2025 February Release

Scope of Services – AdministrationPermanent link for this heading

The personnel file configuration and the personnel file shelf provide settings that define the behavior of personnel files. These following table presents the use cases.

Use Case


Using a personnel file configuration

In the personnel file configuration common settings, the structure of personnel files and the app users (licensing) are defined.

Authorizing the team

Only authorized users may access the personnel files.

Creating the folder structure for personnel files

The documents of a personnel file can be stored in an arbitrary folder hierarchy.

Creating categories

Categories can define access rights, retention rules and automatic follow-ups.

Creating report templates

Reports can be generated based on predefined report templates.

Defining predefined values for drop-down boxes

Predefined values for e.g. positions or qualifications help to use consistent names in all personnel files.

Defining SAP settings

By defining the SAP connection parameters, master data can be opened in SAP via the personnel file GUI (PA30 transaction).

Configuring the SAP integration

The SAP integration provides the connection between SAP and the Fabasoft Personnel File.

Defining watermark settings

The PDF overview of a personnel file can be provided with a watermark.

Defining personalized Word templates

Metadata (e.g. salutation or address) can be inserted into a Word document as updatable fields.

Providing the scan functionality (pre-capture)

The scan software must upload the document via a web service to the Fabasoft Personnel File system.

Check personnel files for inconsistencies

Personnel files can be checked for inconsistencies on the basis of predefined check factors.

Note: This functionality is only available for personnel file shelves with a query-based view.