2024 August Release

Publishing DashboardPermanent link for this heading

The Publishing Dashboard is your access point to the Publishing solution.

When you are added as an app user to a Publishing configuration, a dashboard is automatically created and placed as a widget ("Publishing") on "Home". When you are removed as an app user, the dashboard/widget will also get removed.


The Publishing dashboard is divided into the following sections:

  • Products in Progress - Chart
    Displays the 10 most recent products.
  • Projects
    Displays projects you have access to.
  • Products
    Displays products you have access to.
  • Recently Used
    Displays projects and products in a list that you have recently used.


You can execute the following actions:

  • Create Project
    You can create a new project based on a pre-defined project type.
  • Switch to Configuration
    As an app administrator, you can switch to the Publishing configuration.
  • Settings
    You can set general properties of the Publishing Dashboard (for example, the logo or the notification setting).