Web Service
The scrum web service can be used by third-party applications to access scrum projects. The web service is invoked in context of a user. The authentication is carried out with a “password for applications” that is managed by the user.
To define a password for applications, perform the following steps:
- In the Fabasoft Cloud Web Client open the account menu (your user name).
- Click “Access for Applications”.
- In the Passwords for Applications field click “New”.
- In the Valid for field select “Scrum Projects”.
- Define a Validity Period and click “Next”.
- Copy the displayed password that can be used for the authentication of the web service.
- Click “Close”.
You can use SOAP to call the operations listed in the scrum WSDL.
The WSDL can be retrieved via following URL:
https://at.cloud.fabasoft.com/folio/fscdav/wsdl?WEBSVC=FSCSCRUM_1_1001_ScrumWebService: new window
The scrum web service also supports the JSON format. You can call the operations the following way:
https://at.cloud.fabasoft.com/folio/wsjson/FSCSCRUM_1_1001_ScrumWebService/GetScrumProjects?all=true: new window
Available Operations
The scrum web service provides following operations:
- AddStoryRemark
- CreateScrumDefect
- CreateScrumImpediment
- CreateScrumStory
- CreateScrumTask
- GetMultipleScrumProjects
- GetMultipleScrumReleases
- GetMultipleScrumRequestContainers
- GetMultipleScrumSprints
- GetMultipleScrumStories
- GetMultipleScrumTasks
- GetMultipleScrumVersions
- GetScrumChildren
- GetScrumObjectInfo
- GetScrumProject
- GetScrumProjectRejectedStories
- GetScrumProjectReleasedStories
- GetScrumProjects
- GetScrumProjectStories
- GetScrumProjectVersions
- GetScrumRelease
- GetScrumReleaseStories
- GetScrumRequestContainer
- GetScrumSprint
- GetScrumSprintStories
- GetScrumStory
- GetScrumStoryChanges
- GetScrumStoryDetails
- GetScrumStoryHistory
- GetScrumStoryRepositoryInfo
- GetScrumStoryTasks
- GetScrumTask
- GetScrumTaskHistory
- GetScrumTracklist
- GetScrumVersion
- GetScrumVersionReleases
- GetStoryRemarks
- RequestHotfix
- SearchScrumProjectStories
- SearchScrumProjectTasks
- UpdateScrumStory
- UpdateScrumTask
More information about the parameters of the operations can be found here: https://help.developer.fabasoft.com/index.php: new window. Search for the corresponding actions. Generally, the actions assigned to the operations have the same names. Exceptions: GetScrumProject (GetScrumProjectInfo), GetScrumStoryDetails (GetScrumStoryExtendedDetails), RequestHotfix (RequestScrumHotfix)