2025 March Release

Administration Help: Publishing ConfigurationPermanent link for this heading

As an app administrator, you can "Switch to Configuration" from your personal Publishing dashboard. In the Publishing configuration, you can define general settings, app users, and structural defaults for projects and products.

Note: In some cases, configuration tasks can be performed not only at the level of the Publishing solution (via the Publishing configuration), but also at a shelf, project or product level, as well as cross-solution-wide at the organizational level. For more information, please refer to the general Fabasoft Cloud user help to chapter "General Settings in Configurations and Shelves: new window".

Areas of the Publishing ConfigurationPermanent link for this heading

The Publishing configuration is divided into the areas described below, which are displayed as widgets in the configuration dashboard. If you navigate to one of the areas by clicking on the widget, the other areas are displayed as tabs in the title bar.

ProjectsPermanent link for this heading

This area displays the available projects and corresponds to the “Projects” area as it can be reached by users via their Publishing dashboard. In addition to the functionalities described in chapter "Projects", administrators here can manage not only individual but also all projects with additional settings. These are described in detail in chapter "Settings of the Publishing Configuration".

StatusPermanent link for this heading

Pages (sequences) in layout planning can be marked with (processing) status. Status cannot be set manually by users, but are always linked to the completion of concrete tasks of predefined standard processes. Only administrators have the possibility to create status and define when they are set automatically.

Create Status

In addition to the "In Progress" and "Approved" status delivered in the standard system, you can create other statuses. Proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Publishing configuration.
  2. Jump there to the "Status" area.
  3. Select the "Create Status" action in the tool area.
  4. Assign a (multilingual) name, choose a status icon and optionally a background color.
  5. Confirm with "Next".

Note: Repeat these steps if you want to create multiple statuses.

Automated Status Setting

In order for your generated status to be set automatically, you must link it to the completion of a task. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Publishing configuration.
  2. Jump there to the "Status" area.
  3. Click the "Properties" command in the context menu of the status.
  4. Copy or make a note of the "Fabasoft Cloud ID" of the status. You will find this ID in the "General" tab.
    Note: The Fabasoft Cloud ID always starts with "COO....".
  5. Close the properties of the status and navigate to the “Processes” area within the Publishing configuration.
  6. Select and open an existing process or create a new BPMN process diagram.
  7. Select the task to whose completion you want to link the status change by double-clicking on it.
  8. Navigate to the “Extended” tab of the task.
  9. Enter the following formula in the “Expression when Completing the Activityfield, including the "Fabasoft Cloud ID" noted in step :
    cooobj.FSCFOLIO@1.1001:bostate = COO....
  10. Confirm with "Apply" and "Next".
  11. Release the process for usage by selecting the "Release for Usage" or "Re-release" action in the process tool area.


  • Status functionality is available in the same way as you mark up your assets as part of the DAM solution.
  • More detailed information on process modeling using the BPMN 2.0 standard can be found in the Fabasoft Cloud User Help in the chapter "Business Processes with BPMN 2.0: new window".

Layout TemplatesPermanent link for this heading

Layout templates provided for assignment in layout planning are managed in this area.

Create Layout Template

To create a layout template, proceed as follows:

  1. In Publishing Configuration, navigate to the “Layout Templates” area.
  2. Click the “Create Layout Template” action.
  3. In the following dialog, select the Adobe InDesign version for which you want to create a style sheet.
  4. Assign a name for the layout template and select the production service.
  5. In the following, upload the template itself (.indd or .css file), a mapping file, and a preview file to display in layout planning.
  6. As soon as a layout with the type "Table of contents" is selected, a further configuration appears for the selection of a schema file, a customized mapping to be used for placement, and an XSLT transformation that can be used to further customize the table of contents.
  7. Confirm with “Next”.

(Withdraw) Release Layout Templates for Usage

To allow the app administrator to develop and test a new layout template step by step without affecting ongoing productions, they are subject to an approval process.

Users can only see the released state of layout templates and only work with them in layout planning. Administrators can see and assign the released state and draft of a layout template. To release or withdraw the release of a layout template, proceed as follows:

  1. Open an existing layout template.
  2. Click on the "Release for Usage" or “Re-release” action.
  3. To withdraw the Release, click on the "Withdraw Release" action.


  • The current release status is additionally indicated by a symbol in the list of layout templates.
  • For an operable InDesign production, the layout templates and Xeditor documents must be compatible with each other. This requires, for example, object formats from InDesign to be assigned to the XML elements via the mapping file.

Production ServicesPermanent link for this heading

The list of Production Services shows all Production Services, that have been configured for the use in the cloud organization.

Create Production Service

To create a Production Service, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate into the list of Production Services from the Publishing configuration
  2. Click on “Create Production Service”
  3. Choose the type of Production Service you want to create from the dialog
  4. Define the name for the Production Service
  5. If there is the need to provide a global configuration (like a customer specific license) to use the service, you can add it in the following dialog
  6. Confirm with “Next”

Note: Detailed information on the Production Services and their individual options and settings can be found in separate documents in the online help.

Deployment FormatsPermanent link for this heading

Deployment formats allow the creation of concrete publications from a product. They essentially define how a specific product becomes a usable PDF, EPUB, HTML, etc. via a defined service.

Create Deployment Formats

To create a deployment format, follow these steps:

  1. In the Publishing configuration, navigate to the “Deployment Formats” area.
  2. Choose "Create Deployment Format” action in the tool area.
  3. In the following dialog, select what kind of deployment format you would like to create
  4. Assign a name for the deployment format.
  5. Define or Upload the configuration (for example .joboptions for InDesign or .css file for PrintCSS).
  6. Confirm with “Next”.

Release and Revoke Releases of Deployment Formats

To allow the App Administrator to gradually develop and test a new deployment format without affecting ongoing productions, they are subject to an approval process.

Users can only see the released state of deployment formats and can only work with them in layout planning. Administrators can see and assign the released state and draft of a deployment format. To release or withdraw the release of a deployment format, proceed as follows:

  1. Open an existing deployment format.
  2. Click on the "Release for Usage" or “Re-release” action.
  3. To withdraw the released state, click "Withdraw Release".

Note: The current release state is additionally indicated by an icon in the list of deployment formats.

RubricsPermanent link for this heading

This area is used to manage rubrics. Rubrics are used to structure products. Rubrics can be used to identify sequences of pages that belong together logically or in terms of content (e.g. “politics”, “sports”, or “science” for journals). To create a new rubric, proceed as follows:

  1. In the Publishing configuration, navigate to the “Rubrics” area.
  2. Click "Create Rubric”.
  3. In the following dialog you can assign a name and a color code in HEX format for the rubric.
  4. Confirm with “Next”.

Project TypesPermanent link for this heading

Project types are managed in this area. Project types allow administrators to define structural requirements for projects. When creating a project, users must select a project type from the corresponding drop-down list. Thus, providing at least one project type is a necessary prerequisite for creating projects. The selection of the project type determines which standard products are directly included when the project is created. Furthermore, users can be provided with a list of optional products that can be created in addition to the standard products.

To create a project type, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the “Project Types” area in the Publishing configuration.
  2. Click on the "Add entry" and then on "New". Alternatively click “Create New Project Type” within tool area.
  3. In the following dialog you can specify a name, define the lists of standard “Product Types” and “Additional Product Types”.
  4. Confirm with “Next”.

Product TypesPermanent link for this heading

Product types are managed in this area. Product types allow administrators to define structural specifications for products. When creating a product, users must select a product type from the corresponding drop-down list. Thus, providing at least one product type is a necessary prerequisite for creating products. The selection of the product type determines which standard components are directly included when generating the product. In addition, users can be provided with a list of optional components that can be created in addition to the standard components.

To create a product type, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the “Product Types” area in the Publishing configuration.
  2. Click on the "Add entry" and then on "New" or click the “Create New Product Type” action in the tool area.
  3. In the following dialog you can specify a name and define the lists of “Default Components”, “Additional Components” and “Deployment Formats”. If you want to create an enclosing XML structure programmatically when publishing your products, select the option "Use XML union" and define an XML structure.
    Note: This is useful if the product tree consists of a structure of several top-level Xeditor documents that are to be combined into one product at the end.
  4. Confirm with “Next”.

ComponentsPermanent link for this heading

Components are managed in this area. Products contain one or more components. These in turn contain layout templates. Components thus further structure products into individual subsections. They allow the definition of the minimum and maximum number of pages or content they can hold. By entering a start page, you can also control the number with which the page numbering starts in this area. The "Starts with right page" checkbox controls the display of the first pages in the page plan.    

Components can thus subdivide classic print products.

To create a component, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the “Components” area in the Publishing Configuration.
  2. Click on the "Add entry" and then on "New" or click the “Create Component” action in tool area.
  3. Select an object class by choosing between “Print Component” and “Structured Component”.
  4. In the following dialog you can specify a name and, if necessary, minimum and maximum number of pages or assets.
  5. Confirm with “Next”.

Forms and CategoriesPermanent link for this heading

This area displays the forms and categories provided via configuration. User-defined forms can be used to add fields to objects for storing application-specific data. Categories can be assigned to objects and thus influence the behavior of the objects.

Note: More information can be found in the chapters “Forms: new window” and “Categories: new window” of the general Fabasoft Cloud user help, and the white paper "Model-Based Customizing: new window".

ProcessesPermanent link for this heading

This area displays the processes provided by the configuration. Users, organizations, organizational units and external organizations can be involved in the processing of business objects via workflow by starting a process that can be processed in the worklist. Typical processes are approval and release processes.

Note: More information can be found in the general Fabasoft Cloud user help in the chapter “Workflow: new window”, and the white paper "Model-Based Customizing: new window".

TemplatesPermanent link for this heading

This area displays the templates provided via the configuration. Nearly all objects and especially documents can be defined as templates. In this way new objects or documents based on a template can be created.

Note: For more information regarding templates please refer to the chapters “General Settings in Configurations and Shelves: new window” and “Customizing: new window” in the general Fabasoft Cloud user help.

Text ModulesPermanent link for this heading

This area displays the text modules provided via configuration that can be inserted in products. You can use text modules to insert predefined standard texts into Microsoft Word documents.

Note: For more information regarding text modules, please refer to the chapters “General Settings in Configurations and Shelves: new window” and “Customizing: new window” in the general Fabasoft Cloud user help.

TagsPermanent link for this heading

In addition to terms, which are managed in the thesauri area, the tagging function is available for keywording. Unlike terms, tags are managed entirely by administrators in the configuration of the solution. Users can only use existing tags for tagging and cannot create their own.


  • For more information on how to create tags and thus provide tagging functionality to your users, please refer to the administration help of your DAM configuration in the chapter “Tags: new window”.
  • If you have already created tags via the DAM configuration, you can “copy-and-paste” as shortcuts to the Publishing configuration for reuse.

ThesauriPermanent link for this heading

In the Thesauri area, terms are managed, which can be used for keywording. Thesauri are hierarchically nested keywords or term trees.


  • For more information on how to create terms manually or import Thesauri and manage them, please refer to the administration help of your DAM configuration in the chapter “Thesauri: new window”.
  • If you have already created or imported terms via DAM configuration, you can “copy-and-paste” them as shortcuts to the Publishing configuration for reuse. Also, you can download them from the DAM configuration and import them into the Publishing configuration.

PreferencesPermanent link for this heading

This area displays the presettings provided via configuration (view settings, search patterns, time spans). App administrators can create search patterns. In addition, it is possible to store view settings in lists via the menu command "View" > "View Settings" > "Save" in the configuration.

Note: More information can be found in the general Fabasoft Cloud user help in the chapter “Customizing: new window”.

Failed Background TasksPermanent link for this heading

This area displays failed background tasks (only visible if there is at least one failed background task). You can perform the following manual actions: "Set next execution", "Send link" and "Delete".

Settings of the Publishing ConfigurationPermanent link for this heading

In addition to the areas of the configuration that can be accessed via widgets or tabs, you can find further settings via the corresponding action in the tool area of your Publishing configuration.

Access Management and Security SettingsPermanent link for this heading

The “Team” action in the tool area allows you to manage access rights. Assign one of the following roles to individual users or entire teams or organizational units to authorize them to use the Publishing solution.


  • App Administrators
    App administrators can manage the Publishing configuration. This includes, for example, managing access rights, project and product types, layout templates, BPMN processes, and security settings.
  • App Users
    App users can use the publishing configuration. To gain access to products, app users must also be authorized in the respective project or product.
  • App Users (external)
    External app users (e.g., customers) are granted access to external areas in which they have been authorized. In addition, they can view publications.

After selecting the "Team" action, you will find further "Security settings" above the roles, which are subdivided into the following tabs.

Security Settings Tab

Here you can define the following default security settings for the organization's Publishing solution or on the project or product level. Define which type of shortcuts may be stored. Manage what content can be opened/downloaded on end devices. Define who can add team members. Define a main administrator and a support team. Disable or enable trace output.

Watermark Tab

If you enable the use of watermarks here, you can create a watermark and specify the desired settings for the watermark.

Public Links Tab

Here you can allow the use of public links. Using the "Block Content Downloads" field, you can prevent the "Download" button from being offered for public links (even for existing ones). Furthermore, you can set default values for access restriction.

Other SettingsPermanent link for this heading

Further configurational settings for your projects and products, you can set via the action "Settings" in your tool area.

General Settings tab

  • Name
    The name of the configuration.
  • Subject
    The description of the configuration.
  • Holiday Table
    Defines the holiday table to be used in the configuration context (otherwise the default holiday table is used).
  • Restrict Shortcuts Within Teamroom
    Defines which type of shortcuts may be stored in the configuration. You can restrict the permitted shortcuts to objects that are assigned to the organization or to objects that are assigned to the configuration.
  • Restrict the Downloading or Opening of Content on the Device.
    Allows to restrict team members who can open or download content at the device.
  • Roles That Are Allowed to Open or Download Content on the Device.
    Defines which permissions a team member must have in order to open or download content on the device.
  • All Team Members May Add Members
    Specifies whether all team members can add users to the team or only team members with “Full Control”. Members with change access may grant or revoke change access or read access to other members. Members with read access may grant or revoke read access to other members.
  • Restrict Team Members
    Defines the organizations, organizational units, teams and external organizations whose members may be added to the configuration. If the list does not contain any entries, members can be added without restriction.
  • Main Administrator
    Specifies the user who will receive the automatically generated e-mail messages concerning the configuration. Otherwise, all app administrators receive the e-mail messages. The user is also listed as a contact in case of missing permissions.
  • Support Team
    The support team handles the organization-internal management of support requests in the respective context.
  • Activate Advanced Mode
    Advanced mode includes, for example, working with multiple trays, as well as managing templates and presettings.
  • Activate Trace Outputs
    For example, as a form designer, when you use expressions for calculation or validation, it can sometimes be difficult to identify errors in the expressions. To simplify analysis, you can write trace output to the web browser console (cooobj.Trace("string"); or cooobj.Trace("string", value);).

Logos tab

  • Logo
    When the logo is defined for a Teamroom, it is used in the Teamroom's title bar and in the card view. When the logo is defined for an organization, it is used in the organization's title bar and card view. It is also displayed in the header bar, if no logo has been defined for the header bar.
  • Logo for Thumbnail
    The logo is displayed in list views.
  • Here you can select a default logo
    At the Publishing configuration level, you can set the default logo for thumbnail here, overriding "Logo for preview".
  • Use Background Image of the Organization
    If a background image has been set in the context of organizational management, you can define here that this image is also used in the Publishing solution as a background for all personal dashboards (e.g. Publishing, Publishing Configuration, Projects).
  • Default Background Image
    As an alternative to a self-defined background image, a standard background image can be used.

Default Values” Tab

  • Default Thesaurus for New Terms
    If a default thesaurus is specified, new terms can be created directly during keywording.
  • Default Categories
    When an object is created, the specified category is assigned according to the defined object class. In the Apply to field, you can specify whether the setting applies to instances, templates, or both.
    Note: The default categories are also applied to projects/products if they have been explicitly defined for projects/products.
  • Default Processes
    When an object is created, the specified process is assigned according to the defined object class or category. In the Apply to field, you can specify whether the setting applies to instances, templates, or both.
    Note: The default processes are also applied to projects/products if they have been explicitly defined for projects/products.
  • Default Background Tasks
    When an object is created, the specified background tasks are assigned.
  • Release Process for Templates and Presettings
    In order to use templates, text modules, forms and categories, processes and presettings, they must be released. If a process is to be used for the release, a BPMN process diagram can be defined here. Release processes must contain the "Release for Usage" activity.

Content Settings tab

  • Allow Comments
    Defines whether PDF annotations can be added to documents.
  • Allowed Types for Comments
    Defines the allowed types of comments (public or private).
  • Preferred Type for Comments
    Defines the type of comment initially selected when commenting.
  • Users With Read Access Are Allowed to Comment Publicly
    Defines whether users with read access are allowed to add public comments.
  • Allow Public Links
    Defines whether public links may be published.
  • Generate Cover sheet for PDF Overviews of documents
    Specifies whether a cover sheet is generated for PDF overviews of documents.
  • Use Watermarks
    Defines whether documents are automatically converted into protected PDF documents with a definable watermark.
  • Remove PDF document restrictions on upload
    Specifies whether the PDF document restrictions are removed when uploading PDF documents. User passwords will not be removed.

General tab

  • Name
    The name of the configuration.
  • Subject
    The description of the configuration.
  • Terms
    In this field terms can be set to keyword current objects.
  • Tags
    Tags can be set in this field. The tagging function is also used for keywording objects.
  • Category
    Allows assigning a category for the current object.
  • Object Class
    Displays the object class of the current object.
  • Highlight Color
    In this field, how the object should be displayed can be specified. (“Regular”, “Highlighted”, “Red”, Blue”, etc.)
  • Fabasoft Cloud ID
    This field displays the cloud ID (address) of the current object.
  • Import identifier
    Use this field as identification for importing from external systems. This ID should be unique in the corresponding context.