2024 October Release

Fabasoft Cloud 2023 November ReleasePermanent link for this heading

Find out more about new features and improvements in the Fabasoft Cloud.

UsersPermanent link for this heading

As an end user you can expect the following new features.

Organization-Internal Support CoordinatorsPermanent link for this heading

The support coordinator team is given access to all support requests in the corresponding context and can perform the same actions as the initiators of the support requests. The support coordinator team can thus assist in the support process in a supportive manner.

The support coordinator teams can be defined at the following levels: organization, app configuration, app room, or Teamroom. The corresponding team is selected based on the context in which the support request is created.

Note: A dashboard is available to help the support coordinator team manage support requests. In the "Research" area, the desired support requests can be determined. Activation of this functionality can be requested free of charge from Fabasoft Cloud Support (cloudsupport@fabasoft.com: new window). Subsequently, an organization administrator can authorize the appropriate members in the service desk configuration (accessible via the service desk operations dashboard).

Common ImprovementsPermanent link for this heading

  • In the basic settings, on the “Accessibility” tab, in the Highlight Active Element (Focus) field specify when an active field should be highlighted with a yellow border:
    • When using the keyboard
      Pressing keys or key combinations (e.g. Tab or Shift + Tab) that set the focus on an element in the user interface enables the enhanced highlighting. A mouse click disables the enhanced highlighting.
    • Always emphasize especially
    • Never emphasize especially
  • Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint no longer include custom XML that contained field values which were not used in those applications.
  • The context menu of the Fabasoft Cloud Client notification symbol displays the accounts you have worked with. If you are working with test systems and different users, a large number of entries that are no longer required may accumulate. To delete entries that are no longer used, you can select the desired entries under “More” > “Manage” and delete them.
  • The secured actions FSCFOLIO@1.1001:CloseObject and FSCFOLIO@1.1001:ReopenObject can be used in expressions to close and reopen objects.
  • In the context-sensitive help of expression properties, the multilingual names of the properties are no longer displayed.
  • Linked text modules (text) are embedded in Microsoft Word documents using the plain text control.