2024 August Release

Asset ShelvesPermanent link for this heading

Asset shelves are used to manage digital content in a structured way and to define access rights for effective collaboration.

You can store your content directly in the top-level shelf or create a hierarchically nested shelf structure with additional asset shelves, granularly defining access permissions for each asset shelf.

Link between Asset Shelves and Fabasoft Cloud TeamroomsPermanent link for this heading

Asset shelves are based on the concept of Fabasoft Cloud Teamrooms and accordingly have their functionalities and setting options. The functional scope of Teamrooms is described in detail in the general Fabasoft Cloud user help in the chapter "Collaboration with Teamrooms: new window" and includes the following functionalities, among others:

  • Create and structure Teamrooms.
  • Create, edit, organize documents in Teamrooms, etc..
  • Granular definition of access rights on a user and team/role basis.

The main difference to Teamrooms is the additional functionality of asset shelves: With the help of the "Asset Registration" and "Licensing" functionalities, users can be enforced to consistently maintain metadata.


  • Administrators can (de)enable new asset registration in the DAM configuration settings. For more details, please refer to chapter “Registering Assets".
  • Administrators can (de)activate licensing in the DAM configuration settings. More details can be found in chapter 9.5 "Licensing".
  • The Fabasoft Cloud Client enables automatic synchronization of folder structures (Teamrooms, folders, asset shelves, external areas) and their content with the local file system. To do this, select the "Synchronize" action in the action bar. You can find more details on this in the Fabasoft Cloud user help in the "Synchronization: new window" chapter.

SettingsPermanent link for this heading

In addition to the Teamrooms’ settings, the settings described below are available for Asset Shelves. To set them, navigate to an asset shelf and select the "Settings" action in the tool area.

Tab “Contract/License Documents

  • Contract/License Documents
    The stored documents can be referenced in the assets.

Tab “Default Values

  • Default Thesaurus for New Terms
    If a default thesaurus is specified, new terms can be created directly during indexing.
  • Default Categories
    When an object is created, the specified category is assigned according to the defined object class. In the Apply to field, you can specify whether the setting applies to instances, templates, or both.

Note: Here you can, for example, assign a metadata form created in the configuration for new assets in this asset shelf. This will then be available as an additional tab for all newly created/uploaded assets of the selected object class for this asset shelf.

  • Default Processes
    When an object is created, the specified process is assigned according to the defined object class or category. In the Apply to field, you can specify whether the setting applies to instances, templates, or both.
  • Note: Here, for example, you can assign a default BPMN process modeled in the configuration for the asset shelf. This process is started automatically as soon as an object of the selected object class is created or uploaded in the corresponding asset shelf.
  • Additional Default Background Tasks
    When an object is created, the specified background tasks are assigned.


  • The default properties overwrite or extend the settings in the configuration.
  • In order to be able to assign default values (e.g. processes or metadata forms), these must be created in advance by DAM administrators in the configuration and released for use.
  • Further settings for asset shelves that are also available for Teamrooms, such as security settings, can be found in the general Fabasoft Cloud user help.

Folders and External AreasPermanent link for this heading

For further hierarchical (sub-) structuring of your asset shelf-system, folders and external areas are available in addition to asset shelves.

FolderPermanent link for this heading

The main difference between folders and asset shelves is that folders inherit the settings from the parent asset shelf (in which they are created). In contrast, separate settings apply to each (sub-) asset shelf - especially with regard to access permissions - and must be defined accordingly in each case. This means that initially only the user who created the asset shelf is authorized with all rights. In order to work with other users or user groups at the asset shelf level, they must first be authorized. In newly created folders, however, all team members of the parent asset shelf are already authorized. This setting cannot be overridden for folders. We therefore recommend nesting asset shelves as long as the access permissions can change. Then the team can use folders for further sub structuring. To create a folder, select corresponding action in the Asset Shelf’s tool area.

Convert Folder

If you want to change access permissions for a folder, you need to convert it to an asset shelf. To do so, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to your folder.
  2. Click "Tools" in the context menu of the folder.
  3. In the submenu there, click the "Convert to" command.
  4. Choose between "Asset Shelf" and "External Area".
  5. Select whether you want to apply the security settings of the parent asset shelf and confirm with "Convert".

Note: You can also convert asset shelves or external areas into folders.

External AreasPermanent link for this heading

External areas can be created in asset shelves. The team defined in the parent asset shelf automatically is authorized in the external area. Users with all rights in the asset shelf can extend the team of the external area. This allows, for example, close cooperation with an external graphics agency, which should only have access to the external area.

To create an External Area, proceed as follows:

  1. In your Asset Shelf structure, navigate to the area where you want to create the External Area.
  2. Select the "Create External Area" action in the tool area.
  3. Select a name and if necessary, a subject, confirm by clicking “Next”.
  4. Navigate to your created External Area and select the "Team" action in the tool area. Here you can extend the access permission inherited from the asset shelf to include external users or user groups.