2025 February Release

Configuration of an Arbitrary SAML 2.0 Identity ProviderPermanent link for this heading

To carry out the necessary configuration steps, please refer to the corresponding third-party documentation.

The metadata of the Fabasoft Cloud identity provider can be found here:


For example: https://idp.cloud.fabasoft.com/idp/saml/metadata

The NameID must contain the user’s e-mail address, which is used for the Fabasoft Cloud log-in.

The following attributes must be provided in the assertion’s AttributeStatement:

  • http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/givenname
  • http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/surname

Assertions must be signed using SHA-256.

Some identity providers require manual configuration of the following properties:

  • Assertion Consumer Service URL (ACS URL)
  • Entity ID
  • Start URL