2024 August Release

Organization ManagementPermanent link for this heading

The organization management web service allows managing members of an organization. The user for calling the web service should be an organization administrator with a defined “Organization Management” password for applications (see chapter “Password for Applications”).

SOAP and WSDLPermanent link for this heading

You can use SOAP to call the operations listed in the organization management web service WSDL.

The WSDL can be retrieved via following URL:



https://at.cloud.fabasoft.com/folio/fscdav/wsdl?WEBSVC=FSCFOLIOCLOUD_1_1001_OrganizationWebService: new window

Available OperationsPermanent link for this heading

The organization management web service provides following operations:

  • UpdateOrganizationMember
    Allows creating and updating an organization member.
  • ManageOrganizationMembership
    Allows changing the membership of a user.
  • UpdateOrganizationTeam
    Allows creating and updating a team.

More information about the parameters of the operations can be found here (the listed actions are mapped to the corresponding web service operations):

ExamplesPermanent link for this heading

The following chapters provide some organization management web service examples.

UpdateOrganizationMemberPermanent link for this heading


SOAP Request

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="https://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:fsc="https://schemas.fabasoft.com/websvc/FSCFOLIOCLOUD_1_1001_OrganizationWebService/">











            <fsc:FSCFOLIO_1_1001_addrstreet>Example Street




            <fsc:FSCFOLIO_1_1001_addrcity>Example City

            <fsc:FSCFOLIO_1_1001_addrstate>Example State


            <fsc:FSCFOLIO_1_1001_addrcountry>Example Country













The Fabasoft Cloud ID of the organization is used to identify the corresponding organization. The e-mail is used to identify the user to be created or modified. In this example, a title and an address entry will be set for the user. The overwriteattributes parameter defines that addresses with the defined address topic COO.1.1001.1.182477 will be removed and replaced by the new address entry. If overwriteattributes is not defined for address, the new address entry will just be added (exception: if the whole address entry does not differ, nothing is done).

ManageOrganizationMembershipPermanent link for this heading


SOAP Request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="https://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:fsc="https://schemas.fabasoft.com/websvc/FSCFOLIOCLOUD_1_1001_OrganizationWebService/">


















The Fabasoft Cloud ID of the organization is used to identify the corresponding organization. The e-mail is used to identify the user whose membership should be changed. In this example, the member is excluded from the defined organization. A successor is specified and the excluded member should not be informed by e-mail.

UpdateOrganizationTeamPermanent link for this heading


SOAP Request

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="https://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:fsc="https://schemas.fabasoft.com/websvc/FSCFOLIOCLOUD_1_1001_OrganizationWebService/">








        <fsc:FSCFOLIOCLOUD_1_1001_teamname>My Team















The Fabasoft Cloud ID of the organization is used to identify the corresponding organization. The team ID is used to identify the team to be created or modified. In this example, the name of the team is set and two members are added. Only existing users can be added. Because overwriteattributes is defined for teammembers, an update of the team will cause the replacement of all existing members by the two defined members. Otherwise, the defined two members will be added to the exiting list.