2024 December Release

Fabasoft Cloud 2024 August ReleasePermanent link for this heading

Find out more about new features and improvements in the Fabasoft Cloud.

UsersPermanent link for this heading

As an end user you can expect the following new features.

  • You can display the history of objects via the “Tools” > “Show History” context menu command. If there are too many events, the oldest ones are deleted or events worth keeping are saved in an archive.
  • If you define the end of a substitution in the past, a warning is displayed.
  • For work steps that require a password to be entered, the mobile app now offers the option of using biometric authentication instead of a password. This requires an active code lock in the mobile app (including biometric unlocking) and permanent login.
  • When sorting by strings in the user interface, the natural order is considered by default (e.g. "2" comes before "10").

Process and Form DesignersPermanent link for this heading

As a process or form designer you can expect the following new feature.

  • In user-defined forms, specified field widths are always considered. This can result in gaps if several fields are defined in a line and one or more of them are hidden by visible expressions.

AdministratorsPermanent link for this heading

As an administrator you can expect the following new feature.

  • If objects are licensed per object class on a volume basis, the corresponding consumption is displayed in the organization's license management.