2025 February Release

Previewing DocumentsPermanent link for this heading

The Fabasoft Cloud App provides a preview of various document types.

  • When the document is an image, a preview of the image is displayed.
  • If a PDF view is available for the document type, the document is presented in the integrated PDF viewer.
  • On iOS, documents of the types Apple Pages, Apple Numbers, and Apple Keynote will be displayed with the integrated viewer of iOS.
  • For supported audio and video types a play button will be displayed over the preview image.
  • If the document cannot be converted to PDF (e.g. due to an unsupported document type), only the icon of the corresponding object class will be displayed.
  • The preview and overview functionalities both support pinch-to-zoom.
  • The preview of a document can be switched to full screen-mode. In full screen-mode, all UI except the title bar is hidden.

Note: You can use the “Open in” action to view objects in apps on your device that support the corresponding document type.

Opening a DocumentPermanent link for this heading

By pressing the “Open in” action, the original file is downloaded to be opened with any application that supports the document type.

The document is opened in read-only mode, but some third-party apps may allow editing.

Note: Only available with corresponding configuration settings. See chapter “Various Functions and Actions”.

Editing a Document (Android Only)Permanent link for this heading

By pressing the “Edit in” action, the document is locked in the backend, so no other user can change the content while it is being edited on your device.

The original file is downloaded to be opened with any application that supports the document type.

When the third-party application properly saves the file back to the original location, the changes will automatically be uploaded to the backend. Be aware that some third-party applications do not support this, and rather try to store the file locally or elsewhere.


Editing a Text DocumentPermanent link for this heading

For text documents, an in-place-editor is available.

By pressing the “Edit” action, the in-place-editor is opened. The document is locked, so no other user can change the content while it is being edited on your device.

The original file is downloaded and opened for in-place-editing.

The changes made by in-place-editing can be canceled or saved. By tapping the “Save” button, the document is uploaded automatically. When the upload is finished, the document is unlocked and the in-place-editor is closed. The preview is refreshed automatically.

Note: Only available with corresponding configuration settings. See chapter “Various Functions and Actions”.

PDF ViewerPermanent link for this heading

The PDF Viewer provides the following features through buttons in the title bar:

  • Search
  • Content (Android)/Outline (iOS)
  • Thumbnail
  • Comment (depending upon your Fabasoft Cloud edition)
  • Display commented versions (depending upon your Fabasoft Cloud edition)
  • Open full screen mode

Moreover, a thumbnail bar is displayed at the bottom of the content view to navigate quickly to a particular page in the document.


When pressing the “Search” button in the title bar, the search view is displayed. The search view contains a text input field and a result list.

The document is searched while typing in the input field and the result list is filled with the search results. The search results are highlighted directly in the document. By tapping on a search result in the list, the document scrolls to the page and the exact location of the search result.

The search can also be triggered by selecting a text in the viewer as well as by using the context menu action “Search”.

Content (Android)/Outline (iOS)

When pressing the “Content” action on Android or the “Outline” action on iOS, the content view is displayed. The content view displays the table of contents (when available), a list of bookmarks, and a list of annotations.

By tapping on an entry from either list, the document scrolls to the page and the exact location of the desired entry.


When pressing the “Thumbnails” button, the thumbnail view is opened. The thumbnail view takes up the entire view and displays small thumbnails for regular pages, pages with annotations, or pages with bookmarks for easy and fast navigation.

By tapping on a thumbnail, the document scrolls to the desired page.

Thumbnail Bar and Scrollbar

A thumbnail bar is also available via a floating widget on the bottom of the PDF overview and can be made visible or hidden by pressing anywhere on the screen. By tapping an item from the thumbnail bar, the document scrolls to the desired page.

A scrollbar is available on the right side of the PDF viewer and can be shown or hidden by pressing anywhere on the screen. It is also shown when starting to scroll. The scrollbar handle can be used for easy and fast navigation.

Commenting With Integrated PDF EditorPermanent link for this heading

This feature is only available when the Cloud App “Commenting With Integrated PDF Editor” is licensed.

This allows to add public and private comments for specific document versions. Comments can be added to all documents that provide a PDF rendition. The comments are not stored within the PDF document but in separated meta data.

By default, the current version is commented. Whenever the primary content of a document changes, a new “review version” is created automatically. You can switch between these “review versions” via the “Show commented versions” button in the title bar.

Showing Commented VersionsPermanent link for this heading

When commented versions of the document are available, the “Show commented versions” button is available in the title bar. When pressing the button, a dialog listing the available versions and layers is displayed.

  • Select a version number to load the content of the desired document version.
  • Check or uncheck the layers to show or hide comments for the selected layer type.

The selection states for the selected version and checked layers are stored until the preview is closed. When swiping between documents, the selected states are applied.

When a version is selected, the preview displays the desired document version, but the regular actions in the action panel on the bottom of the app only apply to the current version. The selected version is only meant for overview and commenting. It is not possible to edit an earlier document version. However, comments can be added to the current version or any previous version of the document.

CommentingPermanent link for this heading

When pressing the “Comment” button, the document is prepared for commenting, i.e. public/private layers are generated. If the document has no earlier versions or layers, a persistent version is created. Each version consists of a public and a private layer.

The public layer is can be edited by anyone with access rights to the document.

The private layer is only editable to the current user. No other user can read comments within the private layer.

When the document is prepared, the in-place-editor for commenting is opened.

The document and existing comments for the selected version are reloaded before being displayed.

The in-place-editor shares some buttons with the PDF viewer (see also “PDF Viewer”):

  • Search
  • Content
  • Thumbnail

The in-place-editor has the following additional features:

  • Layer selection
  • Cancel
  • Save
  • Annotation toolbar

Layer Selection

Depending on the currently selected layer, the “Comment Publicly” button or “Comment Privately” button is available. It may be possible that you are only allowed to add public or private comments (e.g. depending on the settings of the Teamroom). In this case you cannot change the layer, therefor no button appears.

In addition, the currently selected layer is displayed below the title bar on top of the editor. Comments can only be edited for the currently selected layer. If you add new comments, they are saved along the selected layer.


When pressing the “Cancel” button, a dialog may appear to confirm that changes are discarded, otherwise the in-place-editor is closed immediately.


When tapping the “Save” button, the comments are saved to the backend.

Annotation Toolbar

The annotation toolbar contains different tools to annotate the document.

The following tools are available:

  • Markup (Highlight, Underline, Strike Out, Squiggly)
  • Note
  • Text
  • Drawing
  • Geometric Forms (Line, Square, Polygon, Circle, Arrow)
  • Eraser
  • Change Color

Media PlaybackPermanent link for this heading

For supported audio and video files a play button will be displayed in the preview. By pressing this button, the media player opens and playback of the given media starts automatically. With the media player the user can control media playback intuitively by using the displayed controls.

Note: A running playback delays the app passcode lock.

Picture-in-Picture Mode (Video Files Only)Permanent link for this heading

For video files playback can continue in Picture-in-Picture mode, by either pressing the dedicated Picture-in-Picture mode button or by moving the app to the background while playback is running.

Note: A running playback in Picture-In-Picture mode delays the app passcode lock.

Note: Picture-in-Picture mode only works for video files that are not encrypted using Secomo and not restricted by the Teamroom setting “Restrict the Downloading or Opening of Content on the Device”.

Background Audio Playback (Audio Files Only)Permanent link for this heading

For audio files media playback will continue when the app is moved to the background.

The Android app has a dedicated button which will close the media player and continue audio playback in the background.

Note: Background audio playback only works for audio files that are not encrypted using Secomo and not restricted by the Teamroom setting “Restrict the Downloading or Opening of Content on the Device”.

Play Now Info (iOS) and Media Controls (Android)Permanent link for this heading

Starting the playback of an audio or video file will update the Play Now Info (iOS) or the media controls (Android) which is/are displayed in the notification center of the device.

Note: This only works for audio and video files that are not encrypted using Secomo and not restricted by the Teamroom setting “Restrict the Downloading or Opening of Content on the Device”.