2025 February Release

COOSYSTEM@1.1:attrvalidateexpr Permanent link for this heading

Expression for Validating the Value

This expression is evaluated to validate values of the property during editing.
If an error occurs when evaluating the expression, this error is shown. If the expression returns false, a standard error is displayed.

Defines an app.ducx expression that validates a changed value of the property in user interface (see also attrvalidateexpr).

string[] COOSYSTEM@1.1:attrvalidateexpr readonly(inst)(
  object ::root,
  AttributeDefinition ::attribute,
  any ::parent,
  any ::value,
  boolean ::isvalue,
  boolean ::isedit,
  boolean ::iseditcommon,
  boolean ::isdashboard,
  boolean ::iscalccelledit,
  boolean ::issingleattribute,
  Action ::context)

Local Scope: dictionary
Global Scope: dictionary
Returns: boolean




contains the object the expression is evaluated for. ::root is identical to cooobj.


contains the property the expression is evaluated for.


the parent of cooobj.


the current value of the property


contains true if the form is used for displaying values (edit mode or read-only mode) opposed to query mode (see valuetype in ApplicationView).


contains true if the form is in edit mode opposed to read-only mode (see edittype in ApplicationView). ::isedit is only valid if ::isvalue is true.


contains true if the form is used to edit common properties of multiple objects. ::iseditcommon is only valid if ::isvalue is true. In this case ::root/cooobj refer to the first object of the selection.


contains true if the property is displayed in a dashboard.


contains true if the property is displayed while editing in a cell (F2).


contains true if the property is displayed in single attribute mode, i. e. when all other properties of a form page are hidden.
