2024 August Release

License ManagementPermanent link for this heading

Licenses are required to use your solution. Licenses can be purchased in the desired number and assigned to members or external members of your organization. The assignment can be carried out automatically, manually or per configuration.

To purchase additional licenses, please contact Fabasoft Cloud Support (cloudsupport@fabasoft.com: new window).

SolutionsPermanent link for this heading

In the organization's dashboard, click Licenses to open the license management. The solutions and apps available in your organization are displayed as a list:

  • Full Access
    Allows full access (can be used for members and external members).
  • Read Access + Comments
    Allows read access and integrated commenting (can be used for members).
  • Access for External Members
    Allows full access (can be used for external members).
    Note: External members cannot create Teamrooms assigned to the organization, regardless of the license.
  • Additional Apps

The Assignment column displays the type of assignment:

  • “Manually (Default Solution for Members)”, “Manually (Default Solution for External Members)”, “Manually (Default Solution for Members and External Members)” and “Manually (Default App)”
    • Default solutions or apps are automatically assigned to new members. Organization administrators can also subsequently assign or change the solutions or apps.
    • At least one solution must be defined as the default for members and external members.
    • One license type per solution can be defined as the default for members and external members.
  • Manual
    Manual assigned solutions or apps must be explicitly assigned to a member by an organization administrator.
  • Configured
    These apps offer various configuration options and roles and are therefore managed using a separate configuration. You cannot change the assignment type.
  • Volume-Based
    To use these apps, a volume-based license is required and must be purchased separately.
  • Free
    Free apps provide following assignment types:
    • Free (Disabled)
      The app is not available to anyone.
    • Free (Default App)
      The app is automatically assigned to new members.
    • Free (Manually)
      The app must be explicitly assigned by an organization administrator.

You can change the type of assignment using the “Use as Default for Members”, “Enable” and “Disable” context menu commands.

Navigate in the solution or app to view the list of licensed members. You can use the “Add Members” action to specify the members who are to have a license. You can use the “Remove License” context menu command to revoke the license.

Assign SolutionsPermanent link for this heading

You can assign solutions or apps with manual assignment to individual members.

  1. In the dashboard of the organization, click Members to open the membership administration.
  2. Navigate to the desired member.
  3. In the context menu of the member, click “Assign Solutions”.
    • Solutions
      Select the solutions that you want to assign to the user.
    • Manually Assignable Apps
      Select the apps that you want to assign to the user.
  4. Click “Assign”.

Note: Select multiple members to make the assignment together.