additionally select an object class. The object classes for which the category or object aspect is intended are offered for selection.

You can additionally restrict the search to objects of the current Teamroom or organization.

Defining Search Criteria Using OptionsPermanent link for this heading

You can define the required values for properties as search criteria. You can specify the type of value comparison (e.g. “begins with”) using the search option of the respective property.

Short description of all options

Different options are available depending on the property type.

  • “equal”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property is equal to the defined value.
  • “not equal”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property is not equal to the defined value.
  • “any value”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property is not empty. If this option is selected, no input is required in the input field. It is therefore displayed inactive.
  • “no value”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property is empty. If this option is selected, no input is required in the input field. It is therefore displayed inactive.
  • “begins with”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property begins with the defined string.
  • “does not begin with”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property does not begin with the defined string.
  • “ends with”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property ends with the defined string.
  • “does not end with”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property does not end with the defined string.
  • “contains”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property contains the defined string.
  • “does not contain”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property does not contain the defined string.
  • “Full Text” Query
    If this option is selected, a full text search in string properties is performed (corresponding system configuration required). Operators like “AND” and “OR” are supported.
  • “sounds like”
    If this option is selected, a phonetic search is performed. Objects will be found whose value of this property sounds like the defined string.
    Example: A search for “sounds like Meier” will return e.g. “Meyer”, “Meier”, “Maier” and “Mayr”.
  • “does not sound like”
    If this option is selected, a phonetic search is performed. Objects will be found whose value of this property does not sound like the defined string.
    Example: A search for “does not sound like Meier” will return all objects except e.g. “Meyer”, “Meier”, “Maier” and “Mayr”.
  • “from”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property is equal or greater than the defined value.
  • “up to”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property is equal or lower than the defined value.
  • “between”
    This option is used to find all objects whose value of this property is between the defined values.

Defining Search Criteria Using WildcardsPermanent link for this heading

In the search query, wildcards act as placeholders for any characters or strings.

Example: A search using the string “_andy” in the Name field will return all objects with a name containing any character followed by the string “andy”.


  • “*” or “%”
    These wildcards are placeholders for any string.
    A search for “*ergy” will return results containing any string followed by the “ergy” string: “energy”, “synergy”, “allergy”.
    A search for “berg*” will return results containing “berg” followed by any string: “bergamot”, “bergenia”.
    A search for “bl*d” will return results containing “bl” followed by any string and ending with the character “d”: “blood”, “bleed”, “blond”.
  • “?” or “_”
    These wildcards are placeholders for exactly one character. You can either use “?” or “_”.
    Example: A search for “_andy” will return results containing one arbitrary character followed by the string “andy”: “Dandy”, “Candy”, “Sandy”.
  • “~”
    The wildcard tilde “~” will run a phonetic search. All objects will be determined that are pronounced similarly to the defined string. A tilde always has to be entered at the beginning of the search string.
    Example: A search for “~Maier” will return results sounding like “Maier”: e.g. “Meier”, “Mayr”, “Maier”.
  • “%%” or “**”
    To perform a full text search in string properties, the wildcards “%%” and “**” can be used.
    Example: A search for “%%energy” in the Name field will return all objects with a name containing the word “energy”.

Most options available via wildcards can also be defined via options in from the. For the “?” and ”_” wildcards, no equivalent options are available in lists.

Comparison: options and wildcards

  • '“begins with” agreement' corresponds to 'agreement*'
  • '“ends with” agreement' corresponds to '*agreement'
  • '“contains” agreement' corresponds to '*agreement*'
  • '“sounds like” agreement' corresponds to '~agreement'
  • ''“Full Text” Query' agreement'' corresponds to '%%agreement'

Search FoldersPermanent link for this heading

In search folders, the objects contained are determined using a search pattern.

  1. Create a search folder in a Teamroom.
  2. Define the search criteria via the “Create Search Form” or “Edit Search Form” action.
  3. Click the “Save Query” button to use the search form for the search folder.


  • The contents of the search folder are not updated automatically. Click the “Refresh” button to perform another search using the saved search pattern.
  • With the “Find” action, you can perform a search independent of the saved search form.
  • When duplicating a search folder, the associated search form is also duplicated if the search form is assigned to the same Teamroom. If the search form is assigned to a template collection, it is not duplicated.

Insight AppsPermanent link for this heading

Insight apps provide aggregated access to information in your cloud organization, customized to your needs. You can use insight apps to display and highlight important information without users having to explicitly search for it.

Insight App Management

Insight apps can be managed at the following levels by authorized users:

  • cloud organization (“Insight App” collections)
  • app configuration (“Insight Apps” widget)
  • app rooms and Teamrooms (“Insight Apps” widget in “Templates and Presettings”).

The permissions assignment and releasing for usage  mechanism follow the usual pattern.

Note: The “Define Expressions for Customizing Objects” organizational policy defines which users are generally allowed to manage insight apps.

Insight App Designer from Mindbreeze InSpire

Use the designer to create the insight app you want. Assemble your insight app by clicking on the elements in the left pane or dragging and dropping them into the drawing area. If necessary, you can specify additional settings in the left pane. To change elements afterwards, move the mouse pointer over the element and use the “Move”, “Delete”, and “Edit” buttons.

  • Layout
    Defines the page layout (e.g. two columns).
  • Search Box
    Allows to perform a manual search.
  • Results
    Shows the results according to the search settings.
  • Link
    Allows to perform a search in an external search engine.
  • Pager
    Defines the navigation in the search results.
  • Charts
    Allows you to include charts.

Using Insight Apps

Insight apps can be accessed by authorized users as follows:

  • In the search portal, the “Insight Apps” tab shows all released insight apps from app configurations, app rooms, Teamrooms and insight app collections to which you have been granted permission.
  • Insight apps can be placed directly on “Home” or added to “Favorites”.
  • In the context of apps, insight apps are available in the "Insight Apps" widget.
  • In the context of Teamrooms, the insight apps are available on a corresponding tab.