2024 October Release

Scope of Services – User PerspectivePermanent link for this heading

Fabasoft Contracts offers the following functionality for end users.

ContractsPermanent link for this heading

The following use cases support you in managing contracts.

Use Case


Creating contracts

Contracts are created and organized in contract folders. The access rights are defined via contract folders as well.

Creating contracts based on documents

Contracts can be created directly from imported documents.

Recognizing contract types and extract metadata

If possible, contract-relevant metadata and clauses are extracted from imported documents and stored in the contracts.

Note: To use this functionality, separate licensing is required.

Defining general contract metadata

In the properties of a contract, general metadata such as contact information can be entered in addition to the contract documents.

Reassigning contracts

Contracts can be moved from one contract folder to another.

Canceling, deleting and restoring contracts

Contracts can be canceled, and canceled contracts can be deleted or restored.

Defining dates for contracts

In the properties of a contract, all relevant dates and reminders of the contract can be entered.

Defining special contract terms and special termination rights

Special contract terms and special termination rights can be defined for a contract.

Defining roles for contracts

Roles (e.g. internal signatories) can be defined for a contract.

Assigning contracts to an assignment target

A contract can be assigned to one or more assignment targets (e.g., suppliers or customers).

Tagging contracts

Contracts can be tagged using terms.

Adding Incoterms to contracts

Incoterms can be added to contracts.

Adding tasks to contracts

Tasks can be defined for contracts, which are also displayed in the integrated calendar.

Managing retention for contracts

Contracts can be assigned a retention requirement and retention period, which prevents them from being canceled and deleted.

Adding documents to contracts

Documents can be assigned to contracts, e.g., by uploading them via drag and drop.

Adding remarks to contracts

Remarks on contracts can be entered as free text.

Adding internal remarks to contracts

Internal remarks are not visible to users with restricted access.

Creating confidential rooms in the contract documents

Confidential rooms allow creating confidential contract documents accessible only to a selected group of users.

Creating external rooms in the contract documents

External rooms allow creating contract documents accessible to a selected group of external users.

Conducting approvals

Contracts can be approved using an approval process based on approval levels, limits, and roles.

Signing contracts

Contracts can be digitally signed. Depending on the project’s needs, external signature services DocuSign and Skribble can also be integrated.

Creating following contracts

For a contract, following contracts can be created. For a following contract, further following contracts can be created to represent contract chains.

Creating subordinated contracts

Subordinated contracts can be created for a contract, for example, to map outline agreements with subordinate contracts.

Further subordinated contracts can be created for a subordinated contract to represent a multilevel contract hierarchy.

Creating legal files from contracts

Starting from a contract, a legal file can be created.

Legal FilesPermanent link for this heading

The following use cases support you in managing legal files.

Note: To use this functionality, separate licensing is required.

Use Case


Creating legal files

Legal files are created and organized in legal areas. The access rights are defined via legal areas as well.

Defining general legal file metadata

In the properties of a legal file, general metadata can be entered in addition to the legal file documents.

Reassigning legal files

Legal files can be moved from one legal area to another.

Canceling, deleting and restoring legal files

Legal files can be canceled, and canceled legal files can be deleted or restored.

Defining dates for legal files

In the properties of a legal file, all relevant dates and reminders of the legal file can be entered.

Assigning legal files to an assignment target

A legal file can be assigned to one or more assignment targets (e.g., suppliers or customers).

Managing retention for legal files

Legal files can be assigned a retention requirement and retention period, which prevents them from being canceled and deleted.

Adding documents to legal files

Documents can be assigned to legal files, for example, by uploading them via drag and drop.

Adding remarks to legal files

Remarks on legal files can be entered as free text.

Adding internal remarks to legal files

Internal remarks are not visible to users with restricted access.

Creating confidential rooms in the legal file documents

Confidential rooms allow creating confidential legal file documents accessible only to a selected group of users.

Creating external rooms in the legal file documents

External rooms allow creating legal file documents accessible to a selected group of external users.

Creating contracts from legal files

Starting from a legal file, a contract can be created.

RequestsPermanent link for this heading

The following use cases support you in managing requests.

Use Case


Allowing requests

Requests can be allowed for contract folders or legal areas.

Creating requests

Requests are used to communicate with contract folder or legal area managers.

Assigning requests to an assignment target

A request can be assigned to one or more assignment targets (e.g., suppliers or customers).

Managing retention for requests

Requests can be assigned a retention requirement and retention period, which prevents them from being canceled and deleted.

Adding documents to requests

Documents can be assigned to requests, for example, by uploading them via drag and drop.

Adding remarks to requests

Remarks on requests can be entered as free text.

Adding internal remarks to requests

Internal remarks are not visible to users with restricted access.

Creating contracts/legal files from requests

Starting from a request, a contract or a legal file can be created.

GeneralPermanent link for this heading

In addition, the following general use cases are available.

Use Case


Contract manager dashboard

The contract manager dashboard is the central access point to Fabasoft Contracts.

Using forms and categories

Custom forms can be used to, for example, extend contracts with fields for storing customer-specific data. Categories can be assigned to objects and thus influence the behavior of the objects.

Using processes

By starting processes, users can be involved in the editing of business objects via workflow. Typical processes are approval and release processes.

Using templates

Contracts and legal files can be created using templates. Individual documents can be created using document templates.

Using text modules

Text modules with standard texts can be inserted into Word documents (documents and document templates).

Generating reports

Reports provide an overview of contracts based on definable criteria.

Using interactive reports

Interactive reports provide a visual and always up-to-date overview of the contracts.

Note: This functionality is available in the “Fabasoft Contracts AI” edition.

Commenting documents

PDF documents or documents that can be converted to PDF documents can be commented using an integrated PDF viewer.

Signing documents digitally

Documents can be signed digitally with a certificate.

Note: In the course of the "Signing documents digitally" use case, a logged-in user can digitally sign documents stored in the Fabasoft Cloud using the “Fabasoft Business Process Cloud Digital Signatures” certificate (“Sign Digitally” function). This certificate is not a personal or organizational certificate of the logged-in user. A signature with this certificate merely confirms that the logged-in user has executed the “Sign Digitally” function and that a document with a valid signature of this certificate has not been modified since the signature process.

Fabasoft will not be

  • party to such a signed document;
  • entitled and/or obligated under such signed document;
  • responsible or liable for legal validity, content, quality and/or format; and
  • responsible or liable for verifying the logged-in user's authorization and entitlement to use the electronic signature.

The “Sign Digitally” function is not a substitute for more extensive legal and formal requirements. It is the sole responsibility of the customer or the logged-in user to verify the required legal validity of such a signature.

The “Sign Digitally” function is not an electronic signature within the meaning of the Federal Act on Electronic Signatures (Signature Act).

Using a calendar

With the help of the integrated calendar, an overview of all appointments is provided. The calendar can also be integrated into Microsoft Outlook.

Managing contacts

The management of signatories is available in the contact management. You can:

  • create contact persons
  • create organizations
  • perform duplicate checks
  • import and export contacts
  • delete contacts

Performing text recognition

An inbox rule can be used to perform text recognition (German, English) in documents that can be converted to PDF.

Note: To use this functionality, either a storage package with OCR functionality or a volume-based license (based on the number of pages) is required that must be purchased separately. The page count for PDF documents and TIF files is determined by the page information. For images without page information (e.g. JPG, PNG), each individual image is considered a page.

Integration for OData

With the integration for OData, structured data in the Fabasoft Cloud can be accessed via the standardized OData protocol.

Note: To use this functionality, a volume-based license (based on query objects) is required which must be purchased separately. A query object is understood to be an object queried via the OData interface. If the same object is queried multiple times, each query counts as a single query object. Objects that are processed as part of a query but are not directly included in the result (e.g. calculation of a number) are also counted.

3D viewer

CAD 3D models can be displayed in the integrated 3D viewer.

Note: To use this functionality, separate licensing is required.

Insight apps

Insight apps provide aggregated access to information in your cloud organization, customized to your needs.


The integrated full-text search allows you to quickly find the desired information. Actions can be executed directly on the search result.

The search is carried out in accordance with user access rights. Only accessible results are presented.