2025 February Release

Boards 2024 DecemberPermanent link for this heading

Find out more about new features and improvements in Boards.

UsersPermanent link for this heading

As an end user, you can expect the following new features.

Approving on a request by circulationPermanent link for this heading

With the latest release, you have the option of approving an application by circulation after the applicant has submitted it.

Session start jumps directly to the first agenda itemPermanent link for this heading

When you start the meeting, the system automatically jumps to the first agenda item and also starts the corresponding timer.

All meeting metadata fields can be used as text fieldsPermanent link for this heading

With the latest release, you have the option of using all metadata fields from the respective agenda items and the meeting in Microsoft Word.

Adding documents to the meetingPermanent link for this heading

You can now add documents to meetings without assigning them to a assign them to a specific agenda item. This function makes it easier to manage meeting documents that are of a general nature or do not need to be assigned to a specific item on the agenda.

AdministratorsPermanent link for this heading

As administrators, you can expect the following new features.

Signing with SkribblePermanent link for this heading

You now have the option of signing minutes with Skribble. To use Skribble, you must have set up Skribble accordingly in the configuration. Further information can be found in the user help.