2025 March Release

Publishing DashboardPermanent link for this heading

The Publishing Dashboard is your access point to the Publishing solution.

When you are added as an app user to a Publishing configuration, a dashboard is automatically created and placed as a widget ("Publishing") on "Home". When you are removed as an app user, the dashboard/widget will also get removed.


The Publishing dashboard is divided into the following sections:

  • Products in Progress - Chart
    Displays the 10 most recent products.
  • Projects
    Displays projects you have access to.
  • Products
    Displays products you have access to.
  • Recently Used
    Displays projects and products in a list that you have recently used.


You can execute the following actions:

  • Create Project
    You can create a new project based on a pre-defined project type.
  • Switch to Configuration
    As an app administrator, you can switch to the Publishing configuration.
  • Settings
    You can set general properties of the Publishing Dashboard (for example, the logo or the notification setting).

Displaying list entries flat Permanent link for this heading

The lists of projects and products displayed on the dashboard are designed for a maximum number of approx. 10,000 entries to ensure high-performance sorting and grouping of the entries.

For large amounts of data, the option is available to display the list entries in a search-based flat list. This displays a list with a maximum of 10,000 entries. You can use a search dialog to search for entries in the total quantity of projects or products and display the result in the list.

To display the contents of the projects and products in a flat list, proceed as follows:

  1. On the Publishing Dashboard, click on the "Switch to configuration" entry in the action bar.
  2. Right-click on the "Xpublisher Configuration" entry in the title bar
  3. In the context menu under "Tools", select the entry "Display Entries in Flat List".
  4. Confirm the following dialog by clicking on "Switch".
  5. The list is now displayed as a search-based list once the action has been completed.

Note: The behavior can be undone via the "Structure list entries in folder" action in the same place in the context menu.

Execute, save, load and reset searchesPermanent link for this heading

As soon as you have changed the mode of the lists, new entries are available in the action bar.

  • Search
    Opens the search dialog and allows you to search through the entire set of projects or products.
  • Refresh
    Refreshes the results of the currently displayed search.
  • Further search functions
    • Reset search
      Resets the search and displays the first 10,000 hits.
    • Save search form
      Saves the current search pattern and allows it to be loaded again.
    • Load search form
      Allows a saved search pattern to be loaded and executes the search.