2025 February Release

General Settings in Configurations and ShelvesPermanent link for this heading

The following applications provide the general settings described here:

  • Customizing
  • Contact Management
  • Material Master

ConfigurationsPermanent link for this heading

The configurations provide the following general configuration settings.

General Configuration AreasPermanent link for this heading

In the configurations you will find the following general areas.


  • To be able to store objects from a different context, you must adjust the Restrict Shortcuts Within Teamroom field in the configuration settings accordingly.
  • The areas differ in “Customizing”.

Insight Apps

Insight apps provide aggregated access to information in your cloud organization, customized to your needs. You can use insight apps to display and highlight important information without users having to explicitly search for it.

More information can be found in chapter “Insight Apps”.

Forms and Categories

This area shows the forms and categories provided by the configuration. For example, custom forms can be used to add fields to objects for storing customer-specific data. Categories can be assigned to objects and thus influence the behavior of the objects.

For more information on defining forms and categories, see chapter “Forms” and “Categories”.


This area shows the processes provided by the configuration. Users, organizations, organizational units and external organizations can be involved in the processing of business objects via workflow by starting a process that can be processed in the worklist. Typical processes are approval and release processes.

For more information on defining processes, see chapter “Workflow”.


This area shows the templates provided by the configuration. The templates are displayed in the create dialog (e.g. “New” context menu command).

Defining Template Categories for Templates

In the “Create” dialog the templates can be filtered according to the template category.

  1. To define a template category for templates, proceed as follows:
  2. In the configuration, navigate in the “Templates” area.
  3. Click the “Define Template Categories” action.
  4. In the Template Categories field, enter the desired name for the template category and click “Click here to create the entered template category”.
  5. Click “Define”.

The template category can be assigned in templates, on the “Template” tab, in the Template Categories field.

Defining Templates

To define a new template, proceed as follows:

  1. In the configuration, navigate in the “Templates” area.
  2. Click the “New” action and then click the desired entry.
  3. Define the name and click “Next”.
  4. Define the content or the metadata of the template.
  5. Click “Properties” on the context menu of the template.
  6. Switch to the “Template” tab.
  7. Select an existing template category in the Template Categories field.
    Note: If no template category is defined for a template, the template category “Teamroom Templates” is assigned to the template in the “Create” dialog.
  8. Click “Next”.
  9. Click “Release for Usage” on the context menu of the template.

Note: A template can only be used after it has been released for usage via the “Release for Usage” context menu command. Changes must be released using the “Re-release” context menu command. The release can also be withdrawn.

Text Modules

This area shows the text modules provided by the configuration that can be inserted into Word documents.

Defining Text Module Categories for Text Modules

Text module categories define the categories under which the text module can be found when it is inserted into a document.

To define a text module category for text modules, proceed as follows:

  1. In the configuration, navigate in the “Text Modules” area.
  2. Click the “Define Text Module Categories” action.
  3. In the Text Module Categories field, enter the desired name for the text module category and click “Click here to create the entered text module category”.
  4. Click “Define”.
  5. The text module category can be assigned in text modules in the Text Module Category field.

Defining Text Modules

To define a text module, proceed as follows:

  1. In the contract manager configuration, navigate in the “Text Modules” area.
  2. Click the “Create Text Module” action.
  3. Select “Static Text Module (Text)” or “Static Text Module (Word)” and click “Next”.
  4. Enter the desired name for the “Static Text Module” in the Name field.
  5. In the Text Module Categories field, select the desired text module category under which the text module is to be made available for insertion into the Word document.
  6. To make the text module available only for documents in a specific language, select this language in the Text Module Language field.
  7. When you create a static text module (text), you can enter the desired unformatted text in the Text field.
  8. Click “Next”.
  9. If you have selected a text module (Word), you can enter the required text using the “Edit” or “Upload” context menu command.
  10. Click “Release for Usage” on the context menu of the text module.


  • A text module can only be used after it has been released for usage via the “Release for Usage” context menu command. Changes must be released via the “Re-release” context menu command. The release can also be withdrawn.
  • Text modules can be inserted into document templates both directly and as placeholders. If a text module is inserted into a template as a placeholder, this placeholder is only replaced by the content of the text module in question when the template is instantiated. on the “Usage” tab, in the Expression for Further Restrictions of Usability field of the text module, you can specify an expression that is evaluated when a template is instantiated to decide whether a placeholder is to be replaced by the content of the text module or ignored and removed.
  • You can create a hierarchy of text module folders (“Create Text Module Folder” action) to improve the structure of your text modules.


This area shows the thesauri provided by the configuration, which allow keywording.


This area shows the presettings (view settings, search patterns, time intervals) provided by the configuration.

App administrators can create search templates and time intervals. In addition, it is possible to store view settings in the configuration via the “View” > “Display Settings” > “Save” menu command of lists.

Failed Background Tasks

This area shows failed background tasks (only visible if there is at least one failed background task). You can perform following manual actions: “Define Next Execution”, “Send Link” and “Delete”.

E-Mail Dispatch Errors

This area shows e-mail dispatch errors (only visible if there is at least one e-mail dispatch error). You can perform following manual actions: “Send Test E-Mail”, “Resend E-Mails” and “Delete”.

Note: E-mail dispatch errors are only logged if the Log E-Mail Dispatch Errors option is enabled on the organization.

General Configuration SettingsPermanent link for this heading

You can define the following values in the configuration settings.

“General Settings” tab

  • Name
    The name of the configuration.
  • Subject
    A description of the configuration.
  • Holiday Table
    Defines the holiday table to be used in the configuration context (otherwise the default holiday table is used).
  • Restrict Shortcuts Within Teamroom
    Defines which type of shortcuts may be stored in the configuration. You can restrict the permitted shortcuts to objects that are assigned to the organization or to objects that are assigned to the configuration.
  • Restrict the Downloading or Opening of Content on the Device
    Allows to restrict team members who can open or download content at the device.
  • Roles That Are Allowed to Open or Download Content on the Device
    Defines which permissions a team member must have in order to open or download content at the device.
  • All Team Members May Add Members
    Defines whether all team members can add users to the team or only team members with “Full Control”.
    Members with change access may grant or revoke change access or read access to other members. Members with read access may grant or revoke read access to other members.
  • Restrict Team Members
    Defines the organizations, organizational units, teams and external organizations whose members may be added to the configuration. If the list does not contain any entries, members can be added without restriction.
  • Enable Advanced Mode
    Advanced mode includes, for example, working with multiple shelves, as well as managing templates and presettings.
  • Main Administrator
    Defines the user who will receive the automatically generated e-mail messages concerning the configuration. Otherwise, all app administrators receive the e-mail messages. The user is also listed as contact in case of missing permissions.
  • Support Coordinator
    The support coordinator team has access to all support requests in the corresponding context and can perform the same actions as the support request initiators.
  • Support Team
    The support team handles the organization-internal management of support requests in the respective context.
  • Activate Trace Output
    For example, as a form designer, when you use expressions for calculation or validation, it can sometimes be difficult to identify errors in the expressions. To simplify analysis, you can write trace output to the web browser console (cooobj.Trace("string"); or cooobj.Trace("string", value);).

Logos tab

The defined logos and the background image are used for the configuration and for all personal dashboards.

“Mindbreeze InSpire Configuration” tab

The defined Mindbreeze InSpire configurations are evaluated for objects in the current context. The objects are thus stored in the respective configured index.

Default Values tab

  • Default Thesaurus for New Terms
    If a default thesaurus is specified, new terms can be created directly during tagging.
  • Default Categories
    When an object is created, the specified category is assigned according to the defined object class. In the Apply to field, you can specify whether the setting applies to instances, templates, or both.
    Note: The default categories are also applied to shelves if they have been explicitly defined for shelves. This also applies to Teamrooms and other rooms contained in shelves.
  • Default Processes
    When an object is created, the specified process is assigned according to the defined object class or category. In the Apply to field, you can specify whether the setting applies to instances, templates, or both.
    Note: The default processes are also applied to shelves if they have been explicitly defined for shelves. This also applies to Teamrooms and other rooms contained in shelves.
  • Default Background Tasks
    When an object is created, the specified background tasks are assigned.
  • Release Process for Templates and Presettings
    In order to use templates, text modules, forms and categories, processes and presettings, they must be released. If a process is to be used for the release, a BPMN process diagram can be defined here. Release processes must contain the “Release for Usage” activity.

Content Settings tab

  • Allow Comments
    Defines whether PDF comments can be applied to documents.
  • Allowed Types for Comments
    Defines the allowed types of comments (public or private).
  • Preferred Type for Comments
    Defines the type of comment initially selected when commenting (overrides the setting in the user's basic settings).
  • Users With Read Access Are Allowed to Comment Publicly
    Defines whether users with read access are allowed to add public comments.
  • Allow Public Links
    Defines whether public links may be published.
  • Generate Cover Sheet for PDF Overviews of Documents
    Defines whether a cover sheet is generated for PDF overviews of documents.
  • Use Watermarks
    Defines whether documents are automatically converted into protected PDF documents with a definable watermark.

General ActionsPermanent link for this heading

Following general actions are available:

  • Translations
    The “Translations” action can be used to export or import a CSV file containing the multilingual names of the customizing objects of the configuration. This enables an external translation.
  • For users with administrative rights it is possible to define special invitation texts via the “Tools” > “Standard Texts for E-Mail Invitations” context menu command, regardless of the invitation texts stored with the organization.
    When inviting new users in the “Permissions” area, the invitation text defined for the context is offered as a suggestion. The text defined in the configuration applies to subordinate shelves if they do not define their own text.
    • The “Reset” button takes over the standard text of the organization.
    • The “Delete” button removes the standard text from the configuration. This means that the organization's currently valid standard text is offered again as a suggestion when inviting new users.

ShelvesPermanent link for this heading

The shelves offer the following general settings. When evaluating the settings, the shelf hierarchy is considered in addition to the configuration.

General Shelf SettingsPermanent link for this heading

You can define the following values in the clipboard settings.

General Settings” tab

  • Name
    The name of the configuration.
  • Subject
    A description of the configuration.
  • Holiday Table
    Defines the holiday table to be used in the shelf context (otherwise the holiday table of the configuration or the default holiday table is used).
  • Restrict Shortcuts Within Teamroom
    Defines which type of shortcuts may be stored in the shelf. You can restrict the permitted shortcuts to objects that are assigned to the organization or to objects that are assigned to the shelf. In this way, you can prevent, for example, that shortcuts are stored to which the members of the shelf do not have access.
  • Restrict the Downloading or Opening of Content on the Device
    Allows to restrict team members who can open or download content at the device.
  • Roles That Are Allowed to Open or Download Content on the Device
    Defines which permissions a team member must have in order to open or download content at the device.
  • Team Members Visible to All Members
    Defines whether all members are allowed to see the team members. Note that disabling this setting also restricts other use cases.
    Note: Team members with change access can be eventually seen by all members, since changes are logged in log properties such as Last Change by.
    • Only team members with “Full Control” have access to the “Permissions” action, can start processes, duplicate objects, use templates and release templates and presettings.
    • Only team members with “Full Control” see the events by default. The display of events can also be enabled for team members who are not allowed to view the team. However, only events that could not lead to conclusions about team members with read access will be displayed.
    • Team members with read access cannot use remarks, public comments, signatures, processes or comment on news feeds.
    • Team members with read access cannot use the time travel.
    • Team members with read access cannot be selected as participants in processes.
    • Team members with read access cannot create public links.
    • Team members with read access cannot view the “Processes” and “Activities” tabs of assigned objects.
  • Display Events for Team Members Who Are Not Allowed to View the Team
    Only team members with “Full Control” see the events by default. The display of events can also be enabled for team members who are not allowed to view the team. However, only events that could not lead to conclusions about team members with read access will be displayed.
  • All Team Members May Add Members
    Defines whether all team members can add users to the team or only team members with “Full Control”.
    Members with change access may grant or revoke change access or read access to other members. Members with read access may grant or revoke read access to other members.
  • Restrict Team Members
    Defines the organizations, organizational units, teams and external organizations whose members may be added to the shelf. If the list does not contain any entries, members can be added without restriction.
  • Main Administrator
    Defines the user who will receive the automatically generated e-mail messages concerning the shelf. Otherwise, all shelf administrators receive the e-mail messages. The user is also listed as contact in case of missing permissions.
  • Support Coordinator
    The support coordinator team has access to all support requests in the corresponding context and can perform the same actions as the support request initiators.
  • Support Team
    The support team handles the organization-internal management of support requests in the respective context.
  • Activate Trace Output
    For example, as a form designer, when you use expressions for calculation or validation, it can sometimes be difficult to identify errors in the expressions. To simplify analysis, you can write trace output to the web browser console (cooobj.Trace("string"); or cooobj.Trace("string", value);).

“Logos tab

The defined logos are used for the shelf.

“Mindbreeze InSpire Configuration” tab

The defined Mindbreeze InSpire configurations are evaluated for objects in the current context. The objects are thus stored in the respective configured index.

“Default Values tab

  • Default Thesaurus for New Terms
    If a default thesaurus is specified, new terms can be created directly during tagging.
  • Default Categories
    When an object is created, the specified category is assigned according to the defined object class. In the Apply to field, you can specify whether the setting applies to instances, templates, or both.
  • Default Processes
    When an object is created, the specified process is assigned according to the defined object class or category. In the Apply to field, you can specify whether the setting applies to instances, templates, or both.
  • Additional Default Background Tasks
    When an object is created, the specified background tasks are assigned.

Note: The default properties overwrite or extend the settings in the configuration.

“Content Settings tab

  • Allow Comments
    Defines whether PDF comments can be applied to documents.
  • Allowed Types for Comments
    Defines the allowed types of comments (public or private).
  • Preferred Type for Comments
    Defines the type of comment initially selected when commenting (overrides the setting in the configuration or user's basic settings).
  • Users With Read Access Are Allowed to Comment Publicly
    Defines whether users with read access are allowed to add public comments (overrides the setting in the configuration).
  • Allow Public Links
    Defines whether public links may be published.
  • Generate Cover Sheet for PDF Overviews of Documents
    Defines whether a cover sheet is generated for PDF overviews of documents.
  • Use Watermarks
    Defines whether documents are automatically converted into protected PDF documents with a definable watermark.

Note: The content settings overwrite the settings in the configuration.

Templates and PresettingsPermanent link for this heading

Via the “Templates and Presettings” action, you can access the following areas.

Insight Apps

Insight apps provide aggregated access to information in your cloud organization, customized to your needs. You can use insight apps to display and highlight important information without users having to explicitly search for it.

More information can be found in chapter “Insight Apps”.

Forms and Categories

This area shows the forms and categories provided by the shelf. For example, custom forms can be used to add fields to objects for storing customer-specific data. Categories can be assigned to objects and thus influence the behavior of the objects.

For more information on defining forms and categories, see chapter “Forms” and “Categories”.

Process Templates

This area shows the processes provided by the shelf. Users, organizations, organizational units and external organizations can be involved in the processing of business objects via workflow by starting a process that can be processed in the worklist. Typical processes are approval and release processes.

For more information on defining processes, see chapter “Workflow”.


This area shows the templates provided by the shelf. The templates are displayed in the create dialog (e.g. “New” context menu command).

Text Modules

This area shows the text modules provided by the shelf that can be inserted into Word documents.


This area shows the presettings (view settings, search patterns, time intervals) provided by the shelf.

App administrators can create search templates and time intervals. In addition, it is possible to store view settings in the configuration via the “View” > “Display Settings” > “Save” menu command of lists.


This area shows the thesauri provided by the shelf, which allow keywording.

For objects, corresponding terms can be selected directly in the Terms field. Alternatively, the “Choose Terms” button allows a structured selection using the thesaurus hierarchies.

General ActionsPermanent link for this heading

Following general actions are available:

  • For users with full control it is possible to define special invitation texts via the “Tools” > “Standard Texts for E-Mail Invitations” context menu command, regardless of the invitation texts stored with the organization.
    When inviting new users in the “Permissions” area, the invitation text defined for the context is offered as a suggestion. The text defined in the configuration applies to subordinate shelves if they do not define their own text.
    • The “Reset” button takes over the standard text of the configuration or organization (if not defined for the configuration).
    • The “Delete” button removes the standard text from the shelf. This means that the  currently valid standard text of the configuration or organization is offered again as a suggestion when inviting new users.

Unstructured ShelvesPermanent link for this heading

If you want to manage a large number of objects in a shelf, an unstructured shelf is a good option, which allows each user to individually specify which objects are to be displayed using search criteria.

Using the “Tools” > “Display Entries in Flat List” context menu command, users with full control can convert a shelf into an unstructured shelf. Note that in general this will delete all existing folders.

The following options are now available to you:

  • Search or Adapt Search
    If no manual search criteria are currently defined, you can use the “Search” action to specify what and with which search criteria you want to search. The result is displayed directly in the shelf.
    • If search criteria have already been defined, you can change them accordingly using the “Adapt Search” action.
    • To change what you want to search for, first execute the “Reset Search” action. This will display the “Search” action again.
    • The list is not updated automatically and can be customized manually. So, for example, objects you have created will be displayed even if they do not match the current search criteria.
  • Refresh
    Updates the list based on the current search criteria. This will undo any changes you have made to the list (e.g. cut or move objects) and display objects that have been created in the meantime and match the search criteria.
  • Further Search Functions
    The following additional search functions are available.
    • Reset Search
      Resets the current search criteria. An empty list is displayed.
    • Save Search Form
      If manual search criteria are defined, they can be saved for reuse.
    • Load Search Form
      Loads a saved search form. Only search forms that make sense in the context of the shelf are offered. The entries in the list are updated accordingly.

Using the “Tools” > “Structure List Entries in Folders" context menu command, you can convert an unstructured shelf back into a structured one. In doing so, in general the objects are stored in folders.


  • A maximum of 10000 objects will be returned as search result. When the maximum is reached, a corresponding dialog is displayed.
  • The origin of objects is the unstructured shelf.
  • “Open Origin” opens the unstructured shelf.
    Note: The object is only possibly visible in the query-based list.
  • Objects in query-based lists of the shelf have no link state (unless the object is assigned to another shelf).
  • Unstructured shelves do not have orphaned objects.
  • Automatic change of shelf assignment is not applied. The shelf assignment can be done manually using the corresponding context menu command.
    Note: For structured shelves, the assignment is changed when an object is cut and located in exactly one other shelf.
  • Unstructured shelves cannot be converted into folders.
  • Time travel is not available in unstructured shelves in the query-based list.
  • Unstructured shelves cannot be kept up-to-date in the mobile app or in the Fabasoft Cloud Folder.