2024 October Release

Templates and Text ModulesPermanent link for this heading

In the “Templates and Presettings” area, you can create template and text module collections, manage templates and text modules therein, and make them available to users.

Useful for Following Tasks

  • Providing templates for individual departments.
  • Using metadata as fields in Microsoft Word documents.
  • Defining personal templates.
  • Using text module placeholders in Microsoft Word templates (will be replaced when an instance is created).
  • Using text modules (predefined text) in Microsoft Word documents.

Essential information about templates and text modules can be found in the user help:

https://help.cloud.fabasoft.com/index.php?topic=doc/User-Help-Fabasoft-Cloud-eng/customizing.htm: new window

ScenarioPermanent link for this heading


For each contract type a Word template must exist. The current version of standard contract text blocks must be inserted when a contract is created based on the template.

To achieve the objective, proceed as follows:

  • Navigate to “Templates and Presettings”.
  • In a template collection, create a Microsoft Word template for each contract type.
  • In a text module collection, create a text module for each standard text block.
  • Edit the Word document, insert the contract text and insert text module placeholders for standard text blocks (“Fabasoft Cloud” tab > “Insert Text” > “Text Module Placeholder”).

  • When a contract based on the template is created, the text module placeholders are replaced.

The usage of the template can be restricted to improve usability and to define available Word fields (“Template” tab).

  • Category
    The category is copied to the object created from the template.
    Note: If applicable, lists can programmatically allow objects only with certain categories. In this way, the category can also restrict where the template can be used.
  • Contained in
    Defines the folder types in which the template can be used. This can either be done using the object class or the category of the folder. If object classes and categories are specified together, the folder must have a defined object class and a defined category.
  • Files
    Defines the type of files in which the template can be used. You can do this using either the object class or the category of the file. If object classes and categories are specified together, the file must have a defined object class and a defined category.

Using Fabasoft app.ducx ExpressionsPermanent link for this heading

The following expressions can be defined in the context of text modules.

Expression for Further Restrictions of Usability

Defines a Fabasoft app.ducx expression that may further restrict the use of the text module (see also COOAR@1.1:modulevisibleexpr: new window).

The expression can be found on the “Usage” tab of the text module.


// can only be used in objects that contain the string "(draft)"
in the name
lower(objname) contains "(draft)"