2024 October Release

Material Master DataPermanent link for this heading

The material master data web service allows creating and updating materials and price conditions.


  • Retrieve the WSDL to get an overview of the general options. The JSON requests correspond to the SOAP XML requests as you can see in the examples below.
  • The shelves are identified either by the Import ID or Fabasoft Cloud ID.
  • The materials are identified by the Material Number or Fabasoft Cloud ID.
  • The price conditions are identified by the Price Condition ID or Fabasoft Cloud ID.
  • The sales organizations are identified by the Company Code (the field has to be enabled in the contact management configuration) or Fabasoft Cloud ID.
  • If a property (short reference) is defined in FSCMATERIALMASTERDATA_1_1001_overridekeys, empty values are taken over and lists are overwritten.
  • lscode supports ISO codes like en, de or de-at of available languages.

SOAP and WSDLPermanent link for this heading

The WSDL can be retrieved via following URL:



https://at.cloud.fabasoft.com/folio/fscdav/wsdl?WEBSVC=FSCMATERIALMASTERDATA_1_1001_MasterialMasterDataWebService: new window

JSONPermanent link for this heading

You can call the operations the following way:

https://<host>/<vdir>/wsjson/ FSCMATERIALMASTERDATA_1_1001_MasterialMasterDataWebService/<operation>


https://at.cloud.fabasoft.com/folio/wsjson/FSCMATERIALMASTERDATA_1_1001_MasterialMasterDataWebService/UpdateMaterial: new window

Available OperationsPermanent link for this heading

The material master data web service provides following operations:

  • UpdateMaterial
    Creates a new material or updates an existing one.
  • UpdatePriceCondition
    Creates a new price condition or updates an existing one.

ExamplesPermanent link for this heading

The following chapters provide several contact management web service examples.

UpdateMaterialPermanent link for this heading

In the following example the material Mat-16-A (Material Number) is imported with a German and English name and two sales organizations are assigned. Not that the properties mdmaterialname and mdownersalesorganization are defined as override keys. This way the empty value for mdownersalesorganization  will be considered and the mdmaterialname list is overwritten (instead of adding new entries to existing ones).


SOAP Request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"







                  <fsc:FSCOWSSTDSERVICES_1_1001_lsstr>Schraube 16-A




                  <fsc:FSCOWSSTDSERVICES_1_1001_lsstr>Screw 16-A
















JSON Request

  "data": {

    "mdmaterialroomid": "MR1",

    "mdmaterialnumber": "Mat-16-A",

"mdmaterialname": [
        "lscode": "de",
        "lsstr": "Schraube 16-A"

        "lscode": "en",

        "lsstr": "Screw 16-A"



    "mdownersalesorganization": null,

    "mdsalesorganizations": [




    "overridekeys": [






UpdatePriceConditionPermanent link for this heading

In the following example the price condition PR-23 (Price Condition ID) is imported. The material Mat-16-A (Material Number) and the sales organization C1242 (Company Code) is assigned. Additionally, the valid period is defined. objvalidfrom is defined as override key, so that an empty value will be considered.


SOAP Request

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"

























JSON Request

  "data": {
    "pcdpriceconditionroomid": "PR1",
    "pcdidentification": "PR-23",
    "pcdmaterialnumber": "Mat-16-A",
    "pcdsalesorganization": "C1242",
    "objvalidfrom": "2024-06-23",
    "objvalidto": "2025-06-23",
    "overridekeys": [