2024 August Release

PurchasePermanent link for this heading

The purchase management enables you to conduct an efficient, digital purchase process.

Use Case



The purchase management dashboard is the central access point to the purchase management.

When a user is added to a purchase management configuration, a dashboard is automatically created and placed on “Home”. When a user is removed again, the dashboard is also removed.


In the purchase configuration, app administrators can manage shelves, artifacts, general settings and app users.


Shelves are used to manage requirement requests, orders, goods receipts, invoices and to define access rights.

Requirement requests

Employees can start a purchase process using requirement requests.


Order documents and a requirement request can be stored in orders.

Goods receipts

A goods receipt can be created for a delivery and assigned to an order.


An invoice can be created for a delivery and assigned to an order.


Documents can be registered as order documents, goods receipts or invoices. You do this either by carrying out the corresponding steps in the worklist or using the “Register as” context menu command. Thereby the corresponding metadata for the documents can be entered.

Purchase process

The purchase process differs from organization to organization. Therefore, you have to define the required BPMN processes by yourself.

Basically, the following applies: The purchase workflow begins with an employee's requirement request and goes through defined approvals by supervisors. If the appropriate permissions are present, then the order can be accomplished by the purchasing department. With the goods receipt the delivery note is stored for the order. The invoice is also stored for the order.