2024 September Release

RolesPermanent link for this heading

Fabasoft Scrum provides the following roles:

Roles in the scrum center

  • Scrum Administrator
    A scrum administrator can administer the scrum center and all assigned scrum projects. Typically, the scrum administrator defines the members of the scrum center. These members can be defined as scrum team in the assigned scrum projects. Additionally, a scrum administrator can define the security settings of the scrum center and all assigned scrum projects and can create new scrum centers.
  • Privileged User
    A privileged user can administer the scrum center and all assigned scrum projects, but is not allowed to define the team members or security settings of the scrum center and assigned scrum projects.
  • Scrum User
    A scrum user has read access on the scrum center and all assigned scrum projects that are not restricted. Scrum users can be added to the team of scrum projects they should work on.
  • Stakeholder
    A stakeholder can create stories and defects in not restricted scrum projects and has read access on these stories and defects. Additionally, stakeholders can be assigned to arbitrary backlog items to allow them tracking these items.

Roles in the scrum project

  • Product Owner
    A product owner can administer the scrum project, can define team members and has special rights like releasing and rejecting stories. Only users that are defined in the scrum center can be added as team members. To allow working with several partners within a single scrum center, the scrum center users are not suggested for selection (the whole e-mail address has to be entered).
  • Scrum Master
    A scrum master can administer the scrum project and can define team members. Only users that are defined in the scrum center can be added as team members. To allow working with several partners within a single scrum center, the scrum center users are not suggested for selection (the whole e-mail address has to be entered).
  • Team Member
    A team member can work within the scrum project.
  • Stakeholder
    The stakeholder role is only available in restricted scrum projects, because stakeholders defined in the scrum center are not allowed to access restricted scrum projects.