2025 February Release

Scrum ProjectPermanent link for this heading

Each scrum project is assigned to a scrum center. The scrum project defines the scrum team and provides a central repository for all scrum artifacts.

DashboardPermanent link for this heading

The dashboard is divided into following areas:

  • Velocity
    Shows the performance of the team in the last sprints based on story points. The diagram is only visible if at least two sprints have ended.
  • Defects
    Shows all open defects.
  • Current Sprint Backlog
    Shows all stories of currently running sprints and all open defects and impediments.
  • Inbox
    Shows new stories that are not yet accepted or rejected.
  • Backlog
    Shows accepted stories. Accepted stories can be added to sprints.
  • Sprints
    Shows all sprints that are not archived. To view the archived sprints, open the sprint widget and click the “Open Sprint Archive” action (only available, if at least one archived sprint exists).
  • Impediments
    Shows all open impediments.
  • Documents
    Documents that belong to the scrum project can be stored here. Folders can be used to structure the documents.
  • Product Versions
    Shows all product versions of the scrum project. Product versions can be assigned to backlog items. This widget is only available if the setting in the scrum center allows product versions for this scrum project.
  • Backlog Done
    Shows all not archived stories that are released or rejected. To view the archived backlog items, open the backlog done widget and click the “Open Backlog Archive” action (only available, if at least one archived backlog item exists).

SettingsPermanent link for this heading

A scrum project provides following settings.

“General Settings” TabPermanent link for this heading

  • Name
    The description of the scrum project.
  • Subject
    Defines an additional description of the scrum project.
  • Enable Notification
    Defines whether you are notified about new events of this scrum project.
  • Mindbreeze InSpire Service
    Defines the Mindbreeze InSpire Service that is used for classification.
  • Access Protection
    Defines the access protection of the scrum project.
    • Default: Only the defined scrum center team and scrum project team can access the scrum project and its contents.
    • Generally readable: Everyone can read the scrum project and its contents, but searching is not possible.
    • Restricted: Only the scrum project team, privileged users (scrum center) and scrum administrators (scrum center) can access the scrum project and its contents. Typically, this setting is used, if a scrum center contains several scrum projects of different partners. This way scrum users and stakeholders defined in the scrum center cannot access the scrum project.
  • Restrict Shortcuts Within Teamroom
    Defines which type of shortcuts may be stored in the scrum project.
  • Restrict the Downloading or Opening of Content on the Device
    Allows to restrict team members who can open or download content at the device.
  • Restrict Team Members
    Defines the organizations, organizational units, teams and external organizations whose members may be added to the scrum project.
  • Main Administrator
    Defines the user who will receive the automatically generated e-mail messages concerning the shelf. Otherwise, all scrum project administrators receive the e-mail messages. The user is also listed as contact in case of missing permissions.
  • Support Team
    The support team handles the organization-internal management of support requests in the respective context.

“Scrum Project” TabPermanent link for this heading

  • Inbox
    Shows the inbox that is assigned to the scum project.
  • Vision Document
    Defines a document that summarizes the objective of the scrum project.
  • Scrum Center
    Shows the scrum center the scrum project is assigned to.
  • Feature Project
    Defines a superordinate scrum project. If a feature project is defined, only stories from the feature project can be selected as feature in backlog items.
  • Project Specific Numbering
    Defines whether the scrum project defines its own short form. Otherwise the short form of the scrum center is used.
  • Short Form
    The short form is used as prefix for the backlog item ID.
  • State
    No longer used scrum projects can be “Closed”. For example no new defects or stories can be assigned to closed scrum projects.
  • Velocity
    Shows the average of story points that are released per sprint.
  • Enable Detail Planning for Tasks
    Defines whether tasks and efforts can be defined when adding a story to a sprint. The option is only available if the capacity planning is enabled in the scrum center.
  • Show Hours Burndown
    Enables the hours burndown widget for sprints. The option is only available if the capacity planning is enabled in the scrum center.
  • Show Story Burndown
    Enables the story burndown widget for sprints. The burndown is based on the story points of stories with state “Done”.
  • Show Task Burndown
    Enables the task burndown widget for sprints. The burndown is based on the amount of tasks with state “Done”.
  • Send E-Mail Notifications
    Defines whether e-mail notifications are sent. For example, an e-mail is sent to the product owner when a new story is added to the inbox. Users who requested backlog items will be informed about state transitions. If a hotfix is requested the whole team gets an e-mail. In addition, if a task is assigned to a user or taken away from a user also an e-mail will be sent.
  • Prefix for Subject of E-Mail Notifications
    Defines the prefix string that is added to the subject of notification e-mails.
  • Archive Sprints After
    Sprints are archived after the defined time span (from one month to three years).
  • Archive Items in "Backlog Done" After
    Items in “Backlog Done” are archived after the defined time span (from one month to three years).
  • Maximum Entries in “Backlog Done”
    Backlog items in “Backlog Done” are archived, if the defined number is exceeded. The number also defines the maximum elements per archive. If the number is exceeded a new archive will be created.
    Note: Only one condition either Archive Items in "Backlog Done" After or Maximum Entries in “Backlog Done” must be fulfilled such that the backlog item is archived.
  • Maximum Number of Versions Kept
    Defines how many versions should be kept at maximum. When exceeding the limit, the oldest versions are deleted.
  • Sprint Overview
    Shows all ended but not archived sprints.
  • Feature Teams
    Defines feature teams, if several teams work in one scrum project.

“Initialization” TabPermanent link for this heading

In the following fields several default values can be defined for backlog items.

  • Default Text for Story
  • Default Acceptance Criteria for Story
  • Default Tasks for New Story
  • Default Tasks for Story Added to Sprint
  • Default Text for Defect
  • Default Tasks for New Defect
  • Default Tasks for Defect Added to Sprint
  • Default Text for Impediment
  • Default Tasks for New Impediment
  • Default Tasks for Impediment Added to Sprint

“Predefined Values” TabPermanent link for this heading

  • Processing Stages
    A processing stage (e.g. “Implementation”, “Quality Assurance”, “Documentation”) can be assigned to a task. If all tasks of a processing stage are done the story will turn to the next processing stage. The order of the processing stages is defined by the order in this field.
  • Defect Severities
    Defects may be classified by their severities.
  • Environments
    Environments (e.g. Linux) may be assigned to backlog items.
  • Affected Applications
    Affected applications may be assigned to backlog items.
  • External Applications
    Defines a set of external applications. Scrum artifacts can define an ID for these applications. Based on this ID external applications can process the scrum artifacts.
  • Impact Areas
    Impact areas (e.g. GUI) may be assigned to backlog items.
  • Hierarchy Levels
    Hierarchy levels (e.g. software layers) may be assigned to backlog items.
  • Administrative Categories
    Administrative categories may be assigned to backlog items.

“Structuring” TabPermanent link for this heading

The defined terms in the following fields can be used to structure the corresponding scrum artifacts.

  • Topics for Structuring Backlog Items
  • Topics for Structuring Tasks
  • Topics for Structuring Sprints
  • Topics for Structuring Time Tracking Entries
  • Topics for Structuring Reasons of Defects
  • Topics for Structuring Causes of Defects

“Tagging” TabPermanent link for this heading

The defined terms in the following fields can be used to tag the corresponding scrum artifacts.

  • Terms for Tagging Stories
  • Terms for Tagging Defects
  • Terms for Tagging Impediments
  • Terms for Tagging Tasks
  • Terms for Tagging Sprints
  • Terms for Tagging Versions
  • Terms for Tagging Releases

“Default Values” tabPermanent link for this heading

  • Default Thesaurus for New Terms
    If a default thesaurus is specified, new terms can be created directly during tagging.
  • Default Categories
    When an object is created, the specified category is assigned according to the defined object class. In the Apply to field, you can specify whether the setting applies to instances, templates, or both.
  • Default Processes
    When an object is created, the specified process is assigned according to the defined object class or category. In the Apply to field, you can specify whether the setting applies to instances, templates, or both.
  • Additional Default Background Tasks
    When an object is created, the specified background tasks are assigned.

Note: The default properties overwrite or extend the settings in the configuration.

ActionsPermanent link for this heading

  • Create Story
    Creates a new story.
  • Create Defect
    Creates a new defect.
  • Create Impediment
    Creates a new impediment.
  • Create Sprint
    Creates a new sprint.
  • Show New Events
    Shows events that occurred in the scrum project.
  • Open Wastebasket
    Opens the wastebasket (only available if at least one object is in the wastebasket).
  • Templates and Presettings
    Allows to define forms an categories, process templates, templates, text modules, report templates and presettings.
  • Settings
    Opens the settings of the scrum project.
  • Team
    Allows to define or view the team members of the scrum project. A description of the different roles can be found in chapter “Roles”.