2024 December Release

Fabasoft Approve 2023 November ReleasePermanent link for this heading

Find out more about new features and improvements in Fabasoft Approve.

Common InnovationsPermanent link for this heading

The following common innovations await you in the current Fabasoft Approve 2023 November release.

AdministratorsPermanent link for this heading

As an administrator you can expect the following new feature.

IAM IntegrationPermanent link for this heading

Fabasoft Approve uses the "Microsoft Graph User Import Object" to enable end-to-end synchronization of users assigned to Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD) groups with Teams within a Fabasoft Cloud organization.

Automated identity and access management is used to determine which authorizations are assigned to those Fabasoft Approve users who are linked to the AD. This makes it possible to automatically authorize users (groups) for previously defined roles in rooms such as plants, projects, directories, etc. in Fabasoft Approve.

To be able to use the Microsoft Graph Toolkit, an application must be registered directly in the Active Directory. This enables access to resources via the OAuth (Open Authorization) standard. Registration is carried out by clicking the "New registration" button in the AD.

For more information on IAM integration and how to use it, please refer to our white paper "IAM Integration Documentation": new window.