2025 February Release

Applicant ManagementPermanent link for this heading

The applicant management enables an efficient, digital management of job applications. Applicant files, job advertisements, applications, a talent pool and corresponding workflow activities are available for this purpose.

DashboardPermanent link for this heading

Applicant managers can use the applicant management dashboard, which is divided into the following areas:

  • Current Job Applications
    Displays the current job applications of the shelves in which you are authorized.
  • Current Applicant Files
    Displays newly created applicant files and applicant files for which there is at least one current application.
  • Talent Pool
    Displays the applicant files of the shelves in which you are authorized that have been added to the talent pool.
  • Job Advertisements
    Displays the job advertisements of the shelves in which you are authorized.
  • Applicant File Shelves
    Displays the applicant file shelves in which the applicant files are managed.

Note: The responsible personnel managers have access to their job advertisements and applications via the “Personnel File Access” dashboard.

Applicant Management ShelfPermanent link for this heading

An applicant management shelf is based on a personnel file configuration, but can overwrite the settings made in it if necessary. The applicant file shelf is used to manage applicant files and define access rights.

Applicant file shelves can only be created by the personnel file administrator.


The shelf is divided into the following areas:

  • Current Job Applications
    Displays the current applications of the shelves in which you are authorized.
  • Current Applicant Files
    Displays newly created applicant files or applicant files for which there is at least one current application.
  • Talent Pool
    Displays the applicant files of the shelves in which you are authorized that have been added to the talent pool.
  • Job Advertisements
    Displays the job advertisements of the shelves in which you are authorized.
  • Closed Applicant Files
    Displays the closed applicant files.


“Applicant Management Shelf” tab

  • Standard Category for Applicant Files in Talent Pool
    Applicant files with commitment to the talent pool get the specified category. This way, for example, the retention period can be defined. The setting in the configuration is overwritten.

“Default Values” tab

  • Default Thesaurus for New Terms
    If a default thesaurus is specified, new terms can be created directly during tagging.
  • Default Categories
    When an object is created, the specified category is assigned according to the defined object class. In the Apply to field, you can specify whether the setting applies to instances, templates, or both.
  • Default Processes
    When an object is created, the specified process is assigned according to the defined object class or category. In the Apply to field, you can specify whether the setting applies to instances, templates, or both.
  • Additional Default Background Tasks
    When an object is created, the specified background tasks are assigned.

Note: The default properties overwrite or extend the settings in the configuration.

Access Rights

  • Full Control
    Users with full control can authorize users, manage job applications, applicant files and job advertisements and edit shelf settings.
  • Applicant Manager
    Applicant managers can manage job applications, applicant files and job advertisements.

Managing Applicant FilesPermanent link for this heading

As an applicant manager, navigate to the current applicant files in the applicant management dashboard.

The following options are available:

  • You can use the “Create Applicant File” action to create an applicant file. You can enter master data and contact data.
  • You can assign the applicant file to another shelf using the “Advanced” > “Change Assignment” context menu command.
  • You can merge the applicant file with another file using the “Advanced” > “Merge” context menu command.
  • You can assign a new job application to the applicant file using the “Create Job Application” action.
  • Applicant files can only be deleted if no open job application is assigned.

The “Closed Applicant Files” area is available in the applicant file shelf. Here you will find the applicant files with no open job application.

Managing Job AdvertisementsPermanent link for this heading

As an applicant manager, navigate to the job advertisements in the applicant management dashboard.

The following options are available:

  • You can create a job advertisement using the “Create Job Advertisement” action. You must specify the responsible personnel manager. If personnel manager is subsequently changed, the change does not apply to existing job applications based on the job advertisement.
  • You can define the state of the job advertisement (“In Process”, “Published”, “Closed”) in the properties of the job advertisement.
  • Job advertisements can only be deleted if all assigned job applications have already been deleted.

Managing Job ApplicationsPermanent link for this heading

As an applicant manager, navigate to the current applications in the applicant management dashboard.

The following options are available:

  • You can create a job application using the “Create Job Application” action. You must specify an applicant file, a job advertisement and the responsible personnel manager.
  • You can use the “Switch to Applicant File” action to switch to the assigned applicant file.
  • You can use the “Grant Temporary Access” action to define access.

Managing the Talent PoolPermanent link for this heading

The talent pool stores closed applicant files for which the Commitment for Talent Pool option has been selected. In this way, applicants for whom no job is currently available can be kept as evident.

Personnel File AccessPermanent link for this heading

The personnel managers have access to the applications and job advertisements that concern them via the personnel file access dashboard.

The following areas are available:

  • Current Job Applications
    Displays all open applications for the personnel manager (including temporary access and if contained in the Other Personnel Managers field).
  • Job Advertisements
    Displays all job advertisements in which the personnel manager is entered as the responsible personnel manager.

Website IntegrationPermanent link for this heading

Job applications can also be created automatically using the data entered in an HTML form.

To do this, the Enable Website Integration option must be enabled on the “Applicant Management” tab in the personnel file configuration.

You can provide a corresponding HTML form for applications on your homepage.


<!doctype html>

<html lang="en">


    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

    <title>Job Application</title>



    <form name="createobjectform" action="https://at.cloud.fabasoft.com/fsc/createobject" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" enctype="multipart/form-data">

      <input name="redirect" value="https://www.example.com/result.html" type="hidden">

      <input name="errorredirect" value="https://www.example.com/err.html" type="hidden">

      <input name="objectclass" value="FSCPERSONNELFILE@1.1001:ApplicantFile" type="hidden">

      <input name="inbox" value="COO.w.x.y.z" type="hidden">

      <input name="jobadvertisement" value="COO.w.x.y.z" type="hidden">

      <label for="userfirstname">First Name</label>

      <input id="userfirstname" name="userfirstname" value="" type="text">


      <label for="usersurname">Surname</label>

      <input id="usersurname" name="usersurname" value="" type="text">


      <label for="telephone">Telephone</label>

      <input id="telephone" name="telephone" value="" type="text">


      <label for="emailinformation">E-Mail</label>

      <input id="emailinformation" name="emailinformation" value="" type="text">


      <input id="afusetalentpool" name="afusetalentpool" value="true" type="checkbox">

      <label for="afusetalentpool">Talent Pool</label>


      <label for="location1">Location</label><br/>

      <input id="location1" name="location" value="COO.w.x.y.z" type="checkbox"> Linz<br/>

      <input id="location2" name="location" value="COO.w.x.y.z" type="checkbox"> Wien<br/>

      <input id="location3" name="location" value="COO.w.x.y.z" type="checkbox"> Bern<br/>


      <input name="attachmentattrdef" value="FSCPERSONNELFILE@1.1001:afdocuments" type="hidden">

      <input name="attachmentkeys" value="attachment1_COO.w.x.y.z,attachment2" type="hidden">

      <label for="attachment1">Cover Letter</label>

      <input id="attachment1" name="attachment1_COO.w.x.y.z" type="file">


      <label for="attachment2">CV</label>

      <input id="attachment2" name="attachment2" type="file">


      <input value="Send" type="submit">

      <input type="reset">




In the example above, the Fabasoft Cloud IDs must be replaced by your concrete values.

  • inbox
    The Fabasoft Cloud ID of the applicant management shelf.
  • jobadvertisement
    The Fabasoft Cloud ID of the job advertisement.
  • location (optional)
    The Fabasoft Cloud IDs of the locations.
  • attachment (optional)
    If the Fabasoft Cloud ID of a category is added with an underscore to the name attribute of a file, the category will be assigned to the document.

Further information for creating the HTML form can be found here:

https://help.cloud.fabasoft.com/index.php?topic=doc/User-Help-Fabasoft-Cloud-eng/advanced-use-cases.htm#form-inbox: new window

Applicant Management ProcessPermanent link for this heading

The applicant management process begins with the creation of a job application or the receipt of an application via an inbox.

A simple process flow of an applicant management process can look like this:

  1. After creating an application, the applicant manager receives the “Check Job Application” activity and performs the “Forward to Responsible Personnel Manager” working step.
  2. The personnel manager receives the “Edit Job Application” activity and performs the “Invite applicant” working step. Thereby appointments can be proposed.
  3. The applicant manager receives the “Arrange Appointment” activity and performs the “Send appointment” working step. The agreed appointment can be communicated via the “Respond to Personnel Manager” working step.
  4. The personnel manager receives the “Appointment Arranged” activity and performs the “Take Note” working step. The workflow does not continue until the day of the appointment.
  5. On the application day, the personnel manager receives the “Conduct Interview” activity and performs the “Accept” working step.
  6. The applicant manager receives the “Accept Applicant” activity and performs the “Send Acceptance” and “Done” working step.

Activities and Working Steps in Detail

  • Check Job Application
    • Open
    • Send Receipt
      Opens an e-mail.
    • Check Allocation of Applicant File
      Must be executed if a possible duplicate is found.
    • Edit Applicant File
      Enables you to add master data.
    • Forward to Responsible Personnel Manager
      The personnel manager receives the “Edit Application” activity.
    • Discard
      Closes the job application.
    • Withdrawn
      Closes the job application.
    • Reject Without Forwarding to Personnel Manager
      The applicant manager receives the “Reject Applicant” activity.
  • Edit Job Application
    • Open
    • Forward Application
      The applicant manager receives the “Forward Application” activity.
    • Need Further Information
      The applicant manager receives the “Need Further Information” activity.
    • Invite Applicant
      The applicant manager receives the “Arrange Appointment” activity.
    • Withdrawn
      The applicant manager receives the “Application Withdrawn” activity.
    • Reject
      The applicant manager receives the “Reject Applicant” activity.
  • Forward Job Application
    • Open
    • Send E-Mail to Applicant
      If necessary, the applicant may be asked whether the data may be forwarded to another personnel manager.
    • Forward to Personnel Manager
      Another personnel manager can be selected.
    • Withdrawn
      Closes the job application.
  • Need Further Information
    • Open
    • Send E-Mail to Applicant
      Further information may be obtained from the applicant.
    • Received Information
      The information can be forwarded and the personnel manager receives the “Edit Application” activity.
    • Withdrawn
      The personnel manager receives the “Application Withdrawn” activity.
  • Reject Applicant
    • Open
    • Send Rejection to Applicant
      The applicant manager can send a rejection e-mail.
    • Done
      Closes the job application.
    • Forward to Personnel Manager
      The job application can be forwarded to another personnel manager.
    • Withdrawn
      Closes the job application.
  • Arrange Appointment
    • Open
    • Send Appointment
      The applicant manager can send an appointment to the applicant by e-mail based on the proposals made by the personnel manager.
    • Respond to Personnel Manager
      If an appointment has been agreed, the personnel manager receives the “Appointment Arranged” activity. If no appointment has been made, the personnel manager receives the “Edit Application” activity.
    • Withdrawn
      The personnel manager receives the “Application Withdrawn” activity.
  • Appointment Arranged
    • Open
    • Taken Note
      The personnel manager takes note of the agreed date. The workflow continues on the day of the appointment.
    • Withdrawn
      The applicant manager receives the “Application Withdrawn” activity.
    • Reject
      The applicant manager receives the “Reject Applicant” activity.
  • Conduct Interview
    • Open
    • Another Interview Needed
      The applicant manager receives the “Arrange Appointment” activity.
    • Withdrawn
      The applicant manager receives the “Application Withdrawn” activity.
    • Accept
      The applicant manager receives the “Accept Applicant” activity.
    • Reject
      The applicant manager receives the “Reject Applicant” activity.
  • Accept Applicant
    • Open
    • Send Acceptance
      The applicant manager can send a acceptance e-mail.
    • Forward Acceptance
      The applicant manager can inform other users of the acceptance. These users receive the “Accepted Applicant" activity.
    • Done
      Closes the job application.
    • Withdrawn
      The personnel manager receives the “Application Withdrawn” activity.
  • Accepted Applicant
    • Open
    • Transfer Documents to Personnel File
      Users who are allowed to manage personnel files can transfer the applicant file to a personnel file (new or existing).
    • Take Note
      Closes the job application.
  • Application Withdrawn
    • Open
    • Take Note
      Closes the job application.