2024 August Release

Personnel Files (Personal Dashboard)Permanent link for this heading

The personnel files dashboard provides the access point to the personnel file for end-users.

When you are added as a personnel file user to a personnel file configuration, a dashboard is automatically created and placed on “Home”. If you are removed as a personnel file user, the dashboard is removed, too.


DashboardPermanent link for this heading

The personnel file dashboard is divided in following areas:

  • Recently Used Personnel Files
    Shows the personnel files that have been recently used by the user.
  • Recently Used Documents
    Shows the documents that have been recently used by the user.
  • Inconsistent Personnel Files
    Shows inconsistent personnel files if the consistency check is configured.
  • Active Employees
    Shows the number of active employees in the last twelve months.
  • Entries/Leaves
    Shows the number of entries and leaves in the last twelve months.
  • Turnover
    Shows the turnover of staff in the last twelve months (Schlüter formula).
  • Report Results
    Shows the generated Excel/BIRT reports (see section ).
  • Organizational Structure
    Shows the organizational structure that can be used to assign personnel files to positions.
  • Personnel File Shelves
    Shows the personnel file shelves that are used to manage the personnel files.
  • Business Case Shelves
    Shows the business case shelves that are used to manage the business cases.

Note: The statistics are only available, if the setting Calculate Statistics of the personnel file shelf is activated. By default, the data is updated once a day. With the “Update Statistics” context menu command of the personnel file shelf the data can be updated manually.

ActionsPermanent link for this heading

You can execute following actions:

  • Create Personnel File
    With the “Create Personnel File” action you can create new personnel files. For more information, see chapter “Create Personnel File”.
  • Import Personnel Files
    With the “Import Personnel File” action you can import or update personnel files using a CSV file. For more information, see chapter “Import Personnel File”.
  • Register Documents
    With the “Assign Documents” action you can register documents (which are already in the system) to personnel files using a CSV file. For more information, see chapter “Registering Documents Automatically”.
  • Switch to Configuration
    With the “Switch to Configuration” action you can open the personnel file configuration.
  • Settings
    With the “Settings” action you can define common properties of the personnel files dashboard like the logo or notification setting.