2024 August Release

Web ServicePermanent link for this heading

The scrum web service can be used by third-party applications to access scrum projects. The web service is invoked in context of a user. The authentication is carried out with a “password for applications” that is managed by the user.

To define a password for applications, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Fabasoft Cloud Web Client open the account menu (your user name).
  2. Click “Access for Applications”.
  3. In the Passwords for Applications field click “New”.
  4. In the Valid for field select “Scrum Projects”.
  5. Define a Validity Period and click “Next”.
  6. Copy the displayed password that can be used for the authentication of the web service.
  7. Click “Close”.

SOAP and WSDLPermanent link for this heading

You can use SOAP to call the operations listed in the scrum WSDL.

The WSDL can be retrieved via following URL:



https://at.cloud.fabasoft.com/folio/fscdav/wsdl?WEBSVC=FSCSCRUM_1_1001_ScrumWebService: new window

JSONPermanent link for this heading

The scrum web service also supports the JSON format. You can call the operations the following way:



https://at.cloud.fabasoft.com/folio/wsjson/FSCSCRUM_1_1001_ScrumWebService/GetScrumProjects?all=true: new window

Available OperationsPermanent link for this heading

The scrum web service provides following operations:

  • AddStoryRemark
  • CreateScrumDefect
  • CreateScrumImpediment
  • CreateScrumStory
  • CreateScrumTask
  • GetMultipleScrumProjects
  • GetMultipleScrumReleases
  • GetMultipleScrumRequestContainers
  • GetMultipleScrumSprints
  • GetMultipleScrumStories
  • GetMultipleScrumTasks
  • GetMultipleScrumVersions
  • GetScrumChildren
  • GetScrumObjectInfo
  • GetScrumProject
  • GetScrumProjectRejectedStories
  • GetScrumProjectReleasedStories
  • GetScrumProjects
  • GetScrumProjectStories
  • GetScrumProjectVersions
  • GetScrumRelease
  • GetScrumReleaseStories
  • GetScrumRequestContainer
  • GetScrumSprint
  • GetScrumSprintStories
  • GetScrumStory
  • GetScrumStoryChanges
  • GetScrumStoryDetails
  • GetScrumStoryHistory
  • GetScrumStoryRepositoryInfo
  • GetScrumStoryTasks
  • GetScrumTask
  • GetScrumTaskHistory
  • GetScrumTracklist
  • GetScrumVersion
  • GetScrumVersionReleases
  • GetStoryRemarks
  • RequestHotfix
  • SearchScrumProjectStories
  • SearchScrumProjectTasks
  • UpdateScrumStory
  • UpdateScrumTask

More information about the parameters of the operations can be found here: https://help.developer.fabasoft.com/index.php: new window. Search for the corresponding actions. Generally, the actions assigned to the operations have the same names. Exceptions: GetScrumProject (GetScrumProjectInfo), GetScrumStoryDetails (GetScrumStoryExtendedDetails), RequestHotfix (RequestScrumHotfix)