2024 September Release

Fabasoft Cloud 2023 June ReleasePermanent link for this heading

Find out more about new features and improvements in the Fabasoft Cloud.

UsersPermanent link for this heading

As an end user you can expect the following new features.

Contact Management Web ServicePermanent link for this heading

The contact management web service provides now the following four operations:

  • UpdateContact
    Creates a new contact or updates an existing contact.
  • DeleteContact
    Deletes a contact.
  • GetContactsByKey
    Retrieves contacts based on a key (import ID or cloud ID). Several contacts can be returned, e.g. in case of several identical import IDs. If more than 100 contacts or contact rooms are found, an error is returned.
  • GetContactsByName
    Retrieves contacts based on a name (“LIKE” search in the Name field). Several contacts can be returned, e.g. if the search matches several contact names. If more than 100 contacts or contact rooms are found, an error is returned.

The WSDL can be retrieved via following URL:


Common ImprovementsPermanent link for this heading

  • The new major version 13.0 of Apple Keynote, Apple Numbers and Apple Pages is supported.
  • When uploading encrypted e-mails from Microsoft Outlook, you can decide whether to import the e-mail unencrypted, for example, to make it readable by other team members.
    Note: Encrypted e-mail attachments cannot be decrypted.
  • The following new file extensions are recognized when importing:
    • .au (audio object)
    • .mts (video object)
    • .css, .less, .scss, .sass (style sheet object)
  • On Apple macOS, the Cmd key is treated the same as the Ctrl key on Microsoft Windows.