2025 February Release

Navigating in ListsPermanent link for this heading

The name of your current location is displayed in the title bar. For navigating back, the “Back” button in the title bar can be used. Each list in the navigation menu has its own navigation stack.

Sorting ObjectsPermanent link for this heading

The sorting of objects in a list can be easily adapted by tapping the “Sort” button in the right part of the title bar. You can sort objects depending on various criteria. Change the sort order by tapping the menu option another time. The current order of sorting is indicated via an arrow symbol.

The types of sorting options are:

  • Name
  • Last Change on/at
  • No Sorting (Displays documents in the order that they are stored on the server)
  • Default Sorting (iOS only)

Note: On iOS, the default sorting method is defined by the backend object model. On Android it can be changed in the settings; see chapter “View (Android Only)”.

Changing a ViewPermanent link for this heading

Teamrooms and folders display the objects contained within them in the content area. The type of view can be changed via the “Change View” button in the right section of the title bar.


The list view is selected by default. It displays the most important information on the objects.


In the thumbnails view, you can find the name and the preview of the object. For documents, the first page is displayed.

Filtering a ListPermanent link for this heading

By using the search bar, you can easily filter by name. Just enter text without starting a search to filter the list.