2025 February Release

DAM DashboardPermanent link for this heading

The DAM Dashboard is your access point to the DAM.

When you are added as an app user to a DAM configuration, a dashboard is automatically created and placed as a widget ("Digital Asset Management") on "Home". When you are removed as an app user, the dashboard/widget will also get removed.

The DAM dashboard is divided into the following areas:

  • Recently Used Assets
    Displays assets you have recently used.
  • Asset Shelf Structure
    Displays the top-level asset shelves that are used to manage assets.
  • All Asset Shelves
    Displays all asset shelves independent of the level.
  • All Assets
    This widget is your entry point to the search-based list of all available assets.
  • Transfer Collections
    Displays your transfer collections, if at least one transfer collection exists.

Note: Users always see only those objects for which they are authorized.

You can execute the following actions:

  • Create Asset Deposit
    You can create new asset shelves using the “Create Asset Shelf” action.
  • Restore Personal Shelf
    You can restore your personal shelf.
    Note: This action is only available if you are a DAM and Publishing user and have removed your personal Shelf.
  • Create transfer collection
    You can use the “Create Transfer Collection” action to create new transfer collections. Transfer collections are used to collect assets from different folders and shelves and share them as a public link.
  • Switch to Configuration
    Via “Switch to Configuration” action you can switch to your DAM Configuration.
  • Settings
    Using the “Settings” action, you can set general properties of the DAM Dashboard (for example, the logo or the notification setting).