2024 December Release

Fabasoft Cloud 2023 April ReleasePermanent link for this heading

Find out more about new features and improvements in the Fabasoft Cloud.

UsersPermanent link for this heading

As an end user you can expect the following new features.

Workflow Escalations and DeadlinesPermanent link for this heading

When workflow deadlines expire, the affected workflow participant is notified by default via welcome screen and e-mail. However, you can also define your own escalation definitions in “Templates and Presettings” in the "Processes" area and use them with the respective activity.

Settings of an Escalation Definition

  • Name
    The name of the escalation definition.
  • Escalations
    Defines the desired escalations.
    • Escalation Time
      Defines the time of escalation.
      • Time Span
        Defines a time span in days, hours and minutes (working days are not considered). If no operator and base date are specified, the time span is starting from now.
      • Operator
        Defines whether the time span is added to or subtracted from the base date.
      • Base Date
        Defines the base date for calculating the deadline (“Visible in Worklist From", “To Be Started at the Latest by” or “To be Completed at the Latest by”). If the base date changes, the deadline will be recalculated.
        Note: For “Visible in Worklist From", escalations probably do not make sense, as the activity is automatically moved to the “To Do” list.
    • Repetition
      Defines how often the notification should be repeated.
      • Time Span Until Next Escalation
        Defines a time span in days, hours and minutes until the next notification (working days are not considered). Leave blank if you do not want a repetition.
      • Repeat Until
        Defines how long the notification will be repeated (“Infinite”, “Date”, “Date Value of a Property”).
      • End Date/Date Value of a Property
        Depending on Repeat Until an end date or a property can be defined.
    • Recipients of Escalation Message
      Defines the recipients of the notification (e.g. "Current Participant" or "Responsible for Process").
    • Expression for Computing the Subject
      Allows using an app.ducx expression to change the default subject of the notification e-mail.
    • Expression for Computing the Additional Message
      Allows using an app.ducx expression to add an additional text to the notification e-mail.
  • Applicable for
    The use of the escalation definition is restricted to the listed object classes and categories of the object.
  • Object Class/Category of the File
    The use of the escalation definition is restricted to the specified object classes and categories of the object's file.
  • Object Class/Category of the Teamroom
    The use of the escalation definition is restricted to the listed object classes and categories of the object's Teamroom.


  • If no date can be determined, no notification will be sent.
  • If the escalation definition is no longer usable in the corresponding context (e.g. due to a change in usability), no notification is sent.

Default Escalation

With the generally available default escalation, a notification is sent to the current workflow participant one minute after the expiration of To Be Started at the Latest by and To be Completed at the Latest by. The notification is repeated daily. The default escalation is defined for all Fabasoft Cloud activity definitions.


When defining tasks in the BPMN editor, deadlines can now be defined as date, time span or expression (Enter Deadline as field). The “Advanced Settings” button takes you to all deadlines.

Common ImprovementsPermanent link for this heading

  • The orphaned objects of Teamrooms can now be displayed via the “Tools” > “Show Orphaned Objects” context menu command. Thus, to improve the performance of the property editor, the orphaned objects are no longer displayed in the properties of the Teamroom.
  • The notification dialog (account menu (your user name) > “Advanced Settings” > “Notifications”) has been reworked. Use the “Settings” button, to define about which events you want to be informed. Via the “Define Affected Objects” button you can define in the newly opened window, for example, using the “Enable Notification” or “Disable Notification” context menu commands, the Teamrooms or dashboards for which you want to receive notifications.
  • The Scrum widget “Current Stories and Defects” has been renamed to “Current Sprint Backlog” and now also contains impediments. Scrum masters and product owners can release impediments.
  • For background tasks, the “Anonymize Object” action is also available. By default, the following data is removed (for special objects, such as support requests or tickets, additional fields are considered):
    • History
    • Remarks
    • References (referenced objects are deleted if the object is the origin, otherwise objects are removed)
    • Processes (the processes must be completed, otherwise the background task will fail)
    • Versions
  • Creating a final form provides the following improvements:
    • If a final form already exists and can be changed, the “Update Final Form” and “Remove Final Form” menu commands are available.
    • If the document is a PDF document with a digital signature, you can choose to take over the existing content as final form or generate a final form (the digital signatures will be invalidated).
  • In the Fabasoft Cloud Client options, you can specify the download folder for downloading multiple documents or folder structures.

AdministratorsPermanent link for this heading

As an administrator you can expect the following new features.

Private Key ServerPermanent link for this heading

In order to be able to encrypt Teamrooms using Fabasoft Secomo, a key server that should be used for encryption has to be defined. As part of the initial configuration, keys are generated by the key server for your organization. After completion, the encryption functionality will be enabled.

In addition to the public Fabasoft Secomo key server of the Fabasoft Cloud, you can also integrate a private Fabasoft Secomo key server.


  • If multiple key servers are available for your organization, you can set the default key server.
  • Members can select a key server when encrypting if they have been authorized to do so via the organization policy. Otherwise, the default key server is used automatically.
  • If you have a private key server, you can add additional organizations that are allowed to use your key server in the Authorized Organizations field in the key server properties.