2024 October Release

InterfacesPermanent link for this heading

The Fabasoft Personnel File provides following interfaces for the communication with third-party products.

URLsPermanent link for this heading

The following friendly URLs are available.

Presenting a Personnel File

To present a personnel file, for example, in a web browser you can use the following URLs:

Access based on the personnel number


&shelfid=<Fabasoft Cloud ID
or Import ID of the personnel file shelf>
&persnum='<personnel number>'

https://<server>/<vdir>/personnelfile/<personnel number>/<Fabasoft Cloud ID of the personnel file shelf>


  • shelfid
    Fabasoft Cloud ID of the personnel file shelf.
  • persnum
    Personnel number of the personnel file to be opened.




Access based on the user ID


&shelfid=<Fabasoft Cloud ID
or Import ID of the personnel file shelf>
&userid=<Fabasoft Cloud ID or e-mail address of the assigned user>

Note: Personnel file of the currently logged in user.

https://<server>/<vdir>/personnelfile/<Fabasoft Cloud ID or e-mail address of the assigned user>/<Fabasoft Cloud ID of the personnel file shelf>


  • shelfid
    Fabasoft Cloud ID of the personnel file shelf.
  • userid
    Fabasoft Cloud ID of the user who is assigned to the personnel file. If the userid is not defined, the system tries to identify a personnel file that is assigned to the currently logged in user.


Note: Personnel file of the currently logged in user.




Note: Personnel file of the currently logged in user.


Uploading a Document

To upload a document in a personnel file you can use following URL:


https://<server>/<vdir>/uploadpfdocument/<personnel number>/<Fabasoft Cloud ID of the personnel file shelf>/<document name with file extension>/<external key of the category>/<external key of the personnel file folder>/<valid from: yyyy-mm-dd>/<valid until: yyyy-mm-dd>/<document state: PersonnelFileDocumentInProgress oder PersonnelFileDocumentClosed>

The document must be delivered in the HTTP body. The parameters “personnel number”, “document name with file extension” and the content of the document are mandatory. If no personnel file folder but a category is defined, it is tried to determine the personnel file folder via the category. If no unambiguous personnel file folder can be determined, an error is generated.



Web ServicePermanent link for this heading

A web service is provided to upload documents and to create or read personnel files.

The WSDL can be accessed using the following URL:


The web service supports also the JSON format:



  • GetPersonnelFile
    Retrieves a list of personnel files based on a personal number. If no personnel files can be found a list of available personnel file shelves are returned.
  • CreatePersonnelFile
    Is used to create a personnel file with the given property values.
  • UpdatePersonnelFile
    Refreshes a personnel file. Single-valued properties are overwritten if they are specified. To remove a value from a single-valued property, the property must not be specified and be defined in overwriteattributes. Values of multi-valued properties are appended by default. If they are defined in overwriteattributes they are overwritten. You can use implicitcreateonupdate to specify whether a personnel file should be created, if no personnel file with the specified combination of persnum and shelfid exists.
    If it is defined in the personnel file configuration that unique personnel numbers should be used across all personnel file shelves, existing personnel files can be moved by specifying a different shelfid.
  • UploadDocument
    Is used to upload documents to a personnel file.
  • UploadScannedDocument
    Is used to upload scanned documents to the personnel file. To do so the personnel file shelf and the barcode have to be submitted as parameter. The document is automatically removed from the scan queue after a successful upload.


Request JSON (GetPersonnelFile):



Request JSON (CreatePersonnelFile):

  "data": {
      "_": "PersonnelFileData",
      "shelfid": "COO.",
      "persnum": "10000001",
      "firstname": "Martin",
      "surname": "Peterson",
      "socialsecid": "12345",
      "sex": "1",
      "supervisorid": "colin.steve@example.com",
      "allsupervisors": [
         {"supervisorid": "laura.hammond@example.com"},
         {"supervisorid": "davis.baker@example.com"}


Request JSON (UpdatePersonnelFile):

  "data": {
      "_": "PersonnelFileData",
      "shelfid": "COO.",
      "persnum": "10000001",
      "telephone": [      {
         "_": "Telephone",
         "telnumber": "+43 664 12345"

      "supervisorid": "laura.hammond@example.com",
      "allsupervisors": [
         {"supervisorid": "laura.hammond@example.com"},
         {"supervisorid": "davis.baker@example.com"}

      "overwriteattributes": [

Request JSON (UploadDocument):


  "persnum" : "00001",

  "shelfid" : "COO.1.506.4.3628",

  "docname" : "Payroll_2017_12.txt",

  "doctype" : "HRDOCUMENT_PAYROLL",

  "register" : "HRREGISTER_PAYROLL",

  "validfrom" : "2017-01-02",

  "validuntil" : "2017-12-15",

  "docstate" : "PersonnelFileDocumentClosed",

  "doccontent" : "RG9rdW1lbnRpbmhhbHQ",

  "params" : {

    "objsubject" : "Payroll",

    "COOSYSTEM@1.1:objexternalkey" : "extid",

    "FSCTERM@1.1001:objterms" : ["COO.1.506.4.19119", "COO.1.506.4.19120"]



More information about the parameters of the operations can be found here: https://help.developer.fabasoft.com/index.php: new window. Search for the corresponding actions (WSGetPersonnelFile, WSCreatePersonnelFile, WSUpdatePersonnelFile, WSUploadDocument, UploadScannedDocument).