2024 October Release

Fabasoft Cloud 2024 April ReleasePermanent link for this heading

Find out more about new features and improvements in the Fabasoft Cloud.

UsersPermanent link for this heading

As an end user you can expect the following new features.

Value FilterPermanent link for this heading

The column value filter for date values now has a tree structure and is therefore easier to use with keyboard and screen reader. Due to this structural change, the behavior in the following areas has changed:

Expanding and Collapsing

The tree elements can be expanded or collapsed using the keyboard or by clicking on the corresponding symbol. The status can be seen on the symbol and for screen readers via the aria-expanded attribute.

Expanding and collapsing does not change the filter behavior and only serves to make operation easier.

Keyboard Operation

Until now, each checkbox had a tabindex and you could only navigate through the filter using the tab key. Now only one tree element has a tabindex. The arrow keys, End and Pos 1 can be used to navigate between the tree elements.

  • Up
    Navigates to the element above the current element.
  • Down
    Navigates to the element below the current element.
  • Left
    If the element is expanded, the element is collapsed. If it is collapsed and there is a superordinate element, it is navigated to this element.
  • Right
    If the element is collapsed, the element is expanded. If it is expanded and there is a subordinate element, it is navigated to the first subordinate element.
  • Home
    Navigates to the first element "Select all" in the filter.
  • End
    Navigates to the last element in the filter.

Partial Selection

If subordinate tree elements have only been partially selected (for example, only one day of several in a month), then the superordinate tree elements have the status "partially selected". This is made clear when using screen readers with the attribute aria-checked="mixed". The partially selected elements are displayed with their own symbol so that this status can also be recognized when the elements are collapsed. Clicking on a partially selected element selects all subordinate elements.

Common ImprovementsPermanent link for this heading

  • If an additional search is carried out in the search dialog for an object property using the magnifier symbol, also search forms can be selected in the object class selection dialog.
    Note: The object class selection dialog is not displayed if only one object class can be searched for.
  • When searching, only categories that are permitted for the object class being searched for are offered in the Category field.
  • The Tags field is also available in a search on the “General” tab. The configured and for the object class permitted tags are offered for selection.
  • Status information (e.g. the search form used) in query-based lists is displayed at the top right in the title bar.
  • Synchronized devices under account menu (your user name) > “Advanced Settings” > “Synchronization” > Synchronized Devices are removed if there was no access for more than one year.

AdministratorsPermanent link for this heading

As an administrator you can expect the following new features.

Fabasoft Cloud Enterprise ClientPermanent link for this heading

Due to a restriction in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge on how locally installed web browser extensions can be updated, we are forced to adjust the default behavior of the installation of web browser extensions.

As of the Fabasoft Cloud 2024 April Release, the Fabasoft Cloud Enterprise Client no longer installs the web browser extensions for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge as a locally installed extension. Instead, the extension is registered so that it is automatically installed by the web browser via the respective store. From this point on, the Microsoft Edge Store extension (with the ID jdibaejnifcnoojmhgcbaohifohjamlg) is registered for Microsoft Edge and the Google Chrome Store extension (with the ID icjlkccflchmagmkfidekficomdnlcig) for Google Chrome. If there is already an existing configuration for the Fabasoft web browser extension that has been configured from a central location (e.g. company portal, software center, etc.), the Fabasoft Cloud Enterprise Client will not register it via the setup (as before). If you have restricted the web browser functionalities via policies, you must still add the corresponding exceptions for the Fabasoft Cloud Enterprise Client. This mainly concerns the web browser policies ExtensionInstallAllowList and NativeMessagingAllowlist (for NativeMessagingAllowlist, the exception for com.fabasoft.nmhostpu must be added).

However, if access to the respective store (Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge) is not permitted for a user on your systems, it is still possible to install the web browser extension as a local extension via a setup parameter. The setup parameter EXTLOCAL=1 can be used from the Fabasoft Cloud 2024 February Release. Example: msiexec /i <msipath> EXTLOCAL=1

In addition to installing the local extension, the configuration parameters override_update_url, ExtensionInstallAllowList and NativeMessagingAllowlist are automatically set so that the extension can be functionally installed and updated. A more detailed description of the respective configuration parameters can be found on the websites of the web browser manufacturers.

When does this change affect me?

  • You are affected if access to the Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge Store is not possible on your workstations. In this case, you must use the Fabasoft Cloud Enterprise Client setup parameter mentioned above so that the required web browser extension is available in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
  • You are not affected if extensions for Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge can be installed from the respective stores on your workstations.

Note: If the Fabasoft Cloud Enterprise Client Setup installs the local extension and therefore sets the configuration parameter override_update_url, the corresponding extension must not be installed via the store in the user profile of the web browser, otherwise the web browser extension will be marked as “broken”. The configuration parameter override_update_url is necessary for the web browser to update the locally installed extension.

Fabasoft OpenAPIPermanent link for this heading

Fabasoft OpenAPI is using the OpenAPI standard for creating endpoints for the Fabasoft Cloud.

Start with this documentation to create an app.ducx solution out of your OpenAPI yaml document: OpenAPI (fabasoft.com): new window