2024 August Release

Outgoing InvoicePermanent link for this heading

The outgoing invoice web service provides following operations:

  • CreateOutgoingInvoice
    Creates an outgoing invoice.
  • UpdateOutgoingInvoice
    Updates an outgoing invoice.
  • GetOutgoingInvoice
    Returns the data of an outgoing invoice.
  • AssignInvoiceDocument
    Assigns an invoice document based on the Document ID (FSCSAP@1.1:aldocid).

More information about the parameters of the operations can be found here (the listed actions are mapped to the corresponding web service operations):

ExamplesPermanent link for this heading

The following chapters provide some outgoing invoice web service examples.

CreateOutgoingInvoicePermanent link for this heading

https://at.cloud.fabasoft.com/folio/wsjson/FSCINVOICEMGMT_1_1001_OutgoingInvoiceWebService/CreateOutgoingInvoice: new window


Input JSON Object

As POST request in the document envelope:

  "data" : {

    "shelfid" : " COO.1.506.2.2884", //optional

    "oiinvoicenumber" : "10001",

    "oiexternalinvoicenumber" : "9876543",

    "oiprojectnumber" : "10001a",

    "oiordernumber" : "10001b",
    "oibookingdate" : "2020-10-13",

    "oidebitorname" : "Debitor",

    "oidebitornumber" : "10001c",

    "company" : "Company",

    "profitcenters" : [


         "profitcenter" : "
Profit Center 1"


         "profitcenter" : "
Profit Center 2"

    "oinetvalue" : {

      "currsymbol" : "EUR",

      "currvalue" : "1234.99"


    "invoicedraft" : {

      "content" : {

        "contcontent" : "RHJhZnQ=",

        "contextension" : "txt"



    "invoiceoriginal" : {

      "content" : {

        "contcontent" : "RmluYWw=",

        "contextension" : "txt"



    "invoicecopies" : [


        "content" : {

          "contcontent" : "Q29weSAx",

          "contextension" : "txt"




        "content" : {

          "contcontent" : "Q29weSAy",

          "contextension" : "txt"



    "attachments" : [


        "objname" : "
Attachment 1",
        "content" : {

          "contcontent" : "QXR0YWNobWVudCAjMQ==",
          "contextension" : "pdf"
        "objname" : "Attachment 2",
        "content" : {
          "contcontent" : "QXR0YWNobWVudCAy",
          "contextension" : "pdf"

Output JSON Object

    "objname":"Invoice 0001 - 13.10.2020 - Debitor"

UpdateOutgoingInvoicePermanent link for this heading

https://at.cloud.fabasoft.com/folio/wsjson/FSCINVOICEMGMT_1_1001_OutgoingInvoiceWebService/UpdateOutgoingInvoice: new window


Input JSON Object

As POST request in the document envelope:

  "data" : {
    "oiinvoicenumber" : "10001",
    "oiprojectnumber" : "10002a",
    "oiordernumber" : "10002b",
    "oibookingdate" : "2020-10-14",
    "oidebitorname" : "Debitor 2",
    "oidebitornumber" : "10002c",
    "company" : "Company 2",
    "profitcenters" : [

         "profitcenter" : "
Profit Center 1"


         "profitcenter" : "
Profit Center 2"

    "oinetvalue" : {
      "currsymbol" : "EUR",
      "currvalue" : "5678.99"
    "invoicedraft" : {
      "objname" : "New Draft",
      "content" : {
        "contcontent" : "RHJhZnQ=",
        "contextension" : "txt"
    "invoiceoriginal" : {
      "objname" : "New Original",
      "content" : {
        "contcontent" : "RmluYWw=",
        "contextension" : "txt"
    "invoicecopies" : [
        "objname" : "New Copy #1",
        "content" : {
          "contcontent" : "Q29weSAx",
          "contextension" : "txt"
        "objname" : "New Copy #2",
        "content" : {
          "contcontent" : "Q29weSAy",
          "contextension" : "txt"
    "attachments" : [
        "objname" : "New Attachment #1",
        "content" : {
          "contcontent" : "QXR0YWNobWVudCAjMQ==",
          "contextension" : "txt"
        "objname" : "New Attachment #2",
        "content" : {
          "contcontent" : "QXR0YWNobWVudCAy",
          "contextension" : "txt"
    "overridekeys" : [

Output JSON Object

    "objname":"Invoice 0001 - 14.10.2020 - Debitor 2"

GetOutgoingInvoicePermanent link for this heading

https://at.cloud.fabasoft.com/folio/wsjson/FSCINVOICEMGMT_1_1001_OutgoingInvoiceWebService/GetOutgoingInvoice: new window


Input JSON Object

As POST request in the document envelope:

  "invoicenumber" : "10001",
  "additionalattributes" : [

Output JSON Object










        "objname":"Attachment #1"








        "objname":"Attachment #2"











        "objname":"New Copy #1"









        "objname":"New Copy #2"










      "objname":"New Original"









      "objname":"New Draft"



    "oidebitorname":"Debitor 2",










AssignInvoiceDocumentPermanent link for this heading

https://at.cloud.fabasoft.com/folio/wsjson/FSCINVOICEMGMT_1_1001_OutgoingInvoiceWebService/AssignInvoiceDocument: new window


Input JSON Object

As POST request in the document envelope:

  "invoicenumber" : "RN001",
  "sapdocid" : "INV3",
  "attribute" : "invoiceoriginal"

Output JSON Object



    "objname":"Invoice RN001 (In Progress)"

