2024 September Release

Scrum ArtifactsPermanent link for this heading

In the following chapters the basic scrum artifacts are described in detail.

Story/Defect/ImpedimentPermanent link for this heading

Stories, defects and impediments are the items the scrum team works on.

DashboardPermanent link for this heading

The dashboard is divided into following areas:

  • Story/Defect/Impediment
    Shows the content of the story, defect or impediment.
  • Acceptance Criteria (only for stories)
    Shows the acceptance criteria text of the story.
  • Tasks
    Shows all tasks that belong to the story, defect or impediment.
  • Documents
    Shows all documents that belong to the story, defect or impediment.
  • Subordinate Items
    Subordinate items of a story, defect or impediment can be belonging stories, defects or impediments. This widget is only shown when subordinate items are defined (“Relations” tab > Subordinate Items).
  • Affected Stories/Defects (only for impediments)
    Shows which stories or defects are affected by the impediment. This widget is only shown when affected items exist (“Relations” tab > Affected Items).

PropertiesPermanent link for this heading

A backlog item provides following properties.

“Story”/”Defect”/”Impediment” TabPermanent link for this heading

  • ID
    The identifier of the backlog item is a combination of the short form of the scrum center or scrum project and a running number. If the short form is defined in the scrum center, the ID is assigned automatically when the backlog item is added to the inbox. If the short form is defined in the scrum project, the ID is assigned automatically when the backlog item is accepted.
  • Requested by
    Defines a user who requests the backlog item (by default the creator of the backlog item).
  • Priority
    One of four different priorities can be selected for a backlog item (from “must have” to “nice to have”).
  • Context
    Defines an organization, organizational unit or support request the backlog item is related to.
  • Feature (only for stories)
    Defines a story that represents the superordinate feature of the current story. If a Feature Project is defined in the scrum project, only stories from the feature project can be selected.
  • Topic
    If backlog item topics are defined in the scrum center or scrum project (“Structuring” tab > Topics for Structuring Backlog Items), a topic can be assigned to the backlog item.
  • State
    Shows the current state (“Received”, “Planning”, “In Progress”, “To Verify”, “Done”, “Released”, “Not Released”) of the backlog item.
  • Size
    Stories have to be estimated when adding them to a sprint. By default story points are not used for defects and impediments but they can be enabled in the scrum center (“Scrum Center” tab > Allow Story Points for Defects and Impediments).
  • Size (Accumulated)
    If a backlog item is defined as feature of other backlog items the sum of story points of these backlog items is shown in this field.
  • Subject
    The name of the backlog item.
  • Story/Defect/Impediment
    Contains the description of the backlog item.
  • Acceptance Criteria (only for stories)
    Contains the conditions that must be met such that the backlog item can be released.
  • Remarks
    Shows all remarks of the backlog item.
  • Occurred With (only for defects)
    Defines a product version, release and build number in which the defect was found.
  • Requested for
    The backlog item can be requested for a concrete product version and release.
  • Completed With
    Defines the product version, release and build the backlog item was completed with.
  • Change Log
    A free-text field that can be used to describe the changes the backlog item causes.

“Details” TabPermanent link for this heading

  • Scrum Project
    Shows the scrum project the backlog item is assigned to.
  • Sprint
    Shows the sprint the backlog item is assigned to.  
  • Product Version
    Defines the product version for which the backlog item should be completed. Product versions can be defined in the scrum center or scrum project.
  • Release
    Defines the release for which the backlog item should be completed. Releases can be defined in product versions.
  • Lead
    Defines a team member that should take the lead.
  • Feature Team
    If feature teams are defined in the scrum project (“Scrum Project” tab > Feature Teams), a feature team can be assigned to the backlog item.
  • Order
    Defines the priority of the backlog item relative to other backlog items. This value can be set manually or automatically when fixing the backlog order (“Fix Order” context menu command).
  • Business Value (only for stories)
    Defines the business value that can be generated by implementing the story.
  • Allocated on/at
    Shows the date and time the backlog item was allocated to the scrum project. The allocation can be changed with the “Grooming” > “Change Allocation” context menu command.
  • Processing Time Since Allocation
    The time since the last allocation.
  • Total Processing Time
    The time since the backlog item was created.
  • Last State Change on/at
    The date and time when the state was lastly changed.
  • Current Stage
    If processing stages are defined for tasks, the current stage is displayed. Processing stages can be defined and ordered correspondingly in the scrum center or scrum project (“Predefined Values” tab > Processing Stages). Once all tasks of a particular processing stage are “Done”, the story progresses to the next stage.
  • Category (only for stories)
    For stories one of the following categories can be defined: “Story” (default), “Spike”, “Constraint” and “Risk”.
  • Severity (only for defects)
    If defect severities are defined in the scrum center or scrum project (“Predefined Values” tab > Defect Severities), a severity can be assigned to the defect.
  • Hierarchy Level
    If hierarchy levels (e.g. software layers) are defined in the scrum center or scrum project (“Predefined Values” tab > Hierarchy Levels), a hierarchy level can be assigned to the backlog item.
  • Impact Areas
    If impact areas are defined in the scrum center or scrum project (“Predefined Values” tab > Impact Areas), an impact area can be assigned to the backlog item.
  • Affected Applications
    If affected applications are defined in the scrum center or scrum project (“Predefined Values” tab > Affected Applications), an affected application can be assigned to the backlog item.
  • Administrative Category
    If administrative categories are defined in the scrum center or scrum project (“Predefined Values” tab > Administrative Categories), an administrative category can be assigned to the backlog item.
  • Stakeholders
    If stakeholders are defined in the scrum center team or scrum project team, a stakeholder can be assigned to the backlog item. This way stakeholders have read access on the item and can follow the working progress.
  • Terms
    Defines keywords for the backlog item.
  • References
    Defines documents that are relevant for the backlog item.
  • Import ID
    An alphanumeric text to be use as a reference to an external application.

“Retrospective” Tab (Defect)Permanent link for this heading

  • Introduced With
    Defines a product version, release and build number in which the defect was introduced.
  • Size for Fixing
    Defines the number of story points needed to fix the defect.
  • Story From Team’s Standpoint
    Defines whether it is rather a story than a defect from the team’s point of view.
  • Reasons
    If reasons are defined in the scrum center or scrum project (“Structuring” tab > Topics for Structuring Reasons of Defects), reasons can be assigned to the defect.
  • Causes
    If causes are defined in the scrum center or scrum project (“Structuring” tab > Topics for Structuring Causes of Defects), causes can be assigned to the defect.
  • Description of Cause
    A free-text field to define the cause of the defect.
  • Description of Measures to Avoid Similar Defects
    A free-text field to define the measures to avoid similar defects in the future.
  • Causing Scrum Project
    Defines a scrum project in which the defect was introduced.
  • Predictable
    Defines whether the defect could be found by the quality assurance.
  • Causing Stories
    Defines a list of stories that caused the defect.
  • Original Requirements
    Defines a list of requiring stories that lead to the defect.

“Retrospective” Tab (Impediment)Permanent link for this heading

  • Resolution
    A free-text field to define the resolution of the impediment.

“History” TabPermanent link for this heading

The history tab shows events that occurred in the backlog item.

“Repository” TabPermanent link for this heading

On this tab the source code repository check-ins can be tracked.

“Repository Information” TabPermanent link for this heading

On this tab the check-ins tracked on the repository tab are parsed and displayed as list. Necessary format of the check-in messages:

Revision: <number>
Author: <author>

Date: <date>


<message including merged revisions (e.g. r12345)>


Modified: /<branch>/<arbitrary path>

“Tasks” TabPermanent link for this heading

The fields concerning the effort are only available, if the capacity planning is enabled in the scrum center (“Feature Administration” tab > Enable Capacity Planning).

  • Planned Effort
    Shows the total hours planned for the backlog item based on the planned hours of all tasks.
  • Estimated Remaining Time
    Shows the estimated remaining time based on all tasks.
  • Time Worked in Sprint
    Shows the total time worked in the current sprint on the backlog item based on the tasks.
  • Time Worked
    Shows the total time worked, if it has been worked on the backlog item for several sprints.
  • Planned Effort (Including Subordinate Items)
    Shows the total hours planned for the backlog item including all subordinate backlog items.
  • Estimated Remaining Time (Including Subordinate Items)
    Shows the estimated remaining time for the backlog item including all subordinate backlog items.
  • Time Worked in Sprint (Including Subordinate Items)
    Shows the total time worked in the sprint on the backlog item including all subordinate backlog items.
  • Time Worked (Including Subordinate Items)
    Shows the total time worked on the backlog item including all subordinate backlog items.
  • Tasks
    Shows all tasks of the backlog item.

“Relations” TabPermanent link for this heading

The most fields on this tab are only visible, if they contain a value.

  • Feature
    Defines a story that represents an entire feature the current story belongs to.
  • Subordinate Items
    Defines all subordinate backlog items of a story that represents a feature.
  • Joined With
    Shows the backlog item, the current backlog item is joined with.
  • Split From
    Shows the original backlog item that has been split.
  • Joined From
    Shows the backlog items, the current backlog item is joined from.
  • Split Into
    Shows the resulting backlog item from a split.
  • Dependency for
    Defines backlog items that are dependent on the current backlog item. This field is visible, if a backlog item defines dependent backlog items (“Relations” tab > Dependent on).
  • Dependent on
    Defines prerequisites for the backlog item. A warning is displayed, if a team member starts working on a backlog item that has not completed prerequisites.
  • Provides Requirements for
    Defines requirements for the backlog item. This field is visible, if a defect defines original requirements (“Retrospective” tab > Original Requirements).
  • Caused Defects
    Defines defects that were introduced by the backlog item. This field is visible, if a defect defines the causing backlog item (“Retrospective” tab > Causing Stories).
  • Impediments (only for stories and defects)
    Defines impediments belonging to the backlog item.
  • Affected Items (only for impediments)
    Defines backlog items that are affected by the impediment.

“Effort/Costs” TabPermanent link for this heading

This tab is only available if the capacity planning is disabled. When setting the state of a story to “Done” the effort can be entered.

  • Effort in Current Sprint (MD)
    Defines how many man days it was worked on the backlog item in the current sprint.
  • Total Effort (MD)
    Defines how many man days it was worked on the backlog item in all sprints.
  • Effort
    A list showing all sprints with the assigned man days.

“Ratings” TabPermanent link for this heading

This tab shows the rating of the backlog item. Ratings (context menu command “Rate”) can be used to help prioritizing the backlog item.

Actions and Context Menu CommandsPermanent link for this heading

  • Accept
    New stories (inbox), defects and impediments have to be accepted by a team member, or rejected by the product owner. Accepted stories are moved to the backlog of the corresponding scrum project. Rejected stories are moved to the backlog done.
  • Add to Sprint
    Adds a backlog item to a sprint that is in planning or in progress.
  • Remove From Sprint
    Removes a backlog item from a sprint.
  • Add Task
    Adds a task to a backlog item.
  • Add Remark
    Adds a remark to a backlog item.
  • Add to Tracklist
    Adds a backlog item to the personal tracklist, to easily keep an eye on it.
  • Remove From Tracklist
    Removes a backlog item from the tracklist.
  • Mark as Read/Mark as Unread
    Stories in the inbox can be marked as read or unread to ease the management of them.
  • In Progress/To Verify/Done/Released/Not Released
    Sets the state of the backlog item. The available state transitions depend on the current state of the backlog item and on the states of subordinate tasks. For example, a story can only be “To Verify”, if all tasks have at least the state “To Verify”.
    Only product owners can release or not release backlog items.  
  • Revise
    Revises a released backlog item that should not have been released or rejected.
  • Create/Assign Impediment
    Creates a new impediment.
  • Grooming
    • Change Allocation
      Assigns the backlog item to another scrum project.
    • Released
      Releases a backlog item.
    • Reject
      Rejects a backlog item that should not be implemented. Rejected backlog items are moved to the backlog done of the scrum project.
    • Merge Story/Defect/Impediment
      Merges backlog items that have a similar or equal content.
    • Split
      Splits a backlog item in two parts. Useful, for example, if a backlog item is too big such that it cannot be implemented in one sprint.
    • Change to Story/Defect/impediment
      Changes the type of a backlog item.
  • Fix Order
    Assigns a number (Order field) to the selected items. The order in which the items are selected will be considered by the numbering. The numbering starts with 10, if for the first item no order or an order lower than 10 has been defined. The following items are numbered in steps of ten (20, 30, 40 and so on). If the first item has a defined order equal or higher than 10, the starting number will be based on this number (e.g. 34 will be rounded to 40 and the next numbers are 50, 60 and so on).  
  • Rate
    Rates the story (one to five stars).
  • Request Hotfix
    Requests a hotfix for a defect for a certain product version and release.
  • Lock/Unlock
    Locks or unlocks a backlog item. The content of a locked backlog item cannot be changed. Only product owners can lock or unlock backlog items.

TaskPermanent link for this heading

In general, a story or defect can be subdivided into several tasks. The state of a task reflects the working progress.

PropertiesPermanent link for this heading

A task provides following properties.

“Task” TabPermanent link for this heading

  • Backlog Item
    Shows the backlog item the task belongs to.
  • Scrum Project
    Shows the scrum project the task belongs to.
  • Current Processor
    Defines the team member who works on the task.
  • State
    Shows the current state of the task.
  • Name
    The name of the task.
  • Description
    A detailed description of the task might be helpful.
  • Remarks
    Shows all remarks of the task.

“Details” TabPermanent link for this heading

  • Current Processor
    Defines the team member who works on the task.
  • State
    Shows the current state of the task.
  • Task Topic
    If task topics are defined in the scrum center or scrum project (“Structuring” tab > Topics for Structuring Tasks), a topic can be assigned to the task. The topics for structuring tasks can also be used to describe processing stages (“Predefined Values” tab > Processing Stages).
  • Planned Effort
    Shows the planned effort of the task that can be defined when creating a new task. This and the next properties are only available, if the capacity planning is enabled in the scrum center (“Feature Administration” tab > Enable Capacity Planning).
  • Estimated Remaining Time
    Shows the estimated remaining time of the task that can be defined when changing the state of the task.
  • Time Worked
    Shows the total time worked on the task.
  • Time Worked in Sprint
    Shows the total time worked on the task in the current sprint.
  • Time in Current State
    Shows how many hours the task has been in the current state (only shown if the state lasts more than one hour).
  • Time Registration
    Shows the history of time definitions for the task.
  • Terms
    Defines keywords for the task.
  • References
    Defines documents that are relevant for the task.

“History” TabPermanent link for this heading

The history tab shows events that occurred in the task.

Actions and Context Menu CommandsPermanent link for this heading

  • Add Remark
    Adds a remark to the task.
  • Take Task
    To avoid that several team members work on the same task, a team member can take a task.
  • Planning/In Progress/To Verify/Done/Not Relevant
    Changes the state of the task. Which actions are available depends of the current state of the task.
  • Copy
    Copies the task to the clipboard.
  • Properties
    Opens the properties of the task.

SprintPermanent link for this heading

A sprint is the basic unit of development in scrum. In general, a sprint lasts a few weeks.

DashboardPermanent link for this heading

The dashboard is divided into following areas:

  • Story Burndown
    The burndown is based on the story points of stories with state “Done”. Only available if at least one backlog item is in the sprint and if correspondingly configured in the scrum project (“Scrum Project” tab > Show Story Burndown).
  • Task Burndown
    The burndown is based on the amount of tasks with state “Done”. Only available if at least one task is in the sprint and if correspondingly configured in the scrum project (“Scrum Project” tab > Show Task Burndown).
  • Hours Burndown
    The burndown is based on planned time left and estimated remaining time. The time is evaluated considering the values in the tasks (Planned Effort and Estimated Remaining Time). Only available if the capacity planning is enabled in the scrum center (“Feature Administration” tab > Enable Capacity Planning) and if correspondingly configured in the scrum project (“Scrum Project” tab > Show Hours Burndown).
  • Task Board
    Shows the tasks of all backlog items of the sprint.
  • Sprint Backlog
    Shows all backlog items of the sprint.
  • Documents
    Documents that belong to the sprint can be stored here. Folders can be used to structure the documents. By default a special folder is available that contains all documents that are assigned to the backlog items of the sprint.

PropertiesPermanent link for this heading

A sprint provides following properties.

“Sprint” TabPermanent link for this heading

  • Name
    The description of the sprint.
  • Scrum Project
    Shows the scrum project the sprint is assigned to.
  • State
    Shows the state of the sprint (“Planning”, “In Progress”, “Done”).
  • Start on/at
    Defines the start date of the sprint.
  • End on/at
    Defines the end date of the sprint.
  • Review on/at
    Defines the date of the review meeting.
  • Feature Team
    If feature teams are defined in the scrum project (“Scrum Project” tab > Feature Teams), a feature team can be assigned to the sprint.
  • Sprint Topic
    If sprint topics are defined in the scrum center (“Structuring” tab > Topics for Structuring Sprints), a topic can be assigned to the sprint.
  • Commitment (Story Points)
    Shows the sum of story points of backlog items at the time the sprint was started.
  • Commitment (Count)
    Shows the number of backlog items at the time the sprint was started.
  • Added After Start (Story Points)
    Shows the sum of story points of backlog items added after the sprint was started.
  • Added After Start (Count)
    Shows the number of backlog items added after the sprint was started.
  • Removed After Start (Story Points)
    Shows the sum of story points of backlog items removed after the sprint was started.
  • Removed After Start (Count)
    Shows the number of backlog items removed after the sprint was started.
  • Total (Story Points)
    Shows the sum of story points of all backlog items in the sprint.
  • Total (Count)
    Shows the number of all backlog items in the sprint.
  • Terms
    Defines keywords for the sprint.
  • Sprint Goal
    Defines the goal that should be reached in the sprint.
  • External IDs
    If the sprint should be processed with external applications, IDs can be defined for each application. The external applications have to be specified in the scrum center or project (“Predefined Values” tab > External Applications).

“History” TabPermanent link for this heading

The history tab shows events that occurred in the sprint.

“Capacity Planning” TabPermanent link for this heading

This tab is only available, if the capacity planning is enabled in the scrum center (“Feature Administration” tab > Enable Capacity Planning).

  • Team Availability
    For each team member the availability in hours can be defined.
  • Planned Capacity
    • Projected Total Capacity
      Shows the sum of the availability of all team members.
    • Planned Effort
      Shows the sum of planned efforts of all tasks (“Details” tab > Planned Effort).
    • Remaining Capacity
      Shows the difference between the projected total capacity and the planned effort.
    • Time Worked
      Shows the sum of time worked of all tasks (“Details” tab > Time Worked in Sprint).
    • Estimated Remaining Time
      Shows the sum of the estimated remaining time of all tasks (“Details” tab > Estimated Remaining Time).
    • Capacity Exceeded by
      If the planned effort exceeds the projected total capacity the difference is shown in this field.

Actions and Context Menu CommandsPermanent link for this heading

  • Capacity Planning
    Creates a capacity plan for a sprint that is in planning or in progress (only available if the capacity planning is enabled in the scrum center). For each team member the available hours can be defined.
  • Create Task
    Creates a task for a backlog item (only available if at least one backlog item is in the sprint).
  • Start Sprint
    Starts a sprint that is in planning.
  • End Sprint
    Ends the sprint that is in progress. A sprint can only be ended, if there are no backlog items with the state “Done” (has to be released or not released). Backlog items that are not completed can be automatically moved to a next sprint or the sprint can just be ended. In this case not completed backlog items get automatically the state “Not Released”.
  • Properties
    Opens the properties of the sprint.

Product VersionPermanent link for this heading

In general several versions of a software product will be released (e.g. 2015, 2016). A Product Version can be subdivided into Releases (e.g. 2015, 2015 SP1). Product versions and releases are useful to track the progress of the stories that are needed to be able to release a new version.

Product versions may be defined in the scrum center and/or in the scrum project.

PropertiesPermanent link for this heading

  • Name
    The description of the product version.
  • Code Freezed
    Defines whether the release life cycle has reached the code freeze state.
  • Supported
    Defines whether the product version is still supported.
  • Terms
    Defines keywords for the product version.
  • Scrum Centers
    The same product version can be defined in several scrum centers (copy and paste shortcut). This field shows all scrum centers the product version is assigned to.
  • Scrum Projects
    The same product version can be defined in several scrum projects (copy and paste shortcut). This field shows all scrum projects the product version is assigned to.
  • External IDs
    If the product version should be processed with external applications, IDs can be defined for each application. The external applications have to be specified in the scrum center or project (“Predefined Values” tab > External Applications).

Actions and Context Menu CommandsPermanent link for this heading

  • Create Release
    Creates a new release for a product version.
  • Show Assigned Backlog Items
    Shows all stories, defects and impediments that are assigned to the product version. The assignment can be changed in the properties of the backlog item (“Details” tab > Product Version).
  • Properties
    Opens the properties of the product version.

ReleasePermanent link for this heading

In general a product version consists of several releases. Assign the necessary stories to a release to keep track of the work progress.

DashboardPermanent link for this heading

The dashboard is divided into following areas:

  • Story Burndown
    The burndown is based on the story points of stories with state “Done”. The assigned release can be changed in the properties of stories (“Details” tab > Release). The story burndown is only available if at least one assigned story exists and a start and end date is defined for the release.
  • Documents
    Documents that belong to the release can be stored here. Folders can be used to structure the documents.
  • Requested
    Shows backlog items that are requested for the release (“Story”/”Defect”/”Impediment” tab > Requested for).
  • Completed
    Shows backlog items that are completed with the release (“Story”/”Defect”/”Impediment” tab > Completed With).
  • Reported Defects
    Shows defects that occurred with the release (“Defect” tab > Occurred With).
  • Assigned Stories
    Shows stories that are assigned to the release (“Details” tab > Release).
  • Assigned Impediments
    Shows impediments that are assigned to the release (“Details” tab > Release).
  • Assigned Defects
    Shows defects that are assigned to the release (“Details” tab > Release).

PropertiesPermanent link for this heading

  • Name
    The description of the release.
  • Product Version
    Shows the superordinate product version.
  • State
    Shows the state of the release.
  • Start on/at
    The start date of the release.
  • End on/at
    The end date of the release.
  • Code Freezed
    Defines whether the release life cycle has reached the code freeze state.
  • Supported
    Defines whether the release is still supported.
  • Hotfix Release
    Defines whether hotfixes are provided for the release. When requesting a hotfix for a defect only those releases can be selected.
  • Terms
    Defines keywords for the release.
  • External IDs
    If the release should be processed with external applications, IDs can be defined for each application. The external applications have to be specified in the scrum center or project (“Predefined Values” tab > External Applications).

Actions and Context Menu CommandsPermanent link for this heading

  • Planning
    Sets the state of the release to “Planning” (only available if the current state is not “Planning”).
  • In Progress
    Sets the state of the release to “In Progress” (only available if the current state is not “In Progress”).
  • Done
    Sets the state of the release to “Done” (only available if the current state is not “Done”). Such releases cannot be selected any longer in backlog items.
  • Change Assignment (only context menu)
    Releases that are accidentally created for the wrong product version can be reassigned as long as the release is not used in a backlog item.
  • Properties
    Opens the properties of the release.