2025 February Release

Digital Asset Management 2022 September ReleasePermanent link for this heading

Find out more about new features and improvements in digital asset management.

UserPermanent link for this heading

As an end user, you can expect the following new features.

Tagging assetsPermanent link for this heading

As an additional option for tagging objects, tagging functionality is now available for the DAM and multichannel publishing solution. End users can only use existing tags that have been preconfigured by administrators. Tags are maintained in the metadata of objects, i.e. assets, products and projects.

Search List "All AssetsPermanent link for this heading

On the Digital Asset Management dashboard, users can now easily access the entire asset inventory via the "All Assets" widget and search it for specific content in a central location using filter criteria.

AdministratorsPermanent link for this heading

As administrators, you can expect the following new features.

Tagging assetsPermanent link for this heading

The tagging functionality offers an additional option for tagging objects and can be activated for both the DAM and the Multichannel Publishing solution. Similar to the tagging functionality, you can define in the DAM or Multichannel Publishing configuration whether end users can see tags as (mandatory) fields in the asset properties and thus enable them for use. Tags are fully managed by administrators in the configuration. End users can only work with already existing tags. This is the main difference to terms, which can also be preconfigured by administrators in the Thesaurus section, but where end users can additionally create their own tags for use.