2024 October Release

Scope of Services – User PerspectivePermanent link for this heading

The functionality described below is available to end users.

GeneralPermanent link for this heading

Use Case


Index documents for AI search

Uploaded documents are processed for data extraction.

Secure AI text generation

Users have access to processing power for AI tasks in the Fabasoft PROCECO cloud environment.

Sustainability Questionnaire AnsweringPermanent link for this heading

Use Case


Generate answers questions of your sustainability questionnaire

Questions are answered specifically to ensure that the responses are aligned with the requirements and standards for your industry.

Identify relevant questions for your company

The automatic answer generation considers your industry as well as responses to previous questions to determine which questions should be answered.

Find data to answer questions using AI search queries

Text generation for answers uses specific search queries powered by our Mindbreeze Inspire technology. Please see section 3 for further detail.

View answer guidance for each question

Users can view guidelines on how to answer each question.

View scoring criteria for each question

Users can view an in-line scoring breakdown for each question.

Edit answers directly

Users can directly edit all answers via text editing and drop-down menus where applicable.

View exact source documents used for generated answers

Each generated answer is provided with the source documents used for that response.

Request a new answer

Users can choose re-answer a question.

Upload documents to specific questions

Documents can be designated as relevant for answering the specific question.

Track unanswered questions

Users can view a gap analysis of unanswered questions.

Trigger questionnaire answering

An administrator can select the ‘start indexing’ function to trigger the process of answering unfinished questions.

Project managementPermanent link for this heading

Use Case


Invite administrator users

Invite additional administrator users by inserting their email address. Administrator users can access all functionality including the deletion of documents.

Invite editor users

Invite additional editor users by inserting their email address. Editor users can access all data and questions but cannot delete documents.

Invite contributor users

Invite additional contributor users by inserting their email address. Contributor users can see only the questions assigned to them and cannot view the global list of documents.

Invite approver users

Invite additional approver users by inserting their email address. Approver users can see only the questions assigned to them for approval and cannot view the global list of documents.

Assign responsibility for editing answers

Use the ‘assign question’ feature to select the team member responsible for the question.

Set the answer status for each question

Users can set the state of each question to track progress.

Create workflow tasks with deadlines and reminders

Users can create tasks and reminders by assigning questions and deadlines to users.

Assign responsibility for approving answers

Users can assign an approver for each question.

Visualize questionnaire progress by answer status

Users can view a visualization of the questionnaire completion progress broken down by answer status.

Control permissions for each question

Users can be granted permission to access all questions or only those that are assigned to them.

Control access to documents

Administrators and editors can access all documents while contributors and approvers can only view the questions with documents assigned to them.