2025 February Release

The Web ClientPermanent link for this heading

An easy-to-use, completely accessible web client is available to you. Further information on accessibility can be found in chapters “Accessibility” and “Keyboard Operations”.

Open your preferred web browser, enter the URL of the Fabasoft Cloud and log in with your favorite log-in method.


Depending on the settings in your organization, users can log in with user name and password, client certificates, ID Austria, SAML 2.0, Active Directory or OpenID Connect.

For two-factor authentication SMS PIN, e-mail PIN and one-time password with RADIUS server are available.

Linking With ID Austria

To be able to log in with ID Austria, you must create the link to your ID Austria in the account menu (your user name) under “Login and Password” on the “Digital ID” tab. Click on the “Link with a Digital ID” button. A new window will open in which you will have to log in again for security reasons. Once the link has been successfully established, you can also log in with ID Austria. Please note that you must be logged in with ID Austria to remove the link.

Using Mobile PIN

If you are requested to enter the mobile PIN when logging in, but have not received a PIN, you have the following options:

  • Click on “Send Mobile PIN via SMS Again” or “Send Mobile PIN via E-Mail Again”. You can repeat this process twice.
  • Try to log in again.
  • Contact your organization administrator if, for example, you entered the wrong cell phone number when registering. Your organization administrator can adjust your account information accordingly.
  • Contact your organization administrator if your cell phone number or e-mail address has changed.
  • To contact the support, click the support button.
  • You cannot use virtual phone numbers (such as Google Voice).

Using One Time Password

Generate a one-time password using your RADIUS token or RADIUS app. You can enter this in the Please enter your one-time password here field.

To use a different second factor, wait briefly until the “Send Mobile PIN via SMS Again” or “Send Mobile PIN via E-Mail Again” links appear. These options are only offered if this is configured accordingly for you.

Web Client

If your web browser is not optimally configured for the use of the Fabasoft Cloud, a warning symbol (web browser state) will appear in the top bar. If necessary, click on the icon and follow the instructions to set up an optimal configuration.

Fabasoft Cloud Webclient

The web client is divided into following areas:

  • home (starting page)
  • top bar
  • tool area
  • title bar
  • menu bar (hidden by default)
  • content area


The dashboard concept of the home area allows you to show or hide widgets, change their size and move them. The following widgets are initially available to you:

Personal Folder
In your personal folder, you can store Teamrooms that are important for you.

Organization Folder
Contains all standard Teamrooms of your organizations in which you are authorized.

Teamrooms Shared With Me
Contains all Teamrooms in which you are authorized as a team member. Teamrooms that you have created yourself are excluded from this list. For a better overview, the list is structured by years and months. Via the “Integrate in My Folder Hierarchy” action, you can add the desired Teamrooms to your personal folder, to your favorites or directly to “Home”.

Favorites allow you to quickly access objects that you need repeatedly.

Shows your worklist.

Contains the most recently used objects and most recently sent e-mails.

Contains your follow-ups that that fall within the period you defined.

Other Dashboards
Apps that offer their own dashboards are also displayed directly on “Home”.

Customizing the Home Area Individually

The following options are available for customizing your home area:

  • Show or hide widgets
    The “View” menu allows you to show or hide widgets (if allowed by your organization policy).
  • Moving or resizing widgets
    You can move widgets using drag-and-drop or the context menu. You can also specify the size in the context menu of the widget.
  • Storing objects on “Home”
    In addition to the widgets, you can also copy and paste important objects directly to “Home” (if allowed by your organization policy).
  • The “Restore Standard” background context menu command can be used to take over the settings of the organization policy.

Top Bar

In the top bar, your organization logo is displayed on the left and on the right, you can find the account menu (your user name), the data locations menu, the support button, the logout button, the quick access button, the home button and the search field.

Tool Area

The tool area is available in all widgets, but not directly on “Home”.

The context-independent tools “Tree View” and “Favorites” can be opened and closed via a quick selection. The “Actions” are always displayed. Depending on the context, different actions are provided.

Up to three tool areas can be displayed next to each other (e.g. “Tree View”, “Actions” and “Authorize Team”). The tree view can be resized to be able to read even longer entries conveniently.

Tree View

Here you can find your Teamroom and folder hierarchy in a tree view, which allows fast navigation.


You can add frequently used objects (e.g. Teamrooms or documents) to your favorites. To do so, navigate in the desired object. In the “Favorites” tool, the object is offered to be added.


In the “Actions” tool area, you will find important actions that are relevant in the current context.

Title Bar

In the title bar, you will find the breadcrumbs of the currently opened hierarchy. If you navigate in a widget, all other widgets of the same level are display as tabs.

Menu Bar

In the menu bar (hidden by default), menu items are displayed that are available in the current context.

To display the menu bar, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the account menu (your user name) and then click “Basic Settings”.
  2. Mark the Show Menu Bar field.
  3. Click “Save”.


  • If the window width is not sufficient for displaying the menu commands, they are hidden and can be reached via the “More” button,
  • Depending on the context, more buttons of important commands can be displayed if the window width allows it.
  • Regardless of whether the menu bar is shown or not, the status information of the list (e.g. number of entries, sorting) is displayed. In addition, the “Refresh”, “Sort” and “View” buttons are available.

Content Area

In the content area, the content of the current object is displayed. This may be, for example, the contents of a folder or the preview of a document. The top level is referred to as “Home”.

Basic Operations

For your first steps in the web client:

  • Click with the left mouse button on the desired control to execute the corresponding action.
  • The “Actions” tool always contains the most important actions of the current context. The actions apply to the object that is displayed in the content area. For example, if you are in a Teamroom, the “Upload” action imports a file in the currently displayed Teamroom.
  • The context menu of an element can be opened by clicking the right mouse button. Usually you will find, beside the actions that are also shown in the tool area, further less frequently used actions.
    • Context menu of objects
      Right-click an object in the content area. The context menu of this object is opened.
    • Context menu of the title bar
      Right-click the title bar. The context menu of the object that is displayed in the content area is opened.
    • Background context menu
      If you are in a Teamroom or folder, right-click an empty area in the content area. The context menu contains actions that are relevant for working with lists (e.g. to create a new object in the list).
  • To select entries in a list, click the check box beside the entry. This way you can, for example, execute a context menu command on several objects.

Customizing the Web Client

To adjust the basic settings (e.g. the language) of the web client, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the account menu (your user name) and then click “Basic Settings”.
  2. Make the desired settings and click “Save”.

Note: The Show Menu Bar option refers to the content area. In the property editor, menu bars are always displayed, regardless of the setting.