2024 August Release

Supported PlatformsPermanent link for this heading

The following third-party products are supported.

DesktopPermanent link for this heading

The following web browsers can be used:

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Apple Safari

The following reference platforms provide optimal functionality and performance:

  • Microsoft Windows 10 (22H2) (x64)
    Microsoft Windows 11 (23H2) (x64)
    • Microsoft Edge 126.0 (as desktop program)
    • Mozilla Firefox 128.0 (as desktop program)
    • Google Chrome 126.0 (as desktop program)
  • Apple macOS 14.5 (x64, Apple M)
    • Apple Safari 17.5
    • Mozilla Firefox 128.0
    • Google Chrome 126.0
  • Ubuntu 24.04 (x64) with Xorg window system
    • Mozilla Firefox 128.0

Office ApplicationsPermanent link for this heading

The Fabasoft Cloud Client enables you to open, edit, and save documents directly via the corresponding third-party products. The following reference versions are tested:

  • Adobe InDesign 2024
    Note: InDesign documents can be edited only if the document format of the document to be opened (for example, InDesign 2024 document) matches the InDesign application version (for example, Adobe InDesign 2024).
  • Adobe Illustrator 2024
  • Adobe Photoshop 2024
  • Adobe Reader DC
  • Apple Keynote 14.1
  • Apple Numbers 14.1
  • Apple Pages 14.1
  • Apple Calendar 11.0
  • Autodesk AutoCAD 2022 (x64) / 2023 (x64)
  • HCL Notes 12.0
  • LibreOffice 24.2.5
  • Microsoft Excel 2019 / 2021 / 365 (Desktop Version) / for the Web
  • Microsoft Outlook 2019 / 2021 / 365 (Desktop Version)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 / 2021 / 365 (Desktop Version) / for the Web
  • Microsoft Project 2019 / 2021
  • Microsoft Visio 2019 / 2021 / for the Web
  • Microsoft Word 2019 / 2021 / 365 (Desktop Version) / for the Web
  • Microsoft Excel for Mac 2021
  • Microsoft Outlook for Mac 2021
  • Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac 2021
  • Microsoft Word for Mac 2021
  • Mozilla Thunderbird 115

Note: Microsoft Office 365 Business or Education is required for using Microsoft Office for the Web.

The following prerequisites apply for the integration of SAP:

  • SAP ERP Central Component (ECC) 6.0 EHP 8
  • SAP Content Server HTTP Interface 4.7

Multimedia FilesPermanent link for this heading

It is possible to play back multimedia files directly in the current versions of the following web browsers.

Web browser

Supported formats

Microsoft Edge

Audio: MP3, Wav, Ogg

Video: MP4, WebM, Ogg

Mozilla Firefox

Audio: MP3, Wav, Ogg

Video: MP4, WebM, Ogg

Google Chrome

Audio: MP3, Wav, Ogg

Video: MP4, WebM, Ogg

Apple Safari

Audio: MP3, Wav

Video: MP4

The specific formats that are supported by your web browser can be found here:

https://caniuse.com/#search=audio%20format: new window

https://caniuse.com/#search=video%20format: new window

3D/CAD/BIM FilesPermanent link for this heading

The following file formats can be displayed in the 3D viewer and as preview images:

  • dae
    Sony Interactive Entertainment - Digital Asset Exchange File (Collada)
  • dwg
    Autodesk - AutoCAD Drawing Database File (AC1021, AC1024, AC1027, AC1032)
  • dxf
    Autodesk - AutoCAD Drawing Exchange Format File
  • fbx
    Autodesk - Autodesk Interchange File
  • gltf
    Khronos Group - GL Transmission Format File
  • ifc (3x2)
    BuildingSMART - Industry Foundation Classes File
  • igs, iges
    Standard - Initial Graphics Exchange Specification File
  • ipt
    Autodesk - Inventor Part File
  • jt
    Siemens PLM Software - JT Open CAD File
  • obj
    Wavefront Technologies - Wavefront 3D Object File
  • stp, step
    Standard - Standard for the Exchange of product model data
  • stl
    3D Systems - Stereolithography File
  • wrl
    Community Standard - VRML World

Note: The scope of services may differ depending on the product purchased.

Mobile DevicesPermanent link for this heading

The following reference platforms provide optimal functionality and performance.

Web BrowserPermanent link for this heading

  • Tablets/Phones with iPadOS/iOS 17.5
    Apple Safari (version corresponding to the supported operating system)
  • Tablets/Phones with Android 14.0
    Google Chrome 126.0 (setting: mobile version)

Fabasoft Cloud AppPermanent link for this heading

  • Tablets/Phones with iPadOS/iOS 17.5
  • Tablets/Phones with Android 14.0

AccessibilityPermanent link for this heading

Accessibility is a core concept of the Fabasoft products. The product employs assistive technologies such as screen readers and screen magnifiers based upon these standards:

  • Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.0
  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, Conformity Level AA
  • ISO 9241-171:2008 Guidance on software accessibility

The following screen readers are recommended:

  • Microsoft Windows
    • NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access)
    • JAWS 2024
  • Apple iPhone/iPad
    • VoiceOver (Fabasoft Cloud App)
  • Android
    • TalkBack (Fabasoft Cloud App)

Note: VoiceOver and TalkBack provide only limited support for WAI-ARIA. Consequently, the web browser user interface cannot be used with these screen readers.

Accessibility Exceptions

The following functions are partially or entirely non-accessible:

  • BPMN Editor
  • Document View
  • Content of Widgets
  • New Events in Teamrooms
  • Adjusting Images
  • Adjusting Screenshots (Support Button)
  • Menus in List Cells
  • Manual Sorting of Lists

More information on the restricted functions and alternatives thereto are available in the user help chapter “Accessibility Exceptions”.

Conversion ServicePermanent link for this heading

Extracting video and audio metadata is supported for the following file types:

  • audio (mp3, ogg, wav)
  • video (mp4, mov, flv, webm, avi, wmv)