2024 December Release

Fabasoft Cloud 2023 March ReleasePermanent link for this heading

Find out more about new features and improvements in the Fabasoft Cloud.

UsersPermanent link for this heading

As an end user you can expect the following new features.

Qualified Electronic SignaturePermanent link for this heading

You can now also sign documents with a personal qualified electronic signature eIDAS compliant.

For this, a volume license for qualified electronic signature must be available in your cloud organization and you need a personal primesign signature certificate from the qualified trust service provider CRYPTAS (https://www.cryptoshop.com/: new window).

To be able to use a qualified electronic signature, you must enable the Use Qualified Electronic Signatures option under “account menu (your user name)” > “Advanced Settings” > “My Signatures”.

When you insert a signature while signing, you can specify that you want to use qualified electronic signatures.


  • To use the functionality, an activation for your cloud organization is required. If you are interested, please contact Fabasoft Cloud Support (cloudsupport@fabasoft.com: new window).
  • When defining a signature area, you can choose that a qualified electronic signature is required.
  • The applied qualified electronic signature is not LTV enabled.

Workflow DeadlinesPermanent link for this heading

Deadlines in ad hoc processes can be defined as a date value, a time span, a time span based on a property, and an app.ducx expression.


Under “account menu (your username)” > “Advanced Settings” > “Workflow” you can specify the following:

  • Define Deadlines as Timespan in Days (Instead of a Date)
  • Show Advanced Settings for Deadlines in Ad Hoc Processes
    Allows you to change the way you enter deadlines. Additionally, you can specify the type of escalation.
  • Show Deadlines for Ad Hoc Process per Default

Define Deadlines

When defining activities in an ad hoc process, delegating or suspending activities you have the following options for defining deadlines:

  • Deadlines as dates can be entered directly in the overview.
  • Initially invisible time spans can be defined using the “Advanced Settings” button.
  • You can either define a time span starting from the current time or using a base date. If the base date changes, the deadline is recalculated.
  • app.ducx expressions for calculating the deadlines can be defined using the “Advanced Settings” button. The expressions are re-evaluated when the activity would become startable.
    Note: Users must have the “Edit BPMN Process Diagrams” policy to be able to define expressions.
    datetime visibledate = coonow + 86400;
    if (coonow.year == 2023) {
      visibledate =
    coonow + 172800;


Common ImprovementsPermanent link for this heading

  • Collections for templates and presettings can be made available across organizations in a generally readable manner (“General Settings” tab > Access Protection field). The templates and presettings must be referenced in the desired context (e.g., in an app configuration) so that they can be used.
    The following restrictions apply:
    • Template categories and text module categories cannot be considered. Templates and text modules are not offered categorized.
    • Forms, categories and BPMN processes cannot be provided cross-organizational.
  • When registering or re-registering, the corresponding object is removed from the origin location and inserted at the destination location. The destination location becomes the new origin location. If there are shortcuts to the object, they remain and are not changed.
  • If you perform a metadata search (e.g. in a list via “Add Entry” > “Search”) and select a form category, the fields of the form are also offered in the search mask.
  • Single documents are downloaded using the standard web browser functionality, even if you have installed the Fabasoft Cloud Client.

AdministratorsPermanent link for this heading

  • Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge Extensions
    If the ExtensionInstallForceList or the ExtensionSettings policy is rolled out centrally in JSON format, no automatic registration and configuration of the web browser extensions takes place via the Fabasoft Cloud Enterprise Client setup. This is because the modified JSON string would be overwritten by the central deployment tool.
  • “Purchase” and “Outgoing Invoices” are no longer part of the legacy edition “Fabasoft Cloud Superior”.