2024 October Release

Fabasoft Approve 2023 October ReleasePermanent link for this heading

Find out more about new features and improvements in Fabasoft Approve.

Common InnovationsPermanent link for this heading

The following common innovations await you in the current Fabasoft Approve 2023 October release.

AdministratorsPermanent link for this heading

As an administrator you can expect the following new feature.

Mail Import via Microsoft GraphPermanent link for this heading

In Fabasoft Approve, it is now possible to retrieve emails from the Microsoft Azure Cloud via the Microsoft Graph API. Project-relevant emails can be assigned to existing projects in the Fabasoft Cloud in this way. To do this, a "Microsoft Graph email import" object must be created in a Teamroom or folder, which is used to configure the required parameters.

In the Microsoft Azure Cloud, a Microsoft Azure Cloud application must first be created, a secret (client secret) generated for it and the following "Redirect URI" stored:

The application ID of the created Microsoft Azure Cloud application and the generated secret must then be stored in the properties of the import object. You must also select whether the retrieved mailbox is a personal or shared mailbox.

The retrieved emails are imported into the "Target list" list of the object defined in the "Target object" property (e.g. a folder or Teamroom must be specified here). A "Retrieval interval" must also be selected. A background task then checks periodically for new emails.

After storing and saving the required parameters, the "(Re)Authenticate" use case must be executed from the context menu of the "Microsoft Graph email import" object, during which an authorized user must log in to the Microsoft Azure Cloud in order to obtain the necessary authorizations to retrieve emails and a "refresh token" required for this.

If a "retrieval interval" has been defined, the emails are then imported periodically in the context of a background task. Manual retrieval is also possible via the "Import now" use case from the context menu.