2024 August Release

Scrum (Personal Dashboard)Permanent link for this heading

The personal dashboard is the central access point to scrum. When a user is added to a scrum center, a dashboard is automatically created and put on the user’s “Home”. If a user is no longer member of any scrum center, the dashboard will be removed.

DashboardPermanent link for this heading

The personal dashboard is divided into following areas:

  • Task Burndown
    Shows the percentage of open tasks from all sprints in progress (only available if there are sprints in progress that contain tasks).
  • Defects
    Shows all open defects.
  • Current Sprint Backlog
    Shows all stories of scrum projects the user is team member of and that are assigned to a running sprint. In addition, it shows all defects and impediments of scrum projects the user is team member of and that are not completed.
  • My Tasks
    Shows all tasks in running sprints assigned to the current user.
  • Inbox
    Shows all new stories of scrum projects the user is team member of and that are not yet accepted or rejected. Accepted stories are moved to the backlog of the scrum project. Rejected stories are moved to the backlog done of the scrum project.
  • Tracklist
    The tracklist is a personal space where users can store backlog items they are interested in. Backlog items that are created by the user are automatically stored in the tracklist. To manage the tracklist the actions “Add to Tracklist” and “Remove From Tracklist” are provided for backlog items.
  • Product Backlog
    Shows all accepted stories of scrum projects the user is team member of and that are not completed.
  • Impediments
    Shows all impediments of scrum projects the user is team member of and that are not completed.
  • My Sprints
    Shows all sprints of scrum projects the user is team member of and that are in planning or in progress.
  • Scrum Projects
    Shows all scrum projects the user has access to. If no state symbol is shown the user has read access, if a group symbol is shown the user is a team member and if an information symbol is shown the user has added the scrum project to the statistics (personal dashboard > “Settings” action > Show Statistics for).
  • Scrum Centers
    Shows all scrum centers the user has access to.

ActionsPermanent link for this heading

Depending on your roles you can execute following actions:

  • Create Story
    Creates a new story.
  • Create Defect
    Creates a new defect.
  • Create Impediment
    Creates a new impediment.
  • Create Sprint
    Creates a new sprint.
  • Create Scrum Project
    Creates a new scrum project (only available for administrators). For more information see chapter “Scrum (Personal Dashboard)”.
  • Create Scrum Center
    Creates a new scrum center (only available for administrators). For more information see chapter “Scrum (Personal Dashboard)”.
  • Settings
    Opens the settings of the dashboard. Here scrum centers and scrum projects can be included or excluded from the personal dashboard. In addition, it can be defined whether newly created backlog items are added automatically to the tracklist. On the “Logos” tab you can define your own logo for the dashboard.