2025 February Release

Starting the Fabasoft Cloud AppPermanent link for this heading

App Permissions

The Fabasoft Cloud App requires certain app permissions for particular actions. When the app tries to execute such functions, a dialog is displayed by the operating system to provide access.

  • Android
    • Storage: For monitoring a file while editing.
    • Contacts: For inviting contacts to a Teamroom.
    • Location: For restricting the LAN Synchronization feature to particular Wi-Fi networks.
    • Push notifications: For sending push notifications to your device.
  • iOS
    • Face ID: For unlocking the app with Face ID.
    • Photos: For importing videos and photos from your photo library.
    • Camera: For importing videos or photos directly from the camera.
    • Microphone: For importing videos with audio directly from the camera.
    • Contacts: For inviting contacts to a Teamroom.
    • Location Services: For restricting the LAN Synchronization feature to particular Wi-Fi networks.
    • Local Network Access: For using the LAN Synchronization feature.
    • Push notifications: For sending push notifications to your device.

App PasscodePermanent link for this heading

The Fabasoft Cloud App must be secured with an app passcode. The additional app passcode is an extra layer of security in order to protect the data stored on your device. If you switch the app to background for more than 15 seconds, or keep it open for more than 5 minutes without interaction, the app will be automatically locked. In order to unlock the app, you must identify yourself via the app passcode or biometric identification. The app code must consist of at least six digits.

If the passcode is entered incorrectly 5 times, all data in the app will be erased.

In case the dialog for biometric identification is accidentally closed, you can reopen it via the biometric ID button at the bottom left.

LoginPermanent link for this heading

There are multiple ways to log into the Fabasoft Cloud App:

  • E-mail address and password
  • Client Certificate installed in the app
  • Single Sign-on with an Active Directory of your organization
  • Single Sign-on with a SAML 2.0 identity provider of your organization
  • Austrian Citizen Card with Mobile Signature linked to your account

To log into the Fabasoft Cloud App, proceed as follows:

  1. Install and open the app.
  2. Define an app passcode by entering a pin with at least six digits on the “Activate Passcode Lock” pop-up.
  3. Re-enter the same passcode.
  4. Optionally, you can also define to unlock the app by your biometric identification.
  5. Next, you will see a “Login” button with a checkbox labelled “Stay logged in”. By leaving the checkbox checked, you will only be asked for your login data once and you are logged in permanently.
    Note: When using permanent login on iOS, there will be another pop-up, so tap “Continue”.
  6. Select the preferred login method to proceed.

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Authentication with Client Certificates

The Fabasoft Cloud App supports authentication with client certificates. On Android devices, the client certificates stored on the device in the systems key store can be used.

On iOS, apps are not allowed to access the system key chain to get access to globally deployed certificates. However, if required, it is possible to import a client certificate into the app. This can be done either by importing a PKCS#12 file into the Fabasoft Cloud App using Finder (macOS only), or by opening a file with the extension pfx.fabasoft in the Fabasoft Cloud App using the “Open in” feature of another app. The certificate file must include the private key so that it can be used for authentication. The certificate is securely stored in the key chain of the device.

However, when you use the permanent login feature (activate “Stay logged in” on the login page), the authentication is delegated to a Safari web view which has access to the system key chain as well. In general, mobile device management software allows to distribute client certificates that can be used in Safari. In this case, the client certificate does not need be stored in the context of the Fabasoft Cloud App.

Additional Cloud Services

If you want to add an additional Fabasoft Private Cloud service in addition to the Fabasoft Public Cloud, proceed as follows:

  1. In the login section, press the hamburger menu icon in the top left corner to open the navigation menu.
  2. Tap “Cloud Services”.
  3. Tap “Add Cloud Service” in the action panel.
  4. Add the Fabasoft Private Cloud service by entering a display name and the fully qualified hostname.

For more information, see chapter ”Cloud Services

App ShortcutsPermanent link for this heading

When performing a long tap on the app icon on the home screen of your device, you can directly navigate to “Worklist”, “Favorites”, or “Search” or you can enter the “Offline Mode”.

Push NotificationsPermanent link for this heading

You may receive push notifications, e.g. if a workflow activity has been sent to you. You can directly open the activity in the “Worklist” by clicking on the push notification in the notification center.

Note: On iOS, you must explicitly allow push notifications for the app. If you do not receive notifications, you need to enable them in the “Settings” app for the Fabasoft Cloud App.

  1. Open the “Settings” app.
  2. Locate the Fabasoft Cloud App and open it.
  3. Open “Notifications”.
  4. Enable “Allow Notifications”.
  5. Among others, you may also define where the notifications will appear.