2024 September Release

Application Area: Quality ManagementPermanent link for this heading

The following scope of services for the user and administrator relates to the quality management application area

Scope of Services – User PerspectivePermanent link for this heading

Fabasoft Approve Quality Management offers the following functionality for end users:

Use Case


Create issues

Authorized users can create issues on a site. Issues are stored in an issue archive, which is assigned to a site. Access rights are also defined via the roles on the site.

Define general issue metadata

The user can customize the metadata in the properties of the issue.

Define 8D team

The creator of an issue may define the coordinators and members of the 8D team who are authorized to make changes to the issue.

Define 8D schedule

The user has the option of defining the due dates for the steps of the 8D process at the issue.

Define problem summary

The user can define the problem summary for the issue.

Define related issues

The user can add related issues to the issue.

Define corrections

The user can add corrections to the issue. Corrections can only be created from templates that were previously created in the configuration or on the site.

Define causes

The user can create and add causes to the issue.

Define corrective actions

The user can add corrective actions for the issue. Corrective actions can only be created from templates that were previously created in the configuration or on the site.

Define preventive actions

The user can add preventive actions for the defect. Preventive actions can only be created from templates that were previously created in the configuration or in the site.

Create 8D report

The user can create an 8D report for the issue. This requires the storage of a template based on a Microsoft Word Document in the configuration.

Administrate Projects and Instances

The site administrator can create and manage projects in the site.

Instances can be created and manage in a project.

Define equipment class and equipment

An authorized user (in the roles of “Site Administrator” and “Inspection Planner”) can create and manage equipment classes on the site.

Equipment can be created and managed in an equipment class.

Manage inspection plans and inspection phases

Authorized users (in the “Site Administrator” and “Inspection Planner” roles) can create and manage master inspection plans in the issue.

Inspection plans can be created and managed under a master inspection plan.

Inspection phases can also be created and managed in the issue.

Inspection plans can be assigned to these inspection phases.

Furthermore, test steps can be created and managed in the issue, and these test steps can then be assigned to inspection plans.

Release inspection plans

Authorized users (in the “Site Administrator” and “Inspection Planner” roles) can release inspection plans for use so that they can then be instantiated for products.

Create inspection plans

Users can create instances of the approved inspection plans for products.

Check inspection plans

Users can test inspection plans instantiated for products. The test steps of the inspection plan must be completed during the test.

Create audits

Authorized users (in the “Site Administrator” and “Auditor” roles) can create audits in a site. Audits can also be created from templates.

Create checklists

Authorized users (in the “Site Administrator” and “Auditor” roles) can create checklists in an audit. Checklists can also be generated from templates.

Create checklist entries

Authorized users (in the “Site Administrator” and “Auditor” roles) can create checklist entries in a checklist. Checklist entries can also be created from templates.

Create findings

Authorized users (in the “Site Administrator” and “Auditor” roles) can create findings for an audit, a checklist or a checklist entry.

Create audit actions

Authorized users (in the “Site Administrator” and “Auditor” roles) can create audit actions for an audit, a checklist, a checklist entry or a finding.

Create FMEAs

The user can create design or process FMEAs in a site.

Create structure elements

The user can create structure elements in an FMEA. These can also contain subordinate structure elements to describe a hierarchy.

Create functions

The user can create functions for a structure element. These can describe a hierarchy.

Create failure modes

The user can create failure modes for a function. These can reference other failure modes as failure causes or failure consequences. Also, issues can be assigned to failure modes.

Create risk analyses and optimizations

The user can create risk analyses and optimizations for a failure mode and evaluate them according to significance, occurrence and detection.

Create preventive actions and detection actions

The user can create preventive and detection actions for a risk analysis or optimization, which are handled by an action process.

Scope of Services – AdministrationPermanent link for this heading

Fabasoft Approve Quality Management offers the following administration functionalities:

Use Case


Quality Management Configuration

General settings that apply to all sites are made in the quality manager configuration.

Users are authorized to use the quality management system by assigning roles.

Manage sites

The app administrator can create and manage sites in the configuration.

The access rights for the site can be defined by assigning roles in the plant.

Manage measuring units

The app administrator can create and manage measuring units in the configuration.

Measuring units can also be imported from a CSV file.

Manage failure locations and failure sublocations

The app administrator can create and manage failure locations in the configuration.

Failure sublocations can be created and managed for a failure location.

Failure locations and failure sublocations can also be imported from a CSV file.

Manage failure and failure types

The app administrator can create and manage failure types in the configuration.

Failure can be created and managed for a failure type.

Failure types and failures can also be imported from a CSV file.

Manage purchase orders and purchase order positions

The site administrator can create and manage purchase orders for a site.

Purchase order positions can be created and managed for a purchase order.

Manage material classes and materials

The app administrator can create and manage material classes in the configuration or additionally by the site administrator in a site (depending on the configuration settings).

Materials can be created and managed for a material class.

Material classes and materials can also be imported from a CSV file.

Manage customers

The app administrator can create and manage customers in the configuration or additionally by the site administrator in a site (depending on the configuration settings).

Customers can also be imported from a CSV file.

Manage suppliers

The app administrator can create and manage suppliers in the configuration or additionally by the site administrator in a site (depending on the configuration settings).

Suppliers can also be imported from a CSV file.

Manage equipment types

The app administrator can create and manage equipment types in the configuration.

Define 8D process

The app administrator can define the 8D process in the configuration on the basis of a BPMN process diagram.

Manage processes for actions

The app administrator can define processes in the configuration for processing actions.

Scope of Services – InterfacesPermanent link for this heading

The following interfaces are available for the Quality Management:

Use Case


Import Issues

Imports issues from a CSV file.

Import Actions

Imports actions for existing issues from a CSV file.