2024 October Release

Configuring WebDAV IntegrationPermanent link for this heading

The configuration data for the WebDAV integration is stored in the configuration object FSCOWS@1.1001:WebServiceConfiguration. The “Web Folder” form page contains the following properties:

  • Object classes for newly created folder objects
  • Object classes for newly created content objects
  • Object classes allowed in web folders
  • Object classes not allowed in web folders

Object Classes for Newly Created Folder ObjectsPermanent link for this heading

Reference: FSCOWS@1.1001:webfoldernewfolderclassmappings

When a user creates a new folder or imports a folder, a new compound object will be created in Fabasoft Folio. The object classes for the new compound objects are defined in this aggregate array. The aggregate consists of the following fields:

  • Object class of the parent folder (FSCOWS@1.1001:webfolderparentclass)
    Specifies the object class of the parent folder.
  • View attribute (FSCOWS@1.1001:webfolderviewattr)
    Specifies the view attribute of the parent compound object, for example COOSYSTEM@1.1:objchildren.
  • Object class for new folder objects (FSCOWS@1.1001:webfoldernewfolderclass)
    Specifies the object class for new folder objects to be created.
  • Software component (FSCOWS@1.1001:webfolderswc)
    Specifying a software component for customized entries ensures that the changes are kept beyond updates.

The meaning of an entry depends on the fields specified. You can define object classes for new compound objects but you can also prevent the creation of new folder objects. The following table lists the possible combinations depending on what fields are specified:

Parent class

View attribute

New folder class



Defines a default folder class for all views in all parent folder classes.


Prevents creation of folder objects in the specified view.



Defines a folder class for new folders in the specified view.


Prevents creation of folder objects in all views of the specified parent folder class.



Defines a folder class for new folders in all views of the specified parent folder class.



Prevents creation of folder objects in the specified view of the parent folder class.




Defines a folder class for new folders in the specified view of the parent folder class.

If there is more than one matching entry for a given case the most suitable entry will be applied.

Note: The parent class takes precedence over the view attribute.

Object Classes for Newly Created Content ObjectsPermanent link for this heading

Reference: FSCOWS@1.1001:webfoldernewcontentobjectclassmappings

When a user imports or saves a new file, a new content object will be created in the Fabasoft product. The class of the new content object will be chosen depending on the parent folder class, the current view attribute and the file extension of the new file. The aggregate consists of the following fields:

  • Object class of the parent folder (FSCOWS@1.1001:webfolderparentclass)
    Specifies the object class of the parent folder.
  • View attribute (FSCOWS@1.1001:webfolderviewattr)
    Specifies the view attribute of the parent compound object, for example COOSYSTEM@1.1:objchildren.
  • File extension (FSCOWS@1.1001:webfolderextension)
    Specifies the file extension of imported or newly created documents.
  • Object class for new content objects (FSCOWS@1.1001:webfoldernewcontentobjectclass)
    Specifies the object class for new content objects to be created.
  • Expression to determine Object Class (FSCOWS@1.1001:webfoldernewcontentobjectclassexpr)
    Specifies the expression to determine the object class for new content objects to be created. If an expression is specified the property Object class for new content objects will be ignored. The return value of the expression should be desired object class.
    The global scope contains the following items:
    • ::parent (COOSYSTEM@1.1:OBJECT)
      Contains the current parent object.
    • ::viewattrdef (COOSYSTEM@1.1:OBJECT)
      Contains the current view attribute of the current parent object.
    • ::filename (COOSYSTEM@1.1:STRING)
      Contains the file name of the new content object to be created.
    • ::fileextension (COOSYSTEM@1.1:STRING)
      Contains the file extension of the new content object to be created.
    • ::skipline (COOSYSTEM@1.1:BOOLEAN)
      Set the value of this item to TRUE if the expression cannot determine an object class but the creation of the new content object should not be prevented. In this case the configuration will be evaluated again skipping the current configuration line.
  • Software components (FSCOWS@1.1001:webfolderswc)
    Specifying a software component for customized entries ensures that the changes are kept beyond updates.

The meaning of an entry depends on the fields specified. You can define object classes for new content objects but you can also prevent the creation of new content objects. The following table lists the possible combinations depending on what fields are specified:

Parent class

View attribute

File ext

New object class



Default content object class for all views of all parent classes and any file extension.


Prevents the creation of content objects with the given file extension in all views of all parent classes.



Defines the content object class for all views of all parent classes for the given file extension.


Prevents the creation of content objects in the specified view for all parent classes and any file extension.



Defines the content object class for the given view in all parent classes and any file extension.



Prevents the creation of content objects in the specified view for all parent classes and the specified file extension.




Defines the content object class for the specified view for all parent classes and the specified file extension.


Prevents the creation of content objects in all views of the specified parent class for all file extensions.



Defines the content object class for all views of the specified parent class and any file extension.



Prevents the creation of content objects in all views for the specified parent class and file extension.




Defines the content object class for all views in the specified parent class and given file extension.



Prevents the creation of content objects in the specified view and parent class for any file extension.




Defines the content object class for the specified view and parent class and any file extension.




Prevents the creation of content objects in the specified view and parent class for the given file extension.





Defines the content object class for the specified view and parent class for the given file extension.

If there is more than one matching entry for a given case, the most suitable entry will be applied.

Note: The parent class takes precedence over the view attribute and the view attribute takes precedence over the file extension.

Object Classes Allowed in Web FoldersPermanent link for this heading

Reference: FSCOWS@1.1001:webfolderincludedclasses

This aggregate array lists all object classes that should be displayed in web folders. You may also specify specific views of compound objects. The aggregate consists of the following fields:

  • Object class (FSCOWS@1.1001:webfolderobjclass)
    Specifies the object class to be included in web folders.
  • View attribute (FSCOWS@1.1001:webfolderviewattr)
    You may select a specific child view of a compound object. If you leave this attribute blank, all views of the compound object are displayed in web folders.
  • Show PDF Summary (FSCOWS@1.1001:webfolderalternatecontent)
    Set the value of this property to Yes to display instances of the desired object class as PDF documents. This setting makes sense for object classes without a content to display a PDF summary of the meta data.
  • Software component (FSCOWS@1.1001:webfolderswc)
    Specifying a software component for customized entries ensures that the changes are kept beyond updates.

Note: An empty aggregate array means that all object classes should be included in the web folder view.

Object Classes Not Allowed in Web FoldersPermanent link for this heading

Reference: FSCOWS@1.1001:webfolderexcludedclasses

This aggregate array lists all object classes that should not be displayed in web folders. You may also specify specific views of compound objects. The aggregate consists of the following fields:

  • Object class (FSCOWS@1.1001:webfolderobjclass)
    Specifies the object class to be excluded in web folders.
  • View attribute (FSCOWS@1.1001:webfolderviewattr)
    You may only select a specific child view of a compound object that should not be displayed. If you leave this attribute blank, the entire compound object will not be displayed.
  • Software component (FSCOWS@1.1001:webfolderswc)
    Specifying a software component for customized entries ensures that the changes are kept beyond updates.

Note: The exclusion list takes precedence over the inclusion list.

File Size LimitPermanent link for this heading

The file size limit for uploading is defined in the Default Import Limit (Bytes) field in the virtual application configuration.

Note: Currently the Default Import Limit (Bytes) field in the virtual application configuration is only considered when using the Fabasoft Client via “Open <product> Folder” (see screenshot option marked in green). When opening a network drive with a local WebDAV Client, always a 4 GB limit applies. This can be done like in the screenshot marked in red “Open <product> Network Drive”.

PROPFIND Depth LimitPermanent link for this heading

The depth limit for a PROPFIND request is determined by the Registry Key (DWORD) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Fabasoft\FSCOWS@1.1001\PROPFINDMaxDepth.

The default value is 5.